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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Love Me or Hate Me


Ellie and Ebony both get a surprise.

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Ebony was sitting in her room. She was looking at her sister Siva's earring. That was all she had left of her sister, besides memories. Ebony sighed and she looked up, as someone came walking into her room. "You! What do you want? You already tried to kill me once!" Ebony said angrily, as she looked at Ellie. The blonde Mall rat sighs. "I came to tell you the others are already looking at the plans to control the city, now that Mega's being taken care of by Slade." Ellie said, as she looked at the earring Ebony was holding in her hand. "Siva's?"

Ellie asked softly. Ebony was about to shoot a rude comment at Ellie, but she decided against it. "Yes, these earrings were for Siva. These earrings, and my memories, are all I have left of Siva." Ebony said, sighing. Ellie nodded. "I'm sorry that both of your sisters died. Siva didn't deserve to die. She was a really nice person." Ellie said, as she began to get up from her spot. "I know that she was, and thanks Ellie." Ebony said. Ellie paused where she was, standing in the door way. "You're welcome Ebony. Listen, I know we never really got along." Ellie said.

"But well, maybe all of that can change now." Ellie said, as she turned and looked at Ebony. Ebony nods. "You know, you don't have to leave. I could really use the company." She said, moving over on her bed, so that Ellie could sit back down again. Ellie stayed where she was, for a moment. Then she went and sat down on the bed next to Ebony again. Ebony looked at Ellie. "I'm sorry that Alice had gotten taken by the Technos." She said, a moment later. "I had no idea that was gonna happen. I was only aware the Technos were going to invade the city."

Ebony said. "I didn't know that they were going to be taking kids out of the city. That wasn't part of the plan that I agreed to with Ram." Ebony said angrily. Ellie stared at Ebony for a few moments. Then she decided to speak up. Ellie asks the question that was on her mind. "What was the plan that you agreed to with Ram?" Ellie asked curiously. Ebony sighed. "The plan was to take over the city, not harm the kids." Ebony said. "But everything is going all crazy now, and Ram is going back on our plan. He is also trying to go back on the deal we made."


Ebony said. "I won't have it." She said. "I just won't have it." Ebony said, looking pissed off. "He can't just come here into the city and take over. Ram knows nothing about this city, or any of it's people." Ebony said, getting pissed again. Ellie nodded. "I know what you are saying, and I agree with you. But what are we gonna do? We aren't strong enough to overthrow Ram." Ellie said. Ebony smiled. "This is what we are gonna do. We are going to have a rebellion. I am already gathering people from the other Tribes to help." Ebony said.

She looks over Ellie. The blonde Mall rat smiled. "I'm glad that we are finally gonna be on the same side Ebony." Ellie said. "You're a good, strong person, and it'll be great having you helping us out." Ellie said honestly. Ebony shrugs. "I owe you guys. I especially owe Bray, for always believing in me and always giving me second chances." Ebony said. Ellie nods. "Bray's always like that. He's a really sweet guy." She said. Ebony shrugged. "I think that he may be too nice for his own good." Ebony said, saying her real thoughts for the first time.

Ellie nodded again. "I agree with you, but Bray can take care of himself." She said. Ebony looked at Ellie. She watched the younger Mall rat for a few moments. "Will you promise not to judge me at all, if I tell you something?" Ebony asked. Ellie nods. "Sure, whatever you say to me will stay between the two of us, unless you say otherwise." Ellie said. Ebony looks at the ground for a moment. Then she looks at Ellie. "I like you Ellie. I always have." Ebony said. "I was just afraid. You are like, the perfect little straight girl." Ebony said softly.

"At least, that's the image that you give off." Ebony said. "You would never like me, or even have time for someone like me." Ebony said, her voice going soft. "Besides, I couldn't tell you how I felt. So I made it seem as if I hated you, even though I didn't. It was the only way that I could make it through each and every day." Ebony said. Ellie nods. "I understand Ebony, But now, you don't have to pretend any more." Ellie said. Ebony nods. "You're right, and I know just what to do." Ebony said, right before she pulls Ellie close and kissed the younger Mall rat.

Ellie slowly pulled away, a few moments later. She looked into Ebony's eyes. "What does this mean now?" Ellie asked. Ebony smiled. "It means that if you agree that we are together now." Ebony said. She looked over at Ellie, waiting for the blonde to respond. "Well, what do you say? Are we together?" Ebony asked. Ellie nods. "Yes, as of this very moment, we are together." Ellie said. She kissed Ebony back. A few moments later, Ellie smiled at Ebony. Ebony looked at Ellie. "What are you smiling at, blondie?" Ebony asked, joking around.

Ellie laughed. "I'm smiling at you. You are so happy right now. I can tell. I just love seeing you this way. You seem so free right now." Ellie said. Ebony nods, laughing softly. "That is because I feel so free right now." Ebony said. Ellie nods. "Feels good, doesn't it Ebony?" She asks, looking at Ebony happily. Ebony nods. "It's kind of weird. I could never by myself around anyone else. But here I am, being all nice and sweet and happy with you." Ebony said. Ellie shrugs. "I guess you just seem more comfortable with me." She said. Ebony nods. "Ellie, Love Me or Hate Me, just please don't forsake me." Ebony said, looking over at Ellie.

The End.