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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Quietly into the night


Rating: gen
Warnings: This is actually gen and for me, I'd say it rates a warning. AU
Disclaimer: still not mine
Summary: Blair gets into trouble, again
Notes: I'm at home, suffering from a faulty sense of balance (I never knew the bones in your ear could get dislocated) and dying of boredom. So, I wrote this one.

Work Text:

Quietly into the night
by Kata Avalon

The sentinel sat on the warm balcony, enjoying the last of the day's warmth. He could already sense the cold of the night creeping in, banishing the last of the summer day's warmth. The heat wave had been unusual for Cascade so late in the summer, but most welcome.

Jim opened his eyes as he heard his guide waking up. Blair sounded better, still not as well as he used to be, but better. Jim shivered as he remembered the wreck that he had found at the door of the loft just yesterday evening. He had been afraid that this time he would really lose his guide. He had broken just about every traffic rule there was during the ride to the hospital. His only thought had been to save his guide.

The wounds had looked worse than they were and had been treated fast enough, but the sentinel could still sense that something was not right. That something was definitely wrong. He had shut his mouth after a weird look from the young doctor who had checked Blair's wounds. Still, he kept a close look on his guide the whole time.

He had been right, god, he had been right. The sense of wrongness had stayed and he had gone so far as to call Claire, a friend of Blair's who was a wicca as well as a doctor. She had come by early the next morning.

Jim stood up and went back inside the loft. He took out some steaks from the freezer, Blair would be hungry. The guide had been half-asleep when Claire came by. In fact, the guide had been mostly asleep for a full day. Claire had said it was normal before the first transformation. She had sounded worried, but not afraid. It had helped calm the sentinel.

Jim shook his head. "Oh, Blair. I've called you a trouble magnet before, but this one's over the top, even for you."

Snuffles and yawning could be heard from the small bedroom.

"Come on out, chief. Dinner's thawing," Jim called out.

Click-click of claws on wood heralded Blair's arrival. Jim looked at a large grey wolf that looked confused and flabbergasted. Was that excitement mixing with fear lurking in the eyes?

Jim smiled. It was still Blair. Everything would be all right.