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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Coherent Probie


McGee has a hard time accepting.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

I can't help it, he undoes me. His stupid jokes and those annoying movie references. The way he calls me Probie just to annoy me. He teases me just like all the others did back in high school. But there's something about his teasing that's so purely innnocent, unlike all the others, he doesn't want to hurt me.


He thinks I don't notice, but I do. Whenever one of the other agents makes fun at my expense, he gets all Gibbs on them. I swear, he can be that scary if you make him angry. Pissed off Gibbs, you know what to expect. Pissed off Tony? You don't want to see that. Even Gibbs gets all bothered when Tony's in one of his moods.


And Tony in protective mode, protecting me of all people, makes me so hard I could come in my pants right then. At least it makes sure that I have to spend the next fifteen minutes in the men's room, biting my lips so hard to avoid any noise that more often than not I get back in the squadroom trying to stop my lips from bleeding.


It is then that I get The Look, capitalized. Gibbs will know. Gibbs always does. He'll look at me, icy blue trying to freeze me to death at room temperature. I will squirm, feeling all sticky, getting flashbacks of imaginery DiNozzo mouth on my cock and Gibbs can see it all. Like with one look my mind is laid bare.


I don't like feeling so exposed, it's not as if I wanted to fall for that annoying prick. But, come on, Tony is sexy as hell. Everyone imagines him hot and bothered at one time or another. I do. Kate did, I'd never tell in fear of getting my balls ripped off, but she dreamed of him, and it was exactly that kind of dream, whatever she tries to tell you. Even Gibbs is not immune to Tony. For all my nerdyness, I know when someone's mentally undressing another person. Abby, well, she doesn't keep quiet when she thinks somebody is hot, plus, she is one horny girl anyway. And if Gibbs wasn't so adamant about Rule #12, Ziva would have screwed Tony a long time ago.


I love my job and imagining won't get me fired. I'm an author after all. I can imagine. So. Very. Detailed.


Surpressing an awkward cough, I concentrate back on reality. Looking up, I see Gibbs inspecting me knowingly. I suppress the huge urge to adjust my pants, the sticky feeling is still there.


"Go home, people." Gibbs announces and I sigh, berating myself not to zone out next time I have to finish a report.


Everyone is getting their things and preparing to leave, while I am hammering with more determination on my keyboard.


"McGee?" Ziva asks, already dressed in her coat. It's not even winter yet and she's wrapped up like there's a blizzard outside.


Sighing, I look up. "I have to finish my report first. See you tomorrow."


Tony throws me one of those inquiring gazes that always tell me he cares. It makes my knees go weak, and right now, I'm really glad I'm sitting. "That's so not like you, Probie. Not having finished your report in time?  Lost some of your geek abilities and got more, well, human? As in social?"


I bite my lip. Yeah, more human. You could say that. A lot more human, indeed. As in horny, at least.


"Go, or I'll find something for you to work on!" The bark is not all that unexpected, I guess.


I snicker at the rushed shuffling that follows.


Alone now, the dimly lit bullpen seems calm. A shower and then some sleep sound like a really good idea at the moment. Exasperated that the report is not going to be finished today, I decide to come in tomorrow earlier and give it another try. Packing up my things I use the stairs to get to the parking garage. Opening the door that leads to the level my car is parked, I hear voices. Lightening my step, I creep nearer. Hey, I'm an investigator, I solve mysteries, it's a natural reaction.


"He did it again today."


I frown, that is Gibbs' voice. Looking around a corner, I see Tony and the boss standing next to the Mustang.


Tony chuckles. "Let him be."


The merryness that is apparent on Tony's face makes Gibbs growl.


"He should keep his hands to himself."


"Well, technically, he does."


Tony expects the headslap. "Smart ass."


My frown deepens as I inch closer.


"Seriously, boss, McGee is not the only one I have that effect on." A cocky grin.


I have trouble collecting my jaw from the cold cement. He doesn't know! I know he doesn't! He wasn't supposed to know! I can't be that obvious, I refuse to be that obvious!


"Don't I know it..." Gibbs smiles.


Wait, Gibbs smiles?!


"Doesn't mean I have to like it though. He can get off thinking about someone else."


Well, I already knew Gibbs knew. Does nothing to hinder myself from blushing anyway.


"You can't disclipline the kid for imagining things, Jethro."



"But I want to!" The pout makes Tony laugh. His eyes sparkling when he pecks Gibbs on the mouth.


"Don't. If he knows we know, the stuttering will return and I'm quite content with Probie finally speaking coherently." Tony gets into his car. "I'll bring along Chinese takeout. And if you're working on that damn boat of yours tonight, I might pay McGee a visit, since he appreciates me, huh?"


"You wouldn't dare!" The reprimand is more affectionate than I ever thought Gibbs is capable of being.


"Try me!" With that the car door closes and the Mustand starts purring.


I'm still frozen to the spot when the parking garage is quiet once again. If they know I know they know...I'm so dead.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Desi P.
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