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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

An Unwelcome Conversation


Gil calls Horatio after Jim's shot in "Bang Bang" -- Gil/Horatio, Jim/Eric -- Dialogue from the ep marked w/ *. In the same universe as my fic One of Those Nights

Chapter 1: Gil's Side

Chapter Text

Gil Grissom watched Jim Brass on the ventilator. He'd never seen his friend looking so pale and fragile and wished there was more he could do. He sighed and pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket. He took his cell phone and dialed the number.

A answering machine picked up. "Hey, it's Ellie, you know the drill.*"

Gil kept his voice neutral. "Ellie, this Gil Grissom from the Las Vegas Crime Lab. I'm a friend of your father's. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your dad's been shot." He paused for a brief moment. "And his condition is serious. I think you should come and see him. It would help him a lot. Please call me at 702-555-0141.*"

He hung up and wondered if Ellie would show. Was Jim right? Would she even care? He hoped so for Jim's sake.

He put the piece of paper back into his pocket. He did know of one person who would care. He sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck.

He knew that he couldn't avoid it and hit a number on his speed dial. He paced the hall, not taking his eyes off Jim. Jim was hooked up to all sorts of machines, briefly making him think of Frankenstein's lab.

//Don't think like that.// Gil silently scolded himself.

After two rings, a familiar, welcome voice answered crisply, "Caine."

Gil swallowed. "Horatio."

Horatio's voice softened. "Hey, Gil."

Gil continued to pace. His hands were sweaty. "Where are you?"

"On the way to a scene. Why?"

"Is Eric with you?"

"What's wrong?" Horatio asked in concern.

Gil rubbed his eyes wearily. "Is he?"

"No, he's already there for a car underwater. Hold on," Horatio ordered. A moment later, he continued, "Okay, I'm pulled over. What is it?"

Suddenly, Gil's throat was dry. Why was it harder to tell his lover to tell Jim's lover that he was shot, then it was to tell Ellie? Maybe because he knew how crushed Eric would be.

"Gil," Horatio prompted gently but firmly. "Did something happen to Jim?"

Gil stopped short. "What makes you say that?" he blurted out.

"Because of the way you sound right now and you asked if Eric was with me," Horatio explained patiently.

"Oh." Gil sank into one of the plastic chairs. He turned so he could still keep an eye on Jim. "He was shot." He licked his lips nervously. "He's alive but it's bad. The bullet's lodged near his heart." He lowered his voice even more. "I hate to do this to you but could you..."

Horatio blew out a long breath. "I'll take care of Eric. Do the doctors think Jim will make it?"

Gil clutched the back of the seat until his knuckles turned white. "They don't know. I just...I just hope I made the right decision giving the go ahead for the doctors to try and remove it."

"Don't start second guessing yourself now. Keep in mind that he trusts you."

Gil wasn't normally a talker but with Horatio he just couldn't help himself. "I've never seen him looking so..."



"Well, being shot tends to do that," Horatio replied dryly.

Gil snorted. "I also called Ellie but I don't know if she'll come."

"Yeah, I've heard Eric talk about her. He wants to meet her just to give her a piece of his mind."

Finally, Gil had to turn away. He leaned forward in his seat, his elbows resting on his knees. He bowed his head. "Tell Eric that I'm sorry."

"I will," Horatio said softly. "I wish I was there to help you, Gil."

"Hearing your voice has helped," Gil whispered. He sat up straight and cleared his throat. "They'll be prepping Jim for surgery soon and I've got a case to work on."

Horatio's voice was business like again. "So do I. Take care. I'll talk to you soon."

"Yeah." Gil flipped the phone closed and stood. He glanced at Jim once more over his shoulder and walked out.