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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Chris, thinking about his situation.

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Title: Reflections
Author: haruka89
Beta: Sam/hawkdancing
Fandom: Charmed
Characters: Chris Halliwell/Wyatt Halliwell (slash and incest!)
#1 Bitter
Word Count: 464
Rating: FRT-13
Warning: slash, incest (well, mentions of), angst
Spoiler: mainly season six
Summary: Chris thinking about his situation.
Disclaimer: Charmed, and everything connected to it, doesn't belong to me.
Author's Note 1: Written for the 30Forbidden challenge.
Author's Note 2: The story is set after the episode Prince Charming and is a journal entry of Chris.
San Francisco, August 8th 2003

They threw me out! They actually threw me out! I can't believe this.

I'm working my ass off for them, because they can't get off their lazy butts, and now they dare to judge me for tricking them. Maybe they should start to think about what it says about them, if I can play them this easily.

But no, we only see the evil new whitelighter who forced Leo out of his home, who is making us go demon hunting when we'd rather enjoy our lives, who is not telling us about the future and therefore only lying to us and deceiving us, as proven by the newest stunt he pulled.

Right, like they'd ever have believed that Wyatt became anything but a good witch. They didn't in my time until they had irrefutable proof, why would they do so now. They wouldn't believe anything about my future if not for the fact that Bianca came to bring me back there by any means necessary.

I'm just so tired of everything. My brother and former lover is destroying the world, the sisters seem to have sworn to make my job as difficult as possible, and Leo is always searching for another reason to discredit me.

If it wasn't for saving the future and finally living that happy ending everyone seems so fond of, I'd stop this seemingly fruitless attempt to save the world, go back to the future and either let Wyatt kill me or be his First Lady or whatever else he would like me to be. Fortunately for the world I don't like either option.

Too bad I can't just quit, considering there is no one else to do the job and I really don't want to live in that hell that is the future.

But even if there was, I couldn't even go home, seeing as my home doesn't exist anymore.

If I ever find that idiot who turned my brother I�m so going to kick his ass into the next millennium. Who could be foolish enough to turn one of the most powerful beings � one who is supposed to be the ultimate power � evil? Don't they think about what happens if someone with absolute power has no conscience? How can anyone be this stupid?

But with the way things are going I'll have to wait a really long time until I can send this idiot to hell.

Why can't it be like before Wyatt went over the edge? Why does it have to be me dealing with them? Why can't they for once accept not knowing everything? Why do they have to make everything difficult? Why can't I have my happily ever after with Wyatt, instead of him trying to kill me for my assumed betrayal?

I just want everything to be over.