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Part 8 of The Little Shi—Cat Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Spike the Thief and her Accomplice


Dinner at the Wolfe-Delko residence is met with one less steak. Part 8 of 12


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warning: Male/Male Relationship! Not your thing, then leave!


Jodine16: This takes place a few weeks after Spike and her Kitten.






Spike the Thief and her Accomplice



Over the week following the discovery of the kitten, Spike became an overprotective mother. She never left him alone and growled whenever anyone came too close. Well, except when Ryan booked an emergency vet visit to have him checked for any possibly broken bones and to have a rough estimate of his age. Ryan then had his shots booked and brought him back home to Spike who refused to go near Ryan after that traumatizing event. Ryan and Eric spent the better part of a boring shift swapping name ideas and finally agreed to name the kitten Dickens.


Two weeks later, Spike finally calmed her mother hen instincts to show Dickens the way of the household Spike Style. Eric was home when this was going on. He had twisted his ankle and a concussion after a suspect shoved him down a steep, rocky hillside. Eric watched as Spike led Dickens over to the closet and pushed the sliding door open with her paws. Then she proceeded to nose his clothing. “You better not be telling him he can pee in my clothing, Spike,” Eric warned. The two cats stared at him until Dickens sneezed and they continued to the door and out into the hallway. “I’m serious, Spike!” Eric called after her.


Eric continued to read for another hour before got up and slowly made his way to the kitchen to start prepping steaks. He was hoping to have them done before Ryan got home. He was just making salad when Spike and Dickens came in and watched him work. Well, Spike did. Dickens, as they found out had a shorter attention span than his surrogate mother did, freakishly enough. He was busy checking the kitchen out again. Trying to get into the pantry whenever Eric went into it, attacking Eric feet when he walked, all the things kittens are known for.


Eric looked at the clock and smiled when he heard Ryan’s car pull into the garage. He carefully set the table and wobbled over to the garage door.


If he hadn’t been dazed by the painkillers and the concussion, Eric would have known not to leave the hot, mouth watering steaks on the table without covers. Sure, he was just going to see Ryan for a few seconds and see if he needed help with anything, but a few seconds was all Spike needed.


She meowed at Dickens to keep watch and distract the humans if needed while she went to get their meal. Dental cat food sucked. She got up onto the table and carefully grabbed the 16 oz steak before jumping onto the chair and onto the floor.


Meanwhile, Dickens watched at Ryan came home with the pretty, blonde lady. She was nice, she sneaks him treats. Dickens meowed at them and darted into the garage. Mommy’s human always said not to go in there and he was curious to find out why.


“Dickens, get back here!” The three CSIs spent almost five minutes trying to get the little rascal (as Calleigh so kindly put it) trying to get him out of the garage. Eric knew something was going on when he suddenly darted back into the house. “Ryan go check the table, I made dinner.”


Ryan gave him an odd look but complied, while Calleigh helped Eric up the stairs. Eric was closing the door when Ryan came back out. “You aren’t having any steak? It looks wonderful, by the way.”


Eric rolled his eyes at his boyfriend as they went in and sat down. “Ask your cat. I think Dickens was conspiring with her to get a piece of my meat.”


Calleigh, who had been taking a sip of her wine, choked and started coughing.


While that was happening, Spike and Dickens were up in Ryan’s closet happily chowing down.




Jodine16: Part 8 of 12 in this silly little series.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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