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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Sunday Morning


What happens when Ebony and Trudy become more than friends?

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Ebony sighed, as she rolled over in her bed, and was surprised to find she wasn't alone. However, opening
her eyes, Ebony was glad when she recognized the person that was lying next to her, in the bed. Getting
up, Ebony looked at Trudy, who was still sleeping. They had been enemies for a long time, but last night
had changed that. They had spent the better part of yesterday, arguing about Martin and Bray Fielding,
but neither one of them had gotten their point across to the other girl, so they had just given up.

Ebony had been annoyed as hell; when Mrs. Chase, Trudy's mother, had suggested Trudy spend the night, so
that both girls could become friends. And of course, Ebony's mother had jumped at the chance to try and make
her daughter turn into a girly girl, and it made Ebony want to barf.Though it hadn't been as bad as she expected,
Ebony surely wasn't going to tell her mother that. Moments later, she heard movement coming from the bed, and
turned to see Trudy waking up.

Trudy pulled the covers, to hide her nude body. Oh yeah, we had hooked up last night. It was pretty good too,
I must admit. For a first-timer, Trudy wasn't that bad a lay. Ebony smirked at her thoughts, as she grabbed her
clothes, and then headed for the bathroom to shower for the day. After stepping out of the shower, and quickly
dressing, Ebony walks back into her room, to find Trudy still sitting in [FONT=Verdana]the bed. She walked over
to Trudy, and sits down, right next to the other girl. Scooting close to Trudy, Ebony pulls the covers off Trudy,
and she kisses the other woman, running her hand over the other woman, gently caressing Trudy's breast.

Trudy moans against Ebony's lips, loving the feel of Ebony touching her. As things begin to spin out of control,
rudy felt herself losing control, and as Ebony lowers her mouth to her breast, Trudy's moans grew even louder.
As things begin to get hotter, Trudy pulls away. "I need to go and take a shower," She says, and then gets up,
and heads to the bathroom, to take her shower. Ebony nods, and she strips the bed, and brings all the bedding
over to the washer, and she tosses it in, with bleach, and turns the knob, starting to wash everything. Ebony
puts some new bedding on her bed, and sits down on the bed quietly.

She wonders if Trudy is going to want to leave. Because, even though they had been drunk as hell last
night, they had promised to be there for each other, for the rest of their lives, and Ebony wasn't one to
take a promise like that, lightly. Part of her feared Trudy would just think of their night together, as her
'straight girl experiment' and Ebony didn't know if she could take it, if that's what last night, turned out
to be. When Trudy was out of the shower, cleaned and dressed, a while later, Ebony was surprised, when
the other girl walked up to her and kissed her.

Trudy traced her jaw-line, and then gently ran her hand down Ebony's arm, smiling when the other girl
moaned softly, loving the way her touches felt. A minute later, Trudy got up again, but Ebony pulls her
back onto the bed, and kisses Trudy hungrily. Trudy pulls away again, and Ebony frowns. "Look Ebony,
I know that you like to do and have things one way, but I can't be the only one, having to twist to fit
the mold you are in." Ebony looked at Trudy. "Get out." When Trudy didn't move, Ebony glared at the
other girl.

"I said, GET OUT!" Ebony yelled, not wanting to handle this. When Trudy grabbed her things, and left,
slamming the door, Ebony fell back onto her bed with a sigh. "This is crazy. Trudy expects me to be
the one thing I'm not." Ebony got up, and as she walked out of the house, grabbing her keys on her
way out the door. Getting into the car, Ebony rode to Trudy's house, pulling into the driveway, at the
same moment, Trudy arrives home. She pauses, seeing Ebony parked in her driveway, but decided to
see what the other girl wanted.

4 hours later, Ebony and Trudy are lying in the backseat, in each others arms, completely naked, talking
about the future, and everything else, except their current relationship. Last night had been their first
time together, sure, but it just wasn't as easy as that. Maybe the reason that they had always hated
each other, was both of them, liked the other, but feared that they could never be together, so they
just forced themselves to hate each other, in hopes of getting over their feelings. 'It didn't work.' Ebony
thought with a smirk.

A little while later, they re-dress, and Ebony drives to her 'secret spot' and as they get out, Trudy pulls,
Ebony close, and they dance, swaying in time to a beat, that only the two of them could hear, and for
a short time, there was no chaos, yelling, or panic, there was only them, having an sharing a wonderful
moment, that otherwise may never have happened, if their mother's hadn't of pushed the two of them
into becoming friends.

"You know something, if my leaving, would bring me back here, back to you, then I would gladly do it."
Ebony said softly, still holding Trudy close as they continued to dance. It was early the next morning
and the sky was completely dark. Rain began to fall from the sky, but that didn't bother the two lovers,
who were just happy to have someone to be with, to share their Sunday Morning with. "Good morning,"
Trudy said softly to Ebony, before kissing her again. Ebony smiled, and accepted the kiss, before pulling
away from the other girl, to speak. "I'm glad that I finally have someone to spend Sunday morning with."

The End.