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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Title: Forever.
Author: Sin Daytona. Rating: Dunno, nothing worse than kissing.Disclaimer: I own nothing. Summary: My prompt was - One of the boys tries to plan a romantic dinner on the rooftop for the other but keeps on getting semi-foiled. Happy ending and all around cuteness! V-day fic on livejournal. Word count: 1463.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

John moved away from the edge of the roof only when the sun had risen fully. He went over to his bag and began to double check his plans. He wanted this to go perfectly. It was the day before Valentines Day and tomorrow he was gonna surprise Bobby. He’d already got permission to have a romantic meal on the roof; he’d brought the ingredients and some beer that was hidden from the teachers and students. He’d asked for and been given time in the kitchen to cook the meal and he’d picked out what he was going to wear. There were just a few last things to do, the main one being to get Bobby’s present. This was his plan for today. Miss Munroe had arranged a trip to the mall for the older teens so they could get valentines gifts. John chewed on his lip, he didn’t yet know what he was gonna get Bobby. Shaking his head, he slung his bag on one shoulder and climbed off the roof and through the window of the room he shared with Bobby. Silently he closed the window and stowed his bag in its hiding place beneath his bed. That done, he sat on the edge of his bed and looked over to where Bobby was sleeping. He must have gotten hot in the night because he’d stripped off the t-shirt he slept in and his sheet was kicked down, hanging low on his hips. He was laid on his back; legs sprawled out, one arm curled under his head and his other hand resting on his stomach. His face was turned towards John, lips parted slightly and wet as if he’d licked them recently. His hair was growing out of his short spiky style and was falling into his closed eyes and curling slightly around his ears. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful; John couldn’t help but give a fond smile. Another glance at his watch told him that he had no more time to watch his love. He stood once again and took the few steps to Bobby’s bed. He reached out, fingertips brushing Bobby’s cheek gently, “Bobby, wake up.”
He watched as Bobby twitched, eyelids fluttering.
“Bobby, luv, if you want breakfast you have to get up now.”
Bobby stretched, turning his face into John’s touch and groaning softly. Eyes opening a slit, he lifted a hand and tangled it into John’s hair pulling him into a deep kiss.
~ * * ~
Hours later found John slouching through the mall with a scowl on his face. It had taken an age to slip away from the group because Jubes had started them all teasing him mercilessly because he looked so happy. He’d been on his own for an hour now and still hadn’t found a gift for Bobby. In half an hour they would all be meeting up for lunch before they left. He was getting really frustrated. He groaned loudly when he saw Kitty and Piotr coming toward him, now he’d never get anything done. Kitty grinned and hugged him gently and quickly.
“You look like someone kicked your puppy. Can I help with anything?”
John shook his head, “It’s just…It’s complicated.” He said finally.
Piotr muttered something about shopping, kissed Kitty on the cheek, squeezed John’s shoulder and left. Kitty gave John a sweet smile and slipped an arm around his waist as they began to walk. After a few long silent minutes, Kitty spoke again and what she said shocked him to his core.
“Does this have anything to do with Bobby? He’s been stressing about valentines day.”
John stared at her, blinking in surprise, “He has?” he asked when his brain kicked in again.
Kitty nodded, “He freaked out last night when I was tutoring him. I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone why and now I’m gonna promise you the same thing. You can talk to me.”
John fell silent, thinking and eventually came to a decision.
“It’s like this.” he started, explaining first about his tentative relationship with Bobby, how much he loved the other teen, how things were going really well and then getting onto his plans for valentines day and the problem at hand.
Kitty nodded slowly, considering everything she’d just heard. Then she grinned up at him, “Let’s go find a valentines gift, John.”
~ * * ~
John brushed his fingers over the box in his pocket absently, subconsciously needing to feel its presence to confirm that he was really going through with this. He’d been avoiding Bobby all day, not going back to their room after watching the sunrise. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see his best friend, he did, but he didn’t want to give away what he had planned for the evening. And he knew that he would if Bobby looked at him with those beautiful baby blues. Now, he needed help. Unfortunately Kitty was busy with Piotr today, so he needed to find someone else to help him. He walked down the hall, searching for someone he could trust enough to ask a favour of, when he came face to face with Bobby. John’s mental litany at that moment consisted of very colourful swearwords in more than one language.
“John.” Bobby said and the emotion in his voice made John want to smack himself. He sounded so tentative, so nervous and hurt, confused.
John smiled gently and stepped close to him, pressing a hand to Bobby’s chest. “Hey. Bobby, luv, please don’t take this the wrong way but I have things to do and I can’t do this right now. It will all become clear later, I promise.”
“John? Please, if I’ve done something…”
John cut him off by pulling him into a soft kiss, “You are perfect, honest! I just need you to do one thing for me. Stay away from the kitchen and meet me on the roof in an hour. Can you do that?” he said firmly, keeping his eyes fixed on Bobby’s.
Bobby gave a dynamite grin and brushed his hand through John’ hair, “That’s what you need?” he asked.
When John nodded, he agreed to do what John asked.
John gave a devilish smile, kissed him quickly but thoroughly and jogged off, no longer needing help from anyone else. Once he got to the kitchen, he began to cook quickly and efficiently. He loved to cook.
~ * * ~
An hour later, he was on the roof putting the finishing touches on the surprise. In that hour, he’d cooked the meal, taken everything to the roof, set up, showered and changed his outfit. He wanted this to be perfect. He checked his watch again, the thirteenth time in five minutes. He was startled by a chuckle from behind him. He spun to see Bobby sat on the edge of the roof.
“So this is what’s had you so scattered the past few days.” he said, amusement in his voice.
John stopped his nervous fidgeting and smiled. He held out a hand to Bobby and waited until the other teen came over and took it.
“Yeah.” he murmured, leaning up to press a soft kiss to Bobby’s lips.
He pulled back with a smile, it was all gonna be okay, he was sure. He led Bobby over to the blanket and when he sat, bustled around getting out the food and a beer each.
Bobby grinned wide, “God, John, I really love you.” he exclaimed, not really thinking about what he was saying. John had cooked his favourite meal, Thai green curry.
As they ate, they talked about anything and everything. Afterwards John cleaned up and they sprawled out on the blanket and cushions to watch the sunset. Bobby pulled John close, encouraging him to curl up with him. John hid a huge grin in Bobby’s chest, he felt truly happy for the first time in a long time. When the sun had fully set, John pulled out his Zippo and lit the candles before quickly tidying up. He curled up with Bobby once again and for a few minutes just revelled in being close to the guy he loved. Then he pulled the box from his jacket pocket and handed it to Bobby, “Happy valentines’ day.” he murmured with a blush.
Bobby was silent as he opened the gift box and gasped when he saw what it held. John had bought him a silver id bracelet and had, had it engraved. The outer edge said ‘Iceman’ and when he flipped it over; the other side said ‘Forever’.
“Its perfect.” he breathed and John grinned as he fixed it around Bobby’s wrist.
Bobby tangled his fingers in John’s hair and pulled him into a deep and thorough kiss.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Sin Daytona.
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