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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Don't Turn Around


Slade loses the love of his life.

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"Don't turn around, Bray. You walk out that door and leave me, and we are over, for real this time." Slade tried to act as if he didn't care. That the fact that Bray was leaving him, didn't mean anything, when in truth, it was absolutely everything. After everything they had gone through. They had both lost their little brothers to insanity and death. They been through hell, trying to keep their relationship a secret, so no one would find out and freak out. But then Bray went and told Trudy about them, only a week after agreeing to keep things a secret!

Frustration flowed through his body like a drug. It grabbed hold of Slade, and wouldn't let him go. He was so angry, that he began to trash his room. Slade felt his blood pressure rising, and even though he knew it was a bad thing, decided to pretend that nothing was wrong. It's not like there was anything that anyone could do, anyway. Things between himself and Bray were over. Slade couldn't be with a man he couldn't trust. There were already enough people like that in his life.

Bray was sad as he walked away from Slade. They had been good together, and he knew that. They had been arguing for a while now, about the fact that he had finally told Trudy about their relationship. Bray didn't understand why it mattered anymore. Trudy was the only one who knew that they were gay, and that they were together. It wasn't like she was going to run and tell everyone that they were dating each other. The mere thought of Trudy telling everyone their secret, made Bray laugh out loud.

As he walked back into his room, and slammed the door closed in anger, Bray wanted to march right back into Slade's room. He wanted to tell the other man that he trusted Trudy completely. That she wouldn't let their secret slip. She wouldn't tell anyone, unless they gave her permission to do so. However, Bray knew he would just be wasting his breath, Slade wouldn't listen to a word he said. So he just laid down in his bed. Things would be strange now, but Bray would cope. He just had to.

Slade stormed out of his room a few minutes later. He couldn't stay in his room any longer. It felt like he was trapped. Like the walls were gonna close on him any moment now. Slade stormed out his room, down the staircase, and out of the front door of the Mall. There had to be something he could do to get rid of all this anger he was feeling, but what? Slade wanted to punch someone, or something. He just didn't know what. There had to be a way to lose all of this anger that was in him.

Slade started down the street. It was times like these that he wished they had cars. Slade knew that a good case of road rage would have cleared his head, and would've calmed him down faster than anything else. But since the virus screwed up everything, he would have to settle for a mile or more run around the Mall, maybe even the city. Slade hoped it would help. He needed it to help, or serious trouble would come to them, if they weren't careful. That was the last thing they needed.

Bray lie in his bed, hating the silence that surrounded him. He wanted noise. Bray wanted to hear an argument, no matter who was having it, and what it was about. He couldn't handle the silence, and craved noise, that Bray knew would never come. He wanted to bang his head on the wall in frustration and anger, but knew that injuring himself would only make it worse. Bray got up, and began to pace his room. He felt like climbing the walls. There had to be something he could do.

Getting up, Bray began to gather all of Slade's things, and he put them into a box. After making sure he got everything that belonged to Slade, and put it in the box, he brought it to the other mans room. Bray tossed the box onto Slade's bed, and then left the room. Even though he was happy to be getting on with his life, he was sad that things between himself and Slade were over. But it was for the best. They needed to get their lives back. And breaking up and moving on, would accomplish that.

The End.