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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Vigil


Fandom: The Sentinel
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Spoilers: This is a missing scene for 'Blind Man's Bluff' after Blair is placed in the hospital, with Jim by his side.
Author's Note: Thanks as always to Lyn for catching all my mistakes. You're the best. This is yet another missing scene for 'Blind Man's Bluff', my personal favorite Sentinel episode.

Work Text:

The Vigil
By Debbie

Jim turned back toward his friend, lying still in the bed. He'd been here ever since the hospital personnel placed Blair in the ICU room. Jim was able to focus his four fully functioning senses on Blair, to keep watch. The overwhelming sound in the room was the respirator pumping air into Blair's lungs. Underneath that sound, Jim could hear Blair's heartbeat, still somewhat erratic after the incident in the garage.

Jim reached out his hand, trying to *see* Blair's hand, but only seeing a Golden-blurred outline. By inching his hand forward, he bumped against Blair's hand, taking it into his own.

"Hey, Chief. I have to tell you, you scared several years off my life with that incident in the garage. I was so afraid that one of the officers was going to shoot you. I'm just glad you listened to me."

Jim fell silent. He gently grasped Blair's hand a little tighter, inching up to find the pulse point on his wrist.

Jim was able to track Blair's slight movement.

"It's okay, Blair. You're in the hospital and they had to put a breathing tube down your throat. Just try to relax."

Jim wished again that he could see Blair's face, but he knew how scared the young man would be.

"I'm right here with you and I plan on staying."

Jim felt Blair's weak grasp of his hand.

"Just relax and get some rest. It will be okay and we can talk later. You just have to be patient."

Blair's grasp on Jim's hand relaxed and his heartbeat started to slow down. It was the only reliable evidence Jim had that Blair drifted off again. He continued his hold on Blair's hand, needing the lifeline it gave to both of them.

As he sat by the bed, Jim replayed the scene in the police garage over and over in his mind. Everything was a Golden blur, but Jim made his way to Blair's side and was able to talk him into relinquishing the gun without any damage to anyone. It was a foolish risk, but one Jim was willing to take for his friend. Blair would have done the same thing for Jim, had the roles been reversed.

The shudder that ran through Jim was a result of how close and how different the whole situation could have been. One of the officers might have shot Blair, or Blair might have hit one of the officers, including Jim as he neared closer and closer. Jim knew he had to be involved in the apprehension of the people responsible for targeting the police department and Major Crime specifically.

"I'll find out who did this, Chief. I'm sure Simon won't want me involved in the physical apprehension, but he's got to let me help with the investigation. I know your argument, but I have four fully functioning hyper senses that will come in handy. Don't worry about me. My sight is improving day to day and at least now, the images are starting to form familiar shapes and are less blurry."

Jim tried once more to will his sight to return, wanting to see Blair clearly. He closed his eyes and slowly opened them.

"Damn!" Nothing had changed. "Sorry about that. It's just so frustrating not being able to see clearly. I know you can hear me, Chief. We'll get those responsible for this. I'd like to have you by my side. I know I don't tell you enough that you are a great help to me with my senses. I know you stay because you genuinely care about me. That's something that I'm not used to. You've changed my perception of just about everything. Especially of long-haired graduate students."

Jim realized Blair was aware again by his fingers moving against Jim's hand.

"Hey, Chief. Are you coming to again? Remember what I said before - don't try to fight the breathing tube."

Jim noted the sudden spike in Blair's heartbeat. Jim leaned closer and spoke to Blair.

"Calm down, Chief! You are going to be just fine. The breathing tube is just a precaution."

Through his blurred vision, Jim could detect Blair thrashing in the bed, trying to escape something unknown.

"Calm down, Blair! It's going to be okay."

But Blair became more agitated as the seconds passed. Soon, a nurse came into the room, injecting something into the IV line. Jim could barely make out the action.

"I think you should leave now, Detective Ellison."

"What did you give him?"

"Just something to help him relax. He was becoming too agitated. We told you that he needed to get some rest in order to regain his strength."

"I didn't do anything to upset him, nurse. I was just talking to him."

"The doctor requested that Mr. Sandburg not have any visitors for a while."

Jim didn't want to leave the room, but knew there would be no recourse if the doctor banned him from Blair's side. He slowly got to his feet, focusing his remaining four fully functioning senses on his guide and friend.

"I'll be back, Chief. Mind the doctors and the nurses."

Jim inched his way outside the Intensive Care room and stood just outside the door. He looked towards the door, trying still to see more than blurry images and Golden outlines.

Suddenly, there was a touch on his shoulder. Simon was there with him to offer support.

"How is the kid?"

"He's been drifting in and out of consciousness. He was irritated the last time he came to. He's fighting the breathing tube, even though I told him not to."

"Maybe you should go home, Jim. I can take you."

"I need to find out who is responsible for this, Simon. You've got to let me help as much as I can."

"Jim... you're not much help in your current condition. You can't do a normal investigation."

"Just let me help, Simon. I promise I won't hinder the investigation or get in the way. I promised Blair I'd find the ones responsible."

Simon didn't want to have Jim involved in any way, shape, or form, but knew Jim would do his own thing if Simon denied him access to the investigation.

"You stay with me and I tell you how much involvement you have."

Simon could see the relief pass across Jim's face and knew how much Jim wanted these dealers. Simon felt the same way, especially when he looked at how helpless Blair was in the hospital bed. This was personal for all of them and Simon knew he wouldn't rest until they found the dealers, hopefully putting them away for a long time.