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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Untitled excerpt


Please crique: (this isn't the beginning...)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


Untitled excerpt
by Jimmy Brown

"I'm sorry to report that the rumors were true." Valor said reluctantly "Princess Eiya released the Dragon from his cage. I forced her to confess with my "If you lie you die" spell.

"Then I have no choice. The Queen's eyes begin to fill with tears. "She must be put to death."

"But Master!- she's your daughter. You can't possibly..".

"I don't have a choice! If it were known that I had allowed her to disobey the law, our kingdom would quickly become unraveled. Our people would become furious if I didn't do this. I must do what is expected of me. "

No one has to know. We could just keep her in the dungeon. Sentence her to a life of hard labor planting vegetables in the underground garden. The old sorcerer begged. "Please - she's only twelve years old!"

I can't! " The Queen began to weep. "It is because of her that our kingdom was nearly destroyed . I swore to our people that the person responsible for this travesty would be put to death and now I must keep my promise. The Queen became weak as if she was about to faint. No matter how much it will destroy me.

Take my life then. Valor begged. "I am an old wizard now. My life is nearly over. Princess Eiya's life has just begun. She never wanted to hurt anyone. Let me sacrifice my life for hers. I will take the blame for what she has done. No one else has to know the truth. I will say I am responsible and you can have me executed for everyone in the kingdom to witness.

" My God! Valor, I don't want her to die either! But you have known me since I was born. I have never lied about anything in my entire life. It is not who I am. Our laws are more sacred than life itsself!

She began to walk towards her freind. Valor was afraid that he would have to do something. He couldn't allow the queen to execute this insane plan of hers. "I know you feel that you could never decieve our people about what has happened. So many of them lost so many friends and loved ones due to the deadly flames of that damned dragon."

"There is nothing I can do." said the Queen. "The law must be followed."

"Then tell our people what is happened. She didn't mean for the dragon to excape fro his cage. She just wanted to go inside it to feed him. She loves that dragon more than anything. Surely, our people will understand!

Eiya knew better than to open the cage. The Queen scolded. "I have told her over and over not to go near it. But she just refused to listen! Damned her!

Everyone in Arlasya loves her. They will always lover her no matter what she has done. I know they will.

Oh really? What do you propose I tell them? That all their suffering was insignificant. That my daughter is more important than their families and friendswho lost their lives in the fires of the evil beast that were hotter than hell itsself? They will never accept that. Not even from me. Our kingdom is in shambles. We are without food and their is virutally no shelter for our people except the castle. Somehow our castle is still standing. As it is, It will take months if not years to rebuild everthing within the kingdom that has been destroyed.

What shall I do now. The sun will rise soon and the people will be expecting to hear the latest news about how the dragon escaped from his cage.

"Bring princess Eiya from the Dungeon now! commanded the queen. I must speak with her this instant.

end excerpt


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jimmy Brown.
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