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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Nathan/Peter
Rating: PG13
warnings: shmoop? *grin*
spoilers: S1
series: maybe? let me know
summary: After the explosion, the Petrelli brothers spend some quiet time together.
notes: for Skrip


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:


by nancy



Nathan heard Peter wandering around their small apartment and smiled at the random pattern of shoes on wood. It looked like his brother couldn't figue out whether to change from work scrubs, get something to drink, or come out and say hello first. The clear tap of his footsteps was one of the reasons that they'd settled on the older place; most of the new ones had carpeting and Nathan didn't like the thought of not knowing that someone was walking around near him. Not that someone couldn't just walk softly and still sneak up on him, but this lessened the odds. As did the creaky floorboards.

"You want something to drink?" Peter finally called.

Thinking about it a second, Nathan called back, "Only if it's 100 proof!"

Peter didn't answer right away and then Nathan heard footsteps that indicated his brother had left the kitchen, walked through the living room, and had entered the sun room. "You're a funny guy, Nathan. Hand out."

Nathan put his hand out and got what felt like a soda can. He grimaced, but his thumb checked the top to find it open. "Last I checked, I was an adult, Pete."

"You're also still on meds," Peter scolded. "You're not getting any alcohol for at least another month. Stop asking."

Taking a pointed sip from the can, Nathan settled back on the loveseat and smiled to himself when Peter sat beside him. Lifting his arm, he smiled outright when his brother sighed and rested against him in apparent contentment. His fingers immediately went to the short hair, still not regrown from the explosion three months, two weeks, five days, ten hours, and some-odd minutes ago.

Not that he was keeping track.

Peter's hand rested on Nathan's thigh as he asked softly, "How's the pain today?"

Shrugging, Nathan answered, "Sixish."

"Damn it, Nathan, why don't you ever tell me?" Peter demanded, trying to pull free.

Nathan kept a tight hold, overriding Pete to say, "Because I want to be clearheaded. I want to hold you and know that it's you."

"You shouldn't be hurting."

Knowing that stubborn tone all too well, Nathan tugged his brother close again and pressed his lips to Peter's head. "I'm going to be hurting for a long time, Pete, and we both know it."

No one could be that close to a nuclear explosion and not expect side-effects.

Peter remained tense for a few seconds before grunting an acknowledgement and muttering something under his breath.

Nathan's hearing had gotten good with the loss of his sight, but not that good so he questioned, "What was that?"

"Nothing," Peter replied. "What do you want for dinner?"


"Again with the comedy routine."

"I don't care, Pete, you decide."


"I'm not hungry, okay? I haven't been hungry all day," Nathan admitted angrily.

Peter sighed and, this time, Nathan didn't stop him pulling away. To his surprise, his brother simply shifted to the coffee table in front. Fingertips ghosted over his cheeks before hands cupped his face and Peter told him, "You need to let me know when things change, Nathan. I can't diagnose you without information. Please, just tell me when things shift that radically, okay?"

Nathan grimaced. "I hate it when you get all reasonable and grownup."

Chuckling softly, Peter said, "When you can see again, I'll revert to type, how's that?"

"Sounds like a plan," Nathan agreed, a reluctant smile twitching into place. "How was work?"

Peter kissed him sweetly before resuming his spot beside Nathan to chatter aimlessly about work at the hospital. It washed over Nathan like a pleasant shower, his brother's voice as soothing to him now as the clasp of their hands. The words died out eventually, as they always did, and then they simply sat in silence, enjoying the sunset.

It would have sounded ludicrous to Nathan before losing his sight; that someone who couldn't see, could enjoy a sunset. It was true, though. He felt the heat through the two big windows lessening over time, the noises outside changing from everyday `rushing home' sounds to the more relaxed ones of the night mindset.

"You ready to go in?" Peter asked at last.

Nathan nodded and picked up his cane, which lay at his feet. If this latest ability of Peter's didn't heal him the rest of the way, their last hope really, a seeing-eye dog was the next step. He refused to remain helpless and a dog was a big step in independence. Nathan had already accepted his fate, but Peter wasn't ready to let it go yet. As losses went, one man's sight in exchange for the lives of a city was acceptable.

He stood, his arm going around Peter's shoulders as they went in to start supper. An ordinary ritual that he'd never appreciated before, never really participated in. There'd always been something ele going on, something more important than sharing the simple act of preparing food with his family. If nothing else, this new life had taught him to appreciate everything life gave him. Acting on that philosophy, Nathan stopped them just before reaching the kitchen and kissed his brother in a real kiss of greeting.

Peter hummed into the kiss, smiling against his lips as he murmured, "Now there's my welcome home kiss."

Nathan grinned and swatted him on the ass. "Make me dinner, slave."

"Yeah, yeah," Peter groused.

Hearing the love and amusement in his brother's voice, Nathan grinned and they finished the short trip to the kitchen.




This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Nancy.
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