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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Advent Day 10: Rotten Timing


Marcus has rotten timing


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Rotten timing
By Lady Q

Marcus let out a soft groan before he felt his body stiffen up as he let out a loud and huge sneeze.

His nose was stuffed up, he felt achy in places he didn't even knew excited before, his eyes had more dark circles then the rings of Saturn and to make it even worse it was his first Christmas with Neroon.

Of all the times he had to get a cold it would be now. No, he could not have gotten it last month when Sheridan forced him to go to that stupid conference or when Delenn had talked him to babysitting that stupid Centarie. No, he just had to go and get a cold on his and Neroon's first Christmas together.

Bloody stupid human body and his whacked out senses of timing, Marcus pouted as he picked up a Kleenex and tired once more to catch up with his running nose.

He looked up as the door to his room hissed open and watched as Neroon walked in carrying a tray of food for them to eat.

"I'm sorry Neroon," Marcus' scratchy voiced his displeasure at their current situation.

Neroon frowned down at his husband as he placed the tray of soup and hot tea across Marcus' legs.

"Marcus, it is not your fault that you came down with a cold. You did not go out and plan on becoming sick."

"I know that Neroon, it's just that I have such rotten timing. Of all the times for me to get a cold it would be on our first Christmas together."

Neroon softly chuckled at his husband as he gently pushed Marcus bottom lip back in and uncrossed his arms.

"It does not matter, Am'Sheal. I love you just the way you are and I do not mind spending our first Christmas together in bed. I was planning on doing that anyway, it's just changed. Now come eat your soup, your friend Doctor Franklin, said that this Chicken noodle soup is the best thing for human colds," Neroon said as sat down on the side of their bed and began to feed his sick lover.

As the spoon neared Marcus' mouth Neroon paused as he softly whispered, "Merry Christmas, Marcus"

Marcus smiled up at his husband, "Merry Christmas, Neroon," and opened his mouth for his chicken soup.

The End


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Lady_Quadress.
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