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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Easy Way Out


What happens when Slade ends his relationship with Ruby?

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Slade looked at Ruby. They were sitting downstairs in the Saloon, talking. It was late at night, and everybody else
was asleep. "You know what I'm really like. I look out for myself, and I look for the easy way out of everything. So
why do you still care about me?" Ruby lifts her head up, and looks into Slade's eyes. "I love you, okay? That's why.
I can't help it, I just do. My head tells me that I'm stupid, but my heart just keeps giving you chances." She knew
that her words would complicate things even more, but she didn't care.

Slade ran a hand through his dark black hair, trying to decide what he should do. Things between the two of them were
already tense, and now, with Ruby telling him about her feelings, he knew that things would only get worse. "Look Ruby,
you know I care about you like a friend. Can't you just take what I'm offering, and not ask any questions?" Ruby shook
her head. "No Slade, I can't. I love you, and you either need to tell me you love me back, or you need to tell me that
we can no longer be friends. I can't play this game anymore. It hurts me."

There were tears in Ruby's eyes as she said it, and the fact that he was hurting her, broke his heart. However, it had
to be done. Slade was pushing Ruby away to protect her. They were better off as friends. The two of them had tried
to be a couple already. It didn't work, and Slade didn't want to hurt Ruby again. The way things were going right now,
he was lucky that Ruby was even talking to him at all. "I'm sorry Ruby. I know you care about me, and I do care about
you, but I need some time."

It was the truth. Slade didn't want to rush into things again, just to have everything blow up in their faces once more.
"When will you know?" Ruby asked softly. Her question, and the sadness in her brown eyes, brought him back to reality.
Slade shrugged. "I'm not sure. I'll just know." He got up, and as he turned to leave, paused. Slade walked over to Ruby,
and kissed her. The kiss was so gentle it caught Ruby off guard.

Ruby watched as Slade walked off, and headed for his room. The feel of his kiss lingered on her lips, and in her mind, the
scene playing over and over, in slow motion. Suddenly, a sound nearby brought Ruby out of her thoughts, and she turns
to see Lottie standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Lottie, what's the matter?" Ruby asked softly. She walks over to the
child, and motioned for the girl to have a seat. "Are you okay?"

Lottie nodded. "I'm okay, Ruby. I just got scared." She said softly. Ruby's shock registered on her face. "You're scared?
Well, tell me what you're scared of, and maybe I can help. You're a tough little girl who usually isn't scared of anything,
so it must be really bad, if it scares you." Lottie nodded. "I'm scared I'm gonna have to choose between you and Slade.
Both of you are like my family. You are like my sister Ruby, and Slade's like my brother. I don't want to lose either one
of you. You and Slade are all that I have left." Lottie said, crying.

The two of them stayed downstairs in the Saloon, talking about anything and everything. Slade, who'd finally decided
what he wanted, came back downstairs, to find Lottie and Ruby talking. What he heard tugged at his heart. He knew
that Lottie had lost a lot, and for her to have lost so much, it was like a crime. Slade finally made his presence known,
by stepping away from the stairs, and walking into the room. When they stared at him in surprise, he smiled a little. "I
think I'm going to have to explain to the two of you, everything."

Looking at Ruby, he said, "If you would be willing to change your mind about our talk earlier, I think that we could still
be friends. That is, if you want, and if you can handle it." It was moments, though it felt like hours when Ruby nodded.
When that was settled, he turned to Lottie, "Kid, you have nothing to worry about. You are not going to lose Ruby, or
me. We are gonna be friends, and the three of us, a family. Nothing will ever break our family up." Slade promised her.

The End.