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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

An Odd Chance Meeting


AU. A ten year old wesley gets lost in the streets of london while out on an errand. He gets help by angelus.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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Disclaimer: All characters of buffy the vampire slayer are property of Joss whendon. No attempt to plagerize or profit is being made by this fic.

Warnings: This is AU. It might be part of a series, I'm not sure yet.

Feedback: Please R&R! I like revweiws.


He didn't know how he'd gotten lost. The young boy stared at the crowed in the street and tried to keep from crying. He had to be strong, had to be a man that's what his father always said to him "Your almost
11 wesely. Try to be a man" But at the moment all he was was lost and scared. Moveing around a corner he found himself on a less crowded street. But he was still lost. Clutching the bag with nana's medcine in
it he tried to stay calm,but it was a loosing battle. He was lost and scared and he was going to cry, he couldn't help that. But he wiped his tears away
hurriedly before anyone who passed by could see. Men didn't cry as his fahter always said. Pulling himself up he kept going,he was bound to see a familar street sooner or later. At least, he dearly hoped so.


He had been watching the boy for at least an hour. He still wasn't sure why though. He and the other 3 had spilt up, Drusilla and spike were in the worse part of town looking for homless people to eat and darla was
more in a 'Middle class mood' So he had been left to himself to look for fun. Instead he had been wandering around after a boy. A boy who was now starting to cry. He just wished he could just kill the boy and leave it
at that. But he couldn't, why couldn't he? "" He suddnely stopped and realized that the child was right in front of him staring up at him with eyes like the sky on a clear summer day. Then he felt it, the cord. The cord of destinty, It only happend when vampires found their chosen.

"Sir?" The child's came again. He snapped out of it

"Yes?" He said simply.

"I'm lost." It came smally and timidly

Angelus sighed to himself. "Where do you live?" As the child told him his address Angeluls studied him. He was young, barely into adolecense. But he was still nice to look at, in a young sweet way. He realized
that his chosen had stopped talking.

"I know where that is, I'll get you there lad." He
reached his hand out and smiled when the boy slipped
his hand into his.

Wesly looked up at the dark haird man in awe. He seemed nice and yet, dark in a way. He had been a little scared by him but when he had offerd his hand wesley had taken it. It was odd, this man was a stranger and yet he felt compleatly safe with him,Wipeing his eyes he suddenly felt the man stop and looked up to see that he was being offerd a hankerchief. He relesaed the man's hand and wiped his face with it. "Thank you." He whisperd.

"It's not trouble, what's yer name by the way?"

"Wesly wyndam price."


Angelus smiled at the name. "That's a lovely name." He said as wesley finished wipeing his face but shook his head "Keep it wesely, You may need it one day." Wesley stuffed the hankerchief in his pocket and took his
hand again. Angelus felt a slight tremor go throughhim, that only came with the true destined one. He knew they were comeing up on the child's street and felt a pang of frustration. As they turned the corner he glanced at his chosen,memorizing him. He knew he;d see him again,he knew it.The child suddenly stopped. He looked at him

"What is it?"

"My house is a little way from here, I can go on by

Fighting down his anger at being serated so soon he


Wesley looked at him. "What's you name?" He asked curiously, he wanted to know. He felt for some reason,he had to know.

"Liam" Was the short answer.

"Will we see each other again?"

"Yes...we will....sooner or later."

Wesley nodded and hurried away feeling that there was really nothing else to do at that point. At least he had the hankercheif,even though he had no idea why that was a comfort.


Angelus watched him hurry off. He had given the boy his mortal name, not even darla knew his mortal name. "Farewell wesley wyndam pyrce. Until we meet each other again." After a moment of silence he skukled off to have a quick meal before dawn. He wanted some time to think before the others got back.


Wesley slipped into him room, away from his father. It had been the normal lecture after he had come in. 'Wesley where have you been? I sent you out an 2 hours ago! It was a simple errand boy! Can you do nothing right? Go to your room and change for supper, and be qucik about it!'

Wesley had barely heard him but had gone to his room, when he was there he pulled out the hankercheif. It was pure white and obviously silk of the finest sort. He smiled and tucked it under his pillow and got up
to change.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Hidden Empress.
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