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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



This is one more (and my final) answer to Sully Vann's Challenge #4 ( Go enter a challenge...they're FUN!!
It's a Pete POV again...since the challenge is to make a Pete POV. Lol.
It is a Pete POV on Clark with minor mentions of Lex, Lana, and minor Chlete. Hope you guys like it!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, yada yada.
Spoilers: Minor for Metamorphosis.
Pairing: VERY minor Chlete.
Submitted through


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:



by Kathryn Kirkland

Clark Kent. Farmboy and all-over good guy.

Well...when Lex and Lana *aren't* around.

Add Lex and Lana to the equation and suddenly I gain the ability to turn invisible. Let me tell you, invisibility is not all it's cracked up to be.

It would be great if say, I could go into the girls' locker room after gym class. Now, that would be a definite plus. But, since I am only invisible to Clark, I might get in just a little bit of trouble for raiding a locker room full of half-naked girls. (Not that I wouldn't try...)

Where was I? Right, Clark. Clark and I used to be best friends. Yes, I used past tense. We did everything, and went everywhere together.

Martha called us twins. Every Friday we were at his house. Every Saturday we were at mine. I remember we used to go to this tree house. It was awesome. Way up in the top of a large oak tree. We would sit up there for hours. Planning how our lives would end up.

Planning who we would end up with. For Clark it was always the same answer: Lana Lang. Mine varied. One week it was Alicia Moore. The next was Lauren Vann. Clark would tease me to no end that I went from girl to girl so quickly. And I would tease him that he limited himself to Lana.

Little did I know how much Lana would change him.

Change. That's what he did. He changed. And not the good ‘we're upgrading to DSL' kind of change.

When we were young Clark played with all of his toys the exact same amount of time. If he got a new one he tried his hardest not to neglect any of the old ones. He used to have Toy Story nightmares of his older toys plotting against the newer ones.

See, in that old scenario Chloe and I are the old toys. Left behind for the newer, shinier, more modern versions. We are Woody, pushed aside so Clark can play with Buzz Lightyear.

Buzz Lightyear. That's funny. I can just picture Lex in that space suit, but that's neither here nor there.

What was I talking about? Right, Clark. Clark has moved on. When Lana or Lex is in the room, nothing else exists.

I'm tired of being pushed to the side. I am, and so is Chloe. I can see it on her face. So, I've decided I'm going to move on. And with any luck, Chloe and I can move on together.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Kathryn Kirkland.
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