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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Bad Day


What happens when Madison and Spencer have a bad day?

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I've had a really bad day, so don't mess with me, Queer Eye," Madison said angrily, as she walked past Spencer, who was leaning on her locker. A smirk made its way across Spencer's features, before she could stop it. "Aw, what happened? Glen got smart, and left you?" She asks, unable to resist angering her enemy. "No estúpido, I'm breaking up with Glen. He's too busy worrying about his basketball. Los tipos son idiotas." Madison said, falling back into her native tongue. Spencer stared at Madison. "I said guys are idiots." She said, clarifying.

Spencer shrugged her shoulders. "You won't get any arguments from me there," She said. Madison stared at Spencer. This was the first time they had a conversation, and were not fighting about anything. "Ah dios. He caÃdo oro a raro. Necesito salir antes cualquiera averigua." ("Oh god. I have fallen pray to queers. I need to leave before anyone finds out.") When Spencer gave her another confused look, Madison shrugs, and then hurried off.

Spencer stared after Madison as the other girl ran off. Aiden and Ashley walked up to her. "Hey, where's the Queen Cheer Breeder going?" Ashley asked, as she sat down on a nearby bench. Spencer and Aiden sat down also. Spencer shrugged. "Don't know. One minute, she and I were having a normal conversation for once, and he next thing I know, Madison starts to speak in Spanish so she thinks I don't know what she is saying, and then she leaves suddenly. It was strange." Spencer explained. Madison, meanwhile, was on her cell phone, talking to her cousin Michelle.

"Michelle, yo no sé lo que hacer. Empiezo a querer chicas." ("Michelle, I don't know what to do. I'm starting to like girls.") Madison said. She was horrified. "Escucha Madison, usted no quiere a chicas. Usted no puede querer a chicas. ¿Usted fecha ese jugador del baloncesto, la Cañada Carlin, o algo, el derecho?" ("Listen Madison, you don't like girls. You can't like girls. You're dating that basketball player, Carlin, or something, right?") Madison sighs, and then spoke.

"Era, pero yo me separé con él porque él estaba preocupar demasiado ocupado por sus juegos estúpidos
del baloncesto, en vez de mÃ." ("I was, but I broke up with him because he was busy worrying about his
stupid basketball games, instead of me.") Michelle groaned. "Chica, usted hizo lo que usted tuvo que hacer.
Si la Cañada ponÃa el baloncesto antes usted, entonces usted tuvo que separarse, o tuvo que permanecer
segundo lugar a un deporte." ("Girl, you did what you had to do. If Glen was putting basketball before you,
then you had to break up, or stay second place to a sport.")

Madison nodded, even though she knew that her cousin couldn't see. It was reflex, since she was used
to talking to people in person, and nodding her agreement with them "Bueno, chica de Gracias. Yo le debo,
Michelle. Tengo que ir, tener que educar empieza. Yo le llamaré más tarde." ("I owe you, Michelle. I have
to go, school is about to begin. I'll call you later.") "Adiós Michelle." ("Bye Michelle) Madison said to her
cousin. "Adiós chica." ("Bye girl.") Michelle said to Madison, and then hung up.

Madison sighed, and she hung up her cell phone, getting up, she went to the girls room, and was surprised
to find Spencer at a mirror, putting on makeup. "Ah dios, no otra vez. Yo no puedo manejar esto." ("Oh god,
not again. I can't handle this.") Spencer looked at Madison. "What can't you handle?" She asked, smirking a
bit. Madison stared at Spencer. ¿"Usted sabe español?" ("You know Spanish?") She asked, surprised. Spencer
smiled. "Sé español, y algún francés también. Pero oye, yo no quiero jactarse." ("I know Spanish and some
French as well. But hey, I don't like to brag.")

Spencer stared at Madison. "Do you really like me?" She asked, surprising not only herself, but Madison,
as she asked the question. Madison paused, as she thought about the question. "Yes, I do, but I can't
be a lesbian. I went out with Aiden, and your brother." Spencer shrugged. "So, Ashley and I, both went
out with Aiden, and we're gay. What's wrong with that?" Madison sighs. "I thought this was gonna be a
bad day, but I guess it's not." She said, and then kissed Spencer.

Spencer was surprised to say the least. But if Madison was now crossing over to their side, who the
hell was she to argue? When she pulled away from the other girl, Spencer wondered what was going
to happen now. "How are you going to break up with Glen?" She asked, concerned about her brother.
Madison just shrugged Spencer's question off. "I'm gonna just tell him that I'm gay, and I know he will
understand." She said, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

There was nothing else she could do. Everything else had gone wrong today, except for her talking
with Spencer, so what could be worse than what she was gonna have to do? Madison sighed and put
her makeup away. She walked out of the girls room moments later, and went to find Glen. Upon
finding him she said, "We need to break up, I'm not interested in you, or in guys period, anymore."
Moments later, she walks away, thinking, 'It's not a bad day anymore.'

The End.