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Part 12 of The Little Shi—Cat Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Spike and the Agreement


Eric and Spike finally come to an agreement. Part 12 of 12


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warning: Established Male/Male Relationship! Not your thing, then leave!


Jodine16: This takes place a few days after Spike the Bed Hog.






Spike and the Agreement



Eric sighed tiredly as he walked into the house. Ryan was in the hospital for surgery to have his appendix removed. Apparently, he had developed appendicitis, and Eric felt very thankful Alexx saw the symptoms and almost frog marched his lover to a doctor. Eric was at the hospital and used every ounce of his charm to stay two extra hours after visiting hours before he was finally forced to go home. He saw Spike and Dickens were sitting on the back of the couch, as he shut the door.


Spike was very upset. She hadn’t seen her human all and Dumb Mouse came back alone so clearly he did something to him. Spike jumped down and followed Dumb Mouse into the kitchen then into the bedroom, meowing loudly, demanding to know where her human was. Dickens was close behind. He was curious to know where his mommy’s human was too, but he was soon distracted by the backyard porch shoes in the kitchen.


Eric ignored the cats, stripped down to his boxers, and flopped onto the bed. Ne reached over and set the alarm an hour before the hospital visiting hours started so he could get ready and be there to see Ryan. Spike jumped up onto the bed and walked across Eric’s hips, making him flinch. She sat on his chest and glared at him, her tail thumping against his stomach angrily.


'Where’s my human?!'


“Spike, we need to talk,” Eric said.


Spike shifted her feet restlessly. 'We are; where is my human?'


“I doubt you’ll understand me, but whatever. Ryan is in the hospital. He’s sick, so he’s going to be there for a couple of days,” Eric said wearily, picking Spike up and setting her next to him. “When he comes home, he be home for a while, but he needs us to get along, do you understand? We need to form a peace treaty.”


Spike paused for a moment. Her tail stopped moving so erratically and she let up on the force of her glare. Be nice to him? The Dumb Mouse who got her high, had her nails clipped, and got her sick when she ate that huge chunk of meat? Like that was ever going to happen!


When he saw the look of disbelief on her face for suggesting such a ridiculous thing, Eric said, “C’mon, I let you have my side of the bed how many times this past month?”


If Spike had eyebrows, they’d be past her ears. 'I slept there before you came here.'


“I petted you when I was trying to play a game,” Eric pointed out. It was a stupid comeback, but he was too tired to think of anything else.


'You would have done it anyway because I know where you sleep.'


Eric sighed. “Look, can we at least be nice to each other for Ryan’s sake?”


Spike seemed to ponder this for a moment before meowing and leaving.


Eric watched her leave and hoped that meant she agreed.





Ryan was freaked out. He was a little confused, but mostly freaked out. After he was allowed out of the hospital, Horatio had let Eric take a few days off to help him around the house.


What was it that was freaking him out, you might ask? He and Eric were on the couch watching some program on the Discovery channel and Spike was sprawled across his lap. Nothing freaky about that except she was also on Eric’s lap and Eric was petting her. Instead of growling, like she normally does, she was purring! Purring! “Eric?”




“What’s wrong with Spike?”


Eric looked down at her, his eyebrow raising in confusion. “Nothing I can see, why?”


“You’re petting her and she’s not trying to bite your hand or anything. Did you get her stoned again?!” Ryan demanded.


“Your couch is nice but I like your bed better.” Eric gave him a lopsided smile. “We’ve settled our differences, and now we’re friends.”


Spike sneezed, as if to say, 'You’re pushing it, Buddy.'


Ryan didn’t take notice of this. “Friends? Now, I know you did something to her.”


“Ry, we really are okay now. Just like you said before, she finally warmed up to me. Now enjoy the peace and stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.” Eric pulled Ryan closer to him and turned his attention back to the TV.





Jodine16: Part 12 of 12 in this silly little series.





This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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