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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Half-Truths and Semantics


Post-ep for the "Shark" episode "Dr. Feelbad" It seemed like Starke was a little evasive answering Julie's questions at the end. Here's why.

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Notes: Don't ask me where this came from. It's here, and the pairing doesn't seem to be going anywhere in my head, so there may well be more where this came from.


"She asked me if I was ever going to commit to another woman." Sebastian lay sprawled out in his bed, staring at the ceiling, the cordless phone in hand. His bed was too big, too empty without his lover there.

"What'd you tell her?" It didn't help that he could hear the amusement in his lover's voice.

"Told her that I'd tried that with her mother and the word 'fiasco' came to mind. Didn't tell her /why/ that is, though." Sebastian kept his voice low, even while he felt like shouting. He was a louse, a louse with few morals or scruples, and happy to tell you that to your face. But the minute he thought about Julie, about the hurt look in her eyes, or the wary look she got whenever he tried to do something right for her, he actually felt guilty for it.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. "You could tell her the truth. Now that she's living with you, there's a good chance she'd figure it out on her own. Might be better if you came clean before that, gesture of trust and respect."

Sebastian smirked, "Like our relationship isn't strained enough already." He closed his eyes and sighed. Pictured how the conversation might go, "As much as I'd like to, now is really not the time. She likes Rachel, and was pretty pissed when she thought I was two-timing her with Amber."

His lover's quiet laugh dragged a reluctant smile out of him, "That's the price you pay for the way you play the game, Sebastian. You let people think the worst of you. Hell, most of the time you encourage them to think you're a heartless bastard. Doesn't leave a lot of room for trust or faith." There was nothing Sebastian could really say to that, it was the complete truth. "Why don't we do dinner next week sometime? Spend some time together, relax a bit. Maybe plan out a bit of strategy for how or when to tell her?"

"Yeah, yeah, that'd be good. See you around?" He heard the uncertain note in his voice and hated it. It was only times like this, at the end of the late-night calls to tide them over that it got through his defenses.

"Yeah, I'll be around." A pause, then, "You know, a few more months, and we could stop hiding so much. It'd be plausible to say we'd started dating after you joined the DA's office, and enough after not to look suspicious. After all, my approval rating's high enough to weather it. Hell, worst-case scenario, I lose the election and write a book about being the closeted-gay mayor of LA."

Sebastian carefully set the phone on the nightstand. Come morning, he'd start analyzing what kind of lead time they'd need to make things look good in a worst-case scenario, and deciding what to tell Julie. For tonight, he'd sleep and wish his lover was there with him. He should've known better than to get involved with a politician.