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Archive Warning:
Part 4 of humorous Deathfic
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

humorous deathfic: Conrad you incredible idiot


Fandom: CSI
Genre: Gen
Rating: FR-T
Series/Sequel: Part of my humorous deathfic series.
Archive: Beyond canon, wwomb, my upcoming humorous deathfics page (under construction)
Synopsis: Sara collapses on a scene. The cause stuns everybody.
AN: For Katelya_mct from sylum, who gave me the Sara bunny. Looks down at bunny currently gnawing on ankle, you want him back? .
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.

Work Text:

humorous deathfic: Conrad, you incredible idiot
by Josette Grover

"Do you know what caused Sidle's death?" Ecklie asks, folding his hands in front of him on the desk. "You certainly took long enough with the investigation."

"Yes," Doc Robbins says, "Your damn piss ant penny pinching tendencies killed her."

"Excuse me?" He says, the sip of coffee he'd taken to show Grissom and Robbins who was actually in charge of this meeting nearly going down the wrong pipe.

"You heard me, Conrad." Al snorts. "You changed the company we ordered our gloves from because offering non-latex gloves cost too much money."

"Yes, you knew I had to cut the money somewhere I told you that."

"And we told you that there were people with latex allergies who work here. That's why the board denied your request to switch companies."

"So they itch a little." Conrad snorts. "The board was more than happy to see how much money I saved us by switching brands. Who cares if I went behind their back to do it, the end justifies the means."

"You are an idiot." Robbins says scathingly. "Latex allergies can cause more than 'itching' they can be life threatening. And like any other allergy, they can come on at any time. It seems Sara had developed just such an allergy, one that was life threatening. We examined the gloves she was wearing when she collapsed on the crime scene, they were latex as was every other set of supposedly non-latex gloves in the crime scene kits, labs, and in my morgue And interestingly enough, they were packaged almost identically to the old non-latex brand, packaging the company said you had specially ordered. Now, why would you do that unless you didn't want anybody to know you'd changed the gloves? The board was quite irate when they found out you had done this, especially considering a couple of them also have latex allergies and could have died also if they'd gloved up here. I believe some of them are talking about going to the DA with this evidence and having you charged with her death." Conrad goes pale at that news.

"Also, they're quite upset you have opened the whole lab to a lawsuit from those people who have latex allergies. Luckily for you, Sidle lived for the job and panting after Grissom, you could be dealing with a family mourning their loved ones death and a hotshot young lawyer more than willing to file a wrongful death lawsuit against yourself and the crime lab. In fact, the board is holding a special session they want you to attend after this meeting is over. I believe they said something about terminating you?" Al smirks evilly as a shaking Conrad slumps back into his chair then hurries out of the room.

Smirking, Al turns to look at a scowling Gil Grissom. "Want to bet they offer you the position?" he says.

"I don't want it, I won't take it." Grissom says. "And Sara was not panting after me."

"To quote Greg, oh puh-leeze." Al says, "The woman was always looking at you, taking any opportunity to touch you, always tried to get on cases with you, was never far from your office. . .She had it bad for you my friend."


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