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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Light In His Eyes


DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time. Notes - Thanks to Maubast for the beta. Done for the rarepair challenge - The Other Woman Summary - Al reflects on the mistress in his marriage.

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Al was content being 'the wife'. He was secure in his place in Dirk's life. No, really he was. He had most of Dirk's attention, most of the time. He had convinced himself that he was content with his lot. Well, most of the time. Except for when Dirk's deliciously focused attention strayed to the other woman.

Al saw a golden light enter Dirk's eyes whenever she was mentioned. Dirk's passion and focus shifted to the mystery that she was to him. Al was left as the observer of the elusive game that Dirk pursued.

Sandecker saw it too, and he had said how sorry he was to Al for introducing them. The Admiral could see the effort Al made understand the fixation, as he tried to understand the gushing words as Dirk waxed lyrical.

Al looked forward to the time when he knew Dirk would have to let go. All obsessions have to end sometime, he mused wistfully. Yet as the months turned to years, Al lost hope of that. The first fervor of passion died but in its place arose a quiet and steady affection that alarmed him more. It flared on occasion through the years, bringing the golden light back to Dirk's eyes.

It came to a head in Sahara. A turning point in their lives, they had been in danger before, faced perils unknown and come through. Al watched helplessly as the passion flared to its original heat and invaded everything they did while they were there.

It didn't stop until she was laid bare to his eyes, watching as Dirk touched the longed for shape, the golden hue filled Dirk's eyes. But this time it delighted Al's heart as he knew that Sahara would finish it.

The passion for the elusive maiden ended, and the affection dimmed in time, only to be recalled in the throes of nostalgia laced with tequila.

But Al, the wife, remained.