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Archive Warning:
Part 7 of The Little Shi—Cat Series
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Spike and her Kitten


It was a dark and stormy night when Ryan found the half-drowned kitten on his front step. Part 7 of 12


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters of CSI: Miami are the property of CBS Broadcasting Inc and Alliance-Atlantis Communications. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warning: Male/Male Relationship! Not your thing, then leave!


Jodine16: ^^ According to my sister, I’ve written Spike out just perfectly. This takes place a few months after Spike, the Perfect “Debater”.






Spike and her Kitten



It was dark, stormy, wet, and really chilly outside. On the inside, Eric and Ryan were rather toasty on the couch as they made out. Spike, for once, left them alone. She was contently curled up in the armchair, sleeping, much to Eric’s relief. Ryan groaned as Eric rubbed against him and sucked on his neck. He pulled Eric closer, running his fingers through his lover’s hair.


While their make out session became more intense, Spike woke up. She rolled her eyes as the Dumb Mouse dominated her human. It was as if that was all that was on their minds or something. She had to admit she was impressed that Dumb Mouse lasted so long. Most humans never lasted 2 moons. Stretching, she jumped off the armchair. She was about to jump onto their couch just to annoy them when she heard something. It sounded like a meow. Turning towards the sounds, Spike went off to investigate. Who dare step on her territory?! Spike followed the sound to the front door and began scratching at the door meowing loudly.


Ryan pulled away from Eric, twisting and craning his neck to see what Spike was meowing about. “No Spike, it’s raining out. You don’t want to go outside.”


Eric grinned. “Why not? I’m sure she’d enjoy it.”


“Eric.” Ryan smacked his arm lightly. “Spike, I’m not going to let you out.”


And you think Spike cared what they said? Heck no, she wanted to sniff out this intruder, NOW. She meow louder. After a few minutes, Eric sighed, sitting up. “Would you give it up, already?!”


Spike growled at him and continued scratching at the door.


Ryan sighed and pushed Eric off him so he could get up. “Fine, I’ll let you out, but don’t come hissing to me when you get soaked.” Ryan opened the door and was startled to see a half drowned kitten shaking on his doorstep. “Oh my God, Eric get towels quick!” Eric peered over his shoulder, then was off like a shot to the bathroom.


Spike was all over the little guy (or girl?), sniffing him. Ryan carefully picked the kitten up and set him in the towels Eric was holding. Spike followed Eric into the kitchen as Ryan shut the door. As Eric began drying him, Ryan grabbed a small bowl and filled it with water then grabbed the phone and dialled Horatio’s number.




“H, are you still at the lab?”


“I was just about to leave, why?”


“Do you think you can head over to Wal-Mart and buy some kitten formula? I’ll pay you back.”


“Certainly. Did Spike have kittens?”


“No, we found one on our doorstep,” Ryan said.


“Okay, I’ll be over as soon as I can.”


“Thank you, you’re a life-saver!” Ryan said, relieved. He hung up and sat down next to Eric.


Spike jumped onto the table and walked over to Eric. She nudged the towels open a little and started licking the exposed wet fur.


Eric glanced at Ryan who looked equally confused. Ryan got up and left, coming back with Spike’s kitty bed. “Here, set him in here,” he said, putting it on the table


As soon as the kitten was in her bed, Spike was quick to climb in and continue grooming him.


“Do you think he’s a stray?” Ryan asked after a moment of silence.


“We should make sure he’s a he, first.” Eric reached over and was about to pick him up when Spike growled threateningly at him. “Or we could to that later.”


“Wimp.” Ryan was shocked when Spike actually to a swip at his hand. “Okay, I take that back.”


Eric shook his head, smiling. “Only Spike would adopt a kitten, who actually looks a lot like her.”


“Here’s hoping he’s a stray, because I don’t want to have to give him back if he has family,” Ryan said.


“Well, I felt more bones than I did fat and fur, so maybe it’s a good thing he’s with us,” Eric said as the doorbell rang.


Ryan got up and smiled when he saw whom it was. “Thank you so much Horatio,” he said, stepping back to let the wet Lieutenant in. “How much were they?”


Horatio took his waterproof trench coat off. “Don’t worry about it.”


“But, H—”


“It’s not a problem,” Horatio said, handing the small juice-box-sizes containers over. “So, how is Spike handling the unexpected company?” Horatio asked as they walked into the kitchen.


“Really....oddly.” Ryan stared at his cat. Spike was milking the kitten.


“I’ve heard of hysterical pregnancies with young women, but this is ridiculous,” Eric said.


Horatio chuckled. “That’s Spike for you.”





Normally, cats would get hissy-pissy if there was a strange cat in their territory, be they adult or kitten. In Spike’s case, well, she’s not a normal cat and we’ll leave it at that.


Jodine16: Part 7 of 12 in this silly little series.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Jodine16.
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