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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



While working undercover, Joe makes a startling discovery.  I don't own the Hardy Boys, not making any money, just cheap trhills.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Disclaimer: I don't own The Hardy Boys, not making any money, just cheap thrills.

Warnings: Angst, Slash(not graphic), Violence

Rating: FRT

Summary: While working undercover, Joe makes a startling discovery


Chapter 1

Fenton peeked into the living room, smiling affectionately at his sons who lay sprawled out watching their latest dvd. "Boys could you come into my office please?"

Frank looked up from the movie, giving his dad a curious look, "Sure Dad, be right there," he answered for them both. Picking up a pillow, he tossed it at his brother, pulling his attention away from the television.

"What'd ya do that for?" Joe demanded, picking up the pillow to toss back.

"Dad wants to see us in his office," Frank explained before his brother could launch the missile.

Joe laid the pillow aside and hopped up from the chair he was sprawled in. "Well why didn't you just say so?"

"Joe you were so engrossed in the movie you didn't even hear Dad, what makes you think I would've had any better luck?"

"Good point," Joe replied with a grin.

Pushing open the door to their father's office, he quickly claimed the couch, sprawling out so that his brother would have to take the chair.

Fenton watched the boys with an amused smile as he waited patiently for them to get settled in their seats. "Boys I have a case I need your help with."

"Sure Dad," Joe quickly agreed, eager for another mystery to solve.

"What do you need Dad?" Frank, the more practical of the two, asked.

"What do you two know about pirated dvds?"

"I know that there's a lot of money to be made from them." Frank answered.

"Yes son, there is," Fenton confirmed. "The movie and television industries lose billions of dollars a year to pirated dvds. I've been investigating a pirating ring in New York but I've run into a snag."

"What kind of snag?" Frank asked.

"How can we help?"

Fenton smiled, "We have a couple of suspects, we don't think they're really high up in the ring but they could lead to the top guys. The problem is we have no evidence that would allow us to bring them in for questioning, which means we can't lean on them to give up their bosses. What I need from you boys is some undercover work." Fenton opened up a couple of folders, handing one to Frank and one to Joe. "Doug Powers," he began, "works in the offices of Global Import/Export Incorporated. You'd be going undercover Frank, as a clerk in that same office. Try to become friends with Powers, see what you can find out."

"Will the office manager know that I'm undercover?"

"Yes, we've investigated her thoroughly and are certain she has nothing to do with the piracy ring." Turning to Joe, he explained his role. "The man you'll be attempting to get close to is Dale Morris, he works on the docks themselves, also as an employ of Global."

Frank frowned, his suspicions immediately raised by this news. "Dad, are you sure that Global isn't involved in the piracy ring?"

"We're sure Frank. We've checked everything, surreptitiously of course, and the shipments of dvds we've found being funneled through Global were off the books. The company doesn't know anything about them, all of the paperwork begins and ends in that office. These men aren't stupid though, they've made sure to use different names on the paperwork, none of them actual employs of Global, making it impossible to prove who is guilty. So, what do you boys think?" Fenton asked, leaning back in his chair.

"We'll do it!" Joe enthusiastically agreed.

"We will?" Frank asked with an arched eyebrow. He fully intended to say yes, he just couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his brother.

"Don't you want to do it Frank?" Joe asked, puzzled by his brother's reaction.

"I don't know Joe," Frank replied thoughtfully. Rubbing his chin he pretended to think about it, much to his father's amusement. "I mean this country was founded on the principles of freedom and we do have a free market economy. Do we really have the right to interfere with somebody's business?"

Joe stared at his brother, shock clearly written on his face. "Ha, ha, very funny big brother," he sarcastically replied as he realized what Frank was doing.

"Had you going for a minute, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you got me," Joe good-naturedly agreed.

Frank grinned, it wasn't very often that he got to play a joke on his brother, usually it was the other way around. Turning back to his father, he quickly got down to business. "What are our names and cover stories?"

"You'll go in as Frank Simmons, you come from a wealthy family. Your father, tired of your refusal to work, kicked you out and cut off your allowance. With no real world experience, this low-level clerk job was all you could find and you're angry over being forced to do without the things you're used to."

"Got it, I know exactly how to play it."

"Good, now Joe."

"Yes Dad?"

"You'll go in as Joe Harris, you've just moved to New York after having aged out of the foster care system. You've been living in Middleport and wanted to get away from the small town where everybody knew you and you couldn't get a fair shake."

Joe grinned, "Let me guess, Dale grew up in foster care?"

Fenton smiled, "Very good Joe, that's exactly right. Any other questions?"

"When do we start and how do we get in touch with you?" Frank asked.

"You start Monday morning," Fenton replied. "Staying in touch will be a bit more difficult. Of course if either of you suspects you or your brother are in danger, call immediately. For normal contact though, Joe will have to pass any information he finds to Frank in the guise of normal paperwork, or after work. Frank, having family, can contact me and if anybody asks he's calling his older brother. We'll use the usual codes of course."

"Yes sir," both boys answered simultaneously. "Will we need any kind of disguise?"

"No, I don't believe that will be necessary."

"Where will we be staying?"

Fenton frowned, this was the part that he disliked the most. "You'll have to live in the city and I'm afraid the apartments you'd be able to afford on your salaries aren't very nice."

"That's okay Dad, after all we need to be in character," Joe soothed his father.

"I know Joe, but, well as you say it's necessary. I've made sure they're as nice as possible and they're in the same building so you'll be able to keep an eye on each other. Here are the adresses and keys," he said as he handed them each a slip of paper and a key. "You will each have a cell phone, the pay as you go type. I don't believe anybody will find that suspicious. Many people today don't have a land line but only a cell phone."

"Sounds good," Frank mumbled as he looked over the information he'd been given.

"Well you boys better get started on the arrangements you'll need to make."

"Yes sir," they both said.

"Hey Frank you mind if I take the van down to Goodwill?" Joe asked as they left the office.

"Good idea Joe, as a foster kid you wouldn't have real good clothes."

"Exactly what I was thinking."

"Sure Joe. Just be back by six, I have a date with Callie."

"No problem."

Joe looked around the docks, hoping to spot his target. He smiled as he spotted him. Unobtrusively he made his way towards where the other man was working and began to pitch in. He didn't speak to Dale though, having decided that as a foster kid he wouldn't be likely to be quick to strike up a conversation. Silently he worked, occasionally casting a glance in Dale's direction.

Dale had noticed the looks the new guy was shooting his way. Having been warned by his boss of the ongoing investigation, he was feeling extra cautious, making him jumpy. "Can I help you with something?" Dale demanded.

"Sorry," Joe mumbled. "I'm new in town and I was trying to decide if I should introduce myself, guess not," he explained, sounding disappointed.

Dale smiled, "New in town huh? What's your name?"

Joe smiled, looked like he had successfully alleviated the man's suspicions. "Joe Harris."

"I'm Dale Morris. Where you from?"

"Middleport," Joe replied with a scowl.

"Didn't like it?" Dale asked as they continued to work.

"Not much there for somebody like me."

"Somebody like you?" Dale asked, his interest piqued.

"Foster kid, people there looked at me like I was trash. I figured to get out of there as soon as I aged out of the system, which I did last week. Took the money I'd saved up from working odd jobs and came to the city to make my fortune," Joe explained with a grin.

"I know what ya mean man," Dale sympathized. "It's even worse if you're a gay foster kid," he added, testing the waters.

Joe swallowed, quickly glancing away to hide his surprise. Realizing he could use this to his advantage, he mumbled an agreement as he prayed he could pull this off.

"Hey man, you ain't got to worry about me," Dale assured him, misreading his body language as fear of condemnation. "I'm gay too."

"That how you picked up on it?" Joe asked, playing along.

"Yeah, but you hide it real well."

"Might be cause I only figured it out recently," Joe explained.

"That might be it," Dale agreed. "Want to go out after work? Grab a pizza?"

"Um, yeah, okay," Joe stuttered uncertainly.

"Don't worry Joe, I won't jump your bones," Dale assured him. "Unless you want me to," he added, waggling his eyebrows at him in a lecherous manner.

Joe blushed, "Thanks," he mumbled.

Dale grinned, "You're cute when ya blush," he teased, his green eyes twinkling. He laughed out loud when this brought a deeper blush to the younger man's cheeks. "Where do you live?"

"Um, why don't I just meet you?" Joe suggested.

Dale nodded, remembering how nervous he had been when he'd first gotten out of foster care. "Sure man, do you know where Luigi's is?"


"I'll give you the address at lunch time."


"Meet you about seven?" Dale asked.

"Sounds good."

"Harris, Morris, you two aren't getting paid to chit chat, get back to work!" the foreman yelled.

"Sure thing boss, just trying to make the new guy feel welcome," Dale grinned as he turned back to the crates they were stacking.

"How'd it go?" Frank asked as he stood in the kitchen of Joe's apartment.

"Not bad, I'm going out for pizza with Dale in a little while." He didn't explain to his brother the true nature of the meeting. Joe wasn't sure which was the bigger reason, to keep Frank from worrying or to keep himself from being teased.

"That didn't take long."

Joe shrugged, "He's a friendly guy."

"He's also a big guy Joe, I saw him out on the docks today."


"So, he's got at least four inches and fifty pounds on you."

"We're just going out for pizza Frank," Joe sighed. He loved his brother, he really did, but sometimes he took his job as the older brother a little too seriously.

"Just be careful Joe, that's all I ask."

"What about your guy, any progress?"

"No," Frank scowled. "Doug Powers is a very suspicious man, it's gonna take time to get him to let his guard down."

"Well I'm sure you'll manage it Frank" Joe responded with confidence.

"I hope so. Guess I better get going so you can get cleaned up, and Joe..."

"Be careful," Joe finished the sentence. His grin as he watched his brother leave the apartment gave no hint to the nervousness he felt over going out with Dale. He prayed he could pull this off. As he cleaned up, getting ready for his date, Joe blushed at that thought, his mind was feverishly working on excuses for why he couldn't do anything beyond a kiss. "Oh damn," Joe whispered. "I might have to kiss him, I can't do it," he moaned. "Stop it Hardy, you have to keep your cover and Dale thinking you're gay is the best way you have to get close to him. It's no different than if you had to kiss a girl to keep your cover intact," he tried to tell himself. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he forced himself to calm down as he continued to get ready. All too soon, in Joe's opinion, it was time to leave the relative safety of his apartment. "Sheesh Joe, it's just a date, you're not going off to war," he chuckled to himself.

Dale sat in a booth at Luigi's, impatiently waiting for Joe's arrival. Running his fingers through his dark hair, he tried to calm down as he reminded himself that it was only their first date, if it could even be called a date. Joe had only recently discovered he was gay, he reminded himself. "Have to move slow," he whispered. The bell above the door jingled, bringing Dale's head up. He smiled at the gorgeous young man who stepped through the doorway, "Joe, over here," he called, waving him over.

Joe smiled nervously as he made his way through the restaurant to the booth where Dale sat. "Hey Dale," he greeted as he slid into his seat.

"Glad you could make it Joe, have any trouble finding the place?"

"Nah, it was easy to find."

"Good, so how long have you been in New York?"

"Not long, just got here a week ago."

"So you just turned eighteen?"

"Yeah, ten days before I moved here."

"We have to celebrate," Dale grinned.

"No reason to, just another birthday."

Dale's grin faltered, he'd forgotten how unimportant birthdays were when you were a foster kid. "Hey," he softly spoke, laying his hand over Joe's, "it's not just another birthday. It's the one that freed you from the system and brought you to the city so we could meet."

Joe smiled, "I hadn't thought of it that way."

"I understand, it's hard to feel special when you're just one more case in an overloaded system."

"Yeah," Joe softly agreed. "So how long have you lived in New York?"

"Three years, I was living in upstate New York until I aged out of the system. I was like you, figured I'd move to the city where there was more opportunity and fewer stares from people that thought I wasn't as good as them."

"You boys ready to order?" the waitress interrupted their conversation.

"What kind of pizza do you like Joe?"

"Anything but anchovies."

"We'll take a large pie with everything except anchovies and I'll have a draft beer to drink."

"I'll just have a coke, thanks."

"Got it, be back in a few with your drinks."

"What happened to your family Dale, if you don't mind me asking?"

"My folks died in a car wreck when I was ten, there wasn't anybody else and I went into the system. What about you?"

"Dad died when I was four, Mom went three years later."

"Been in the system since?"

"No, I didn't go in until the year after Mom died. There was an elderly aunt on my dad's side that took me in, but then she had a stroke and there wasn't anybody else."

"Here you go boys," the waitress interrupted again, setting their drinks in front of them.

"Thanks for inviting me out Dale, it's kind of lonely in the city."

"I'm glad you said yes," Dale smiled. "So, besides pizza what do you like?"

Joe grinned as they began to talk about their likes and dislikes. As they talked, he found himself relaxing more and more, even managing to forget that, at least in Dale's mind, this was a date. By the time the evening ended, he had discovered that he and Dale shared a love for photography and muscle cars. "What's your dream car?"

"A sixty-seven Chevy Impala," Dale replied with a grin. "I'm gonna own one someday, you just watch and see," he vowed. "What about you?"

"Sixty-nine Dodge Charger," Joe replied.

"Like the Dukes of Hazzard? Well you do look something like Bo, got somebody in mind for Luke?" he teased.

Joe blushed, "Did you watch that show too?"

"Yeah, it was a fun show."

"Did you ever wish you lived there?"

"Sure, I think most kids that watched it did. You gonna paint your charger like the General Lee?"

Joe frowned, "Actually I was thinking of a nice dark blue."

"That sounds good, I'm planning on black for my Impala."

"Nice," Joe nodded appreciatively. Glancing up at the clock, he was surprised to see how late it was. "Oh man, we better get going if we're gonna make it to work in the morning."

"Huh?" Dale shook himself, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from Joe's face. "Oh, yeah guess we better. You live far from here?"

"Not too far, figured I'd walk."

"Mind some company?"

Joe thought it over, after a moment he came to the conclusion that Joe Harris would probably accept the offer. "I don't want you to go out of your way."

"Where do you live?" Dale asked. "That's only a couple of buildings down from mine," he grinned after Joe gave him the address. "You want any dessert?"

"No thanks," Joe declined.

As they walked out of the restaurant a few minutes later, Dale reached for Joe's hand. He frowned when Joe flinched and pulled away. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Joe kicked himself, way to go Hardy, gonna blow your cover if you're not careful. "No, I'm's just, well what if somebody sees us?" he asked, blurting out the first excuse he could think of.

Dale chuckled, "You're cute ya know that? Joe, this is the big city remember? Nobody is going to care about two guys holding hands."

"Oh," Joe mumbled. "Guess you're right."

"I know I'm right," Dale vowed, again reaching for Joe's hand.

Expecting it this time, Joe didn't flinch, even managing a small smile for the older man. They walked in silence, each of them lost in thought. Soon they stood outside Joe's building, and the moment Joe had been dreading had arrived, he prayed he wouldn't give the game away.

"I had a nice time Joe," Dale softly spoke, pulling the blond close.

"Me too," Joe whispered, shyly glancing up into soft green eyes. He saw the look, recognizing immediately what it meant. Bracing himself, he closed his eyes as Dale lowered his head, his lips softly pressing against Joe's. It's just a kiss Joe, no different than kissing a girl, he told himself. Forcing himself to respond, he parted his lips, allowing Dale to deepen the kiss. It was like a jolt of electricity shooting through him! Suddenly he wasn't just acting a part, he was eagerly responding to the passionate kiss as he tightened his hold on Dale, pulling him closer.

"Wow," Dale whispered when the kiss finally ended.

"Yeah," Joe softly agreed, blushing furiously.

"I wish I didn't have to go."

Joe quickly took a step back, "Um, I'm not ready for that Dale. I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"Hey, shhhh, you don't have anything to apologize for," Dale soothed, pulling Joe back into his arms.

"I don't?"

"Of course not. I know you're new at this Joe, I'm more than willing to take my time."

"You are?"

"Yes, I are," Dale smiled. "I have the feeling you'll be worth the wait," he softly added. Lowering his head, he again brushed his lips over Joe's. Dale had been with a few men, but he'd never been affected this quickly or this deeply by any of the others. He moaned lightly as the kiss deepened, bringing a reaction from his body, a reaction he knew might scare Joe off. Reluctantly he broke the kiss, taking a step away. "Damn, that could get addictive."

"Yeah," Joe agreed, still dazed by his reaction to Dale's kisses.

"I better go," Dale said, though he made no move to leave.

"Yeah, me too." Giving himself a mental shake, Joe turned away and walked into the building. He could feel Dale's eyes on his back as he went inside, bringing a flood of warmth to his face. Quickly he made his way up to his apartment, thankful that Frank wasn't waiting for him outside the door. Still in a daze, Joe let himself into his apartment. Walking into the bathroom, he stared into the mirror above the sink surprised that he looked no different. He should look different, how could his world turn upside down and leave him looking as he always had?


Hope y'all are enjoying my first attempt at a Hardy Boys fic. Please feed the muse with reviews, a happy muse is a productive muse.