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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Lennie is exhausted from working a case and Jack wants him to get some sleep.

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Status: Complete

Archive: WWOMB

Feedback: Yes

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Series/Sequel: if you want any

Disclaimers: Dick Wolf and his production company plus NBC own them

When Jack McCoy saw his lover, Lennie Briscoe he looked exhausted. After working twenty hours Lennie felt and looked like he would drop but he couldn't. He wanted to find the person who had shot his ex-partner Mike Logan and he wasn't going to quit. Jack had heard the complaints from several fellow detectives of his lover's that the detective was hard to live with. Jack knew that not to be true but in these trying times he knew that it was just the opposite.

Jack just shook his head. Out the door went his highly exhausted lover. He had tried to stop the older man and get him to at least take a short nap. It didn't work. Lennie had claimed that Jack's kind of nap was not what his would be. Jack had frowned at that assessment. All the EADA wanted for detective lover was for some rest so that he could be fresh and ready for what ever happened out on the streets. And now they had found out two other cops had been shot and Lennie was back out on the streets without another thought for his own health and safety. Jack sighed and went to work. He would wait out the findings of the investigations and then prosecute the man or men who was doing this horrible thing.

Jack looked up when he heard a slight knock on his door. His assistant, Serena, was standing in the doorway looking at him with a sympathetic look on her face. He smiled wanly at her and gestured for her to take a seat before his desk. She returned the smile and quietly watched her boss find a file that they needed to discuss.

"He'll be ok, Jack." She finally said.

Serena wanted to ease her boss' worry about his lover. Jack looked at her and didn't know what to say. He knew that Lennie was exhausted and wouldn't have the man not do his duty but all he wanted was for the detective to rest and relax. He sighed and pointed out to the young ADA that they had work to do.

Serena left a few hours later leaving Jack to his worry and some files to keep him occupied. She hoped that the detective would come home to Jack and let the EADA pamper him. She waved goodbye and he weakly returned the gestured. Ten minutes after the young blonde woman had left a knock sounded on his door. Thinking that Serena came back he didn't look up and told her to leave him alone he was all right and didn't need babysitting.

"Really, Jack and all this time I like to babysit you." the deep voice of Jack's one and only said.

Jack's head quickly shot up and he smiled a huge smile at the man before him. Lennie looked beyond exhausted but he looked wonderfully handsome to the attorney. He quickly got up from his chair to lead the other man to his couch. Lennie allowed himself to be led and gratefully sunk down on the leather of the couch. Jack went with him. The lawyer couldn't take his eyes of the detective. He looked at the man critically and saw dark circles and bags under Lennie's eyes. He saw the total exhaustion in his lover's eyes. But he also saw a look of a man determined to stay awake long enough to catch the man shooting cops. Lennie looked at Jack in bewilderment and leaned into the EADA and kissed him. Jack returned the kiss. This wasn't exactly what he wanted but he would take anything that he got. What he wanted was Lennie to go to bed and sleep for days. Lennie wouldn't have it though. He wanted to be out there to see who was trying to bring down NYPD cops.

Jack smiled as Lennie let his head fall to the back of the couch. The lawyer got up and hoisted the detective's legs onto the couch. Lennie let a smile come onto his face. Lennie let his arm fall across his face and then he closed his eyes for a moment. An hour later he was being shaken awake by his lover. Jack looked into the blue eyes of the man he loved more than life itself and smiled. He hadn't meant to go to sleep but it felt good just to get a little sleep. Van Buren had sent him home to Jack but Lennie knew that the EADA would be at his office so that's where he went and then fell asleep while the other man worked on some case files.

"You let me sleep, Jack."

"You were exhausted, Lennie."


Lennie shook his head at the attorney and denied to himself that he was anything but exhausted. Lennie smiled at his lover and reached to stroke a hand across a cheek. Jack leaned into the touch letting Lennie feel him and the need to know someone was there for him. Jack put his arms around Lennie and held on tight. He could see what the exhaustion was doing to his lover.

Jack held out his hand to Lennie who took it and allowed himself to be helped up from the couch. Jack wouldn't let go and lead the detective out of the office while grabbing his briefcase.

"Thank, Jack."

"Anytime, Lennie. I just didn't want to see you drop from exhaustion."

Lennie smiled at that and kept his hand in Jack's and allowed himself a moment's peace. He was with the man he loved and being shown love so life was good for both of them.

The end.