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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



"Nick Stokes-Sanders was working on some shift paperwork when his husband of 15 years came in."

Work Text:

by JewelBaby

APR- 16TH 3: AM

Nick Stokes-Sanders was working on some shift paperwork when his husband of 15 years came in. "Hey Nick I got an Email from Anna. She said she’s doing good and can’t wait to come home for Break." Greg said sitting down. Greg was talking about their 19 year old daughter Anna. Anna was given to them by Greg’s oldest brother who died while coming home from a business trip. Anna was 5 when Greg and Nick joined together as life partners.

"That’s great. She didn’t happen to say when that was did she?" Nick asked.

"No my guess is probably summer maybe May." Greg said.

"Cool. Is Warrick and Sara back from questioning the boys parents in the Shared case?" Nick asked.

"Just got back. You ok?" Greg asked.

"Just been weird tonight. I think we should call her when we get in later. Just to see how she’s doing?" Nick asked.

"Yeah sounds great to me. " Greg said looking at his husband concerned...

"When you see Sara and Warrick tell em I wanna see em." Nick said going back to his paperwork.

"Sure. I’ll be in trace with Mike." Greg said leaving the office.

7:30 AM

The team had gotten a call out for a mass murder at 4 am. By 7 they were back the lab working on evidence. Warrick who was in the break room eating his egg sandwich glanced up at the tv to see a breaking news bulletin. He turned it up.

""We’re bringing you coverage of a school shooting in Dallas Texas. We have word that a gun man went into the Brown College dormitory and shot 2 victims. And has proceeded to the Blue Hall and has shot 20 or so people there. Now we understand that the 2 in the dormitory are supposedly dead but we don’t know about the ones in the Blue Hall. We’ll come back with more as we get it." The news reporter said. Warrick dropped his sandwich and snatched his phone off his belt. Send a text message to Sara Nick Greg Grissom and Bobby Dawson. Stating "BREAK ROOM NOW."

In 5 minutes all 5 appeared at the door as well Catherine who had just heard on her car radio. "Did you guys see the news?" She asked.

"No. What is it?" Nick asked.

"There was a shooting at Brown College in TX. 2 confirmed dead. 20 or more injured." Catherine said. Nick and Greg’s faces paled considerably.

"Have you talked to Anna?" Grissom asked.

"We were gonna call her later and check on her." Greg said sitting his husband down and rubbing his back.

"What hall does she go to today?" Sara asked.

"Blue I believe." Nick said quietly realization hitting him hard. "Oh god no Greg. It can’t be her." Nick said tears coming to his eyes.

"Shhhh hey we don’t know if she’s one of the injured yet." Greg said squatting beside Nick’s chair.

Sara who was dialing Anna’s phone number shook her head. "Goes straight to Voice mail. Anna it’s Aunt Sara if you get this please call us. We’re real worried." Sara said hanging up.

"Babe why don’t you call momma." Greg said referring to Nick’s mom Jillian Stokes.


Jillian Stokes along with her oldest boy Marcus were staring at the Tv in shock. "Oh God Anna." Jillian said.

"Call Nick see if they had heard from her." Marcus said equally as scared. Anna had become so much like his own child even if she wasn’t his blood niece. She was as much a Stokes as anyone else. He was startled when the phone rang.

"Nicky?" Jillian asked.

"Momma have you heard from Anna?" Nick asked.

"No Sweetie I was fixing to call and ask you the same thing. Has anyone tried her cell?" Jillian asked.

"Yes Sara did but it went straight to voicemail." Nick said.

"Ok give it a few hours then the phone service will probably get better. It’s probably everyone is calling and checking on people. Mean time me and Marcus will go to the local Hospital there and see if she’s there." Jillian said.

"Ok momma. Call me if you find anything out. Please." Nick said almost crying.

"I will sweetie. You keep calm." Jillian said.

"Uh not likely." Nick said.

"Alright. I love you. Give Greg a hug for me please." Jillian said hanging up.

"Come on Marcus let’s go to Brown Hospital." Jillian said getting her stuff together.


Nick and Greg had gone home finally and neither slept. The whole team was over. Sara and Grissom Warrick and Catherine Jim Brass had came in as well. And here they sat each lost in their own thoughts. Greg and Nick hadn’t had time alone since the news coverage broke. When Nick excused himself to go get some more coffee Greg followed him. He found Nick leaning on the counter looking out the window. He wrapped his arms around his still solid waist. "You ok?" Greg asked placing a tiny kiss on Nick’s shoulder.

"No. Our baby is at that school. Possibly hurt. No I’m not ok Greg I am far from Ok." Nick said succumbing to tears.

Greg turned him around and held him as sob after sob wracked Nick’s body. "She’s fine. She’s Mike’s daughter. She’s strong as us Sanders and got determination as strong as you Stokes’ Not to mention stubbornness between both sides." Greg said rubbing circles on Nick’s back.

"I know. But 2 are dead that we know of. What if one of them is her?" Nick asked.

"Don’t think like that. Don’t think like that please." Greg pleaded.

"Ok. Come on let’s go back out to our team." Nick said wiping his eyes.


Jillian and Marcus walked into the hospital to it swarming with teens and parents. Jillian went straight to the admit desk and cleared her throat. "Can I help you?" The woman asked.

"Yes my Granddaughter might have been brought here. Her name is Anna Sanders." Jillian said.

"Hold on one second." The woman said. It was a second before Jillian heard a voice.

"Nana? Uncle Marcus?" Jillian turned to see her youngest granddaughter standing in front of her. Her right arm was in a sling as she was favoring her left leg.

"Anna." Jillian smiled and ran to the girl hugging her. Anna and Jillian were both crying.

"Sweetie are you ok?" Jillian asked.

"Yeah just in shock." Anna said.

"I bet. Are you hurt besides your arm?" Jillian asked.

"My ankle I twisted it but nothing more." Anna said.

Marcus came up and grabbed hold of Anna’s arm and guided her to the car. ‘Come on Kiddo we have a few people to talk about." Marcus said. The 3 of them leaving the hospital.


Nick and Greg hadn’t heard anything from anyone about Anna and they were going insane. It was going on 4 days. He had his nose in paper work trying to keep busy when a voice came into the room. "Solving murders isn’t easy when your mind is somewhere else is it?" The voice asked.

"No it’s not Anna." Nick said stopping when he said the name. He looked up and seen his daughter in his doorway smiling her angelic smile.

"Oh my Thank you so much." He said jumping up and hugging her. Both crying in the hug.

"Thank you Thank you." Nick said repeatedly.

"Daddy I need to breath." Anna said in tears.

"Oh right. Why didn’t you call us? How did you get here?" Nick asked.

"First can we go see everyone then I’ll explain everything?" Anna said.

"Yes come on." Nick said smiling slightly and then noticing the limp in her step.


Greg Warrick and Sara were all in the break room eating. None saying much. Letting the tv run on a station with the coverage of the shooting. But that was ended when a page went through to all 3 pagers requesting them in Grissom’s office. "Wonder what the new case is." Warrick said.
"I don’t know. But I don’t think I have the heart for it." Sara said as they were walking the halls.


Grissom was sitting with Nick smiling happily for him since Anna was right beside him. When the mass page went out he expected to see all of them coming slowly. But Greg Sara and Warrick were the only 3 who came in. "Where’s Catherine Bobby and Brass?" Grissom asked.

"Catherine is in Trace. Bobby is working on the gun from my drive by. And Brass is right there." Warrick said pointing to Brass coming in. As well as Catherine who was dragging in Bobby.

"Ok we’re all here. What’s up?" Greg asked solemnly.

From behind the group stood a figure smirking. "I would be the cause for the mass page." Anna spoke causing all heads to whip around and look at her.

"ANNA!!!" Voices echoed and hugs were given to her. But the most emotional hug was from Greg.

"I’m so sorry for worrying everyone." She said still holding Greg with her good arm.

"It’s ok girl. Are you ok?" Warrick asked.

"Yeah." Anna said quietly.

"I have an idea let’s all take off from work this evening and we’ll meet up at Nick and Greg’s and all just lounge around. I think we deserve that." Grissom said. Everyone nodded their agreements.

3: PM

Anna Greg Nick Catherine Lindsay Warrick Grissom Sara and Brass were all sitting around the living room. "Anna where were you in school when the shooting started?" Sara asked from her place next to Warrick.

"Sara!!" Catherine said giving the younger woman a look.

"It’s ok Aunt Catherine. To answer your question I was in the Blue hall. I was one of the last ones he got. I was in the back of the room. I was the last bullet." Anna said tears running down her cheek.

Nick who was beside her pulled her to him. "Shhh it’s ok." Nick said rubbing her back.

"No daddy it’s not. I watched my best friend die in front of me. I watched a maniac shoot 30 of my class mates. No daddy it’s not ok." Anna said against his shoulder.

The rest of the team shared a sad look. Each feeling horrible for this girl. For the rest of the kids families. Greg came to the other side of Anna and wrapped his arms around his husband and daughter. No one knew what to say so silence was the best option.