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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Sleeping Beauty


"Erica's sees her Daddy crying."

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"Papa, why is Daddy crying?" Erica asked as she climbed upon my lap.

Surprised, not at the concern, but the fact that Warrick is crying, I reply, "Well honey, I guess he's just sad today, but he'll be fine. Don't worry about it, okay?"


"Let's get you tucked into bed."

"But, Papa, I'm not sleepy yet."

"I know, but its still bedtime." Entering her bedroom, I turn on the lamp beside her bed.

Pulling back the blankets, I signal for her to climb in. Once she is tucked in, I reach over to the shelf next to her bed, pulling out her favorite bedtime story. "Do you want me to read you 'Sleeping Beauty' tonight?"

"No. You should read it to Daddy. It's my favorite story, and it might make him happy. I don't like it when Daddy cries."

"I think Daddy would like that. I don't like it when he cries either." Leaning over I place a quick kiss in her curly hair. "Good night sweetie."

"Good night Papa. Give Daddy a kiss for me."

"I will." Turning off the lamp beside her bed, and making sure her nightlight is plugged in, I turn to leave. Stopping in the doorway, I glance back to the bed and look upon my semi-sleep angel. She looks so much like Warrick when she's asleep. Same skin tone, with big green eyes, and a head full of reddish-brown ringlets. With one last look I close the door and head to our bedroom, the well-worn book of Erica's in hand.

"Warrick," I say softly as I enter our bedroom. I can see he is curled up on his side, back to me, arms wrapped around him. "Are you okay?"

"No, but I will be; just a little emotional today." I go around to his side of the bed and crouch down beside him. I can see that he has been crying and the sad look on his face tears at my heart.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"You being here is enough," he answers with a small smile. "Where's my little angel?"

"I just tucked her in for the night." I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, "That's from Erica. She told me to give you a good night kiss for her; thought it might cheer you up."

"Cheer me up? Did she see me in here like this?"

"Yes, but she's fine. I told her you were just having a bad day. Don't worry baby, she understands. She just wanted to make you feel better."

"That's why she's my angel, always looking out for her Daddy."

"She's amazing isn't she? Sometimes I look at her and I can't believe she's really ours, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. She's the best thing to ever happen to us."

Sitting up on the side of the bed, Warrick sighs heavily, hanging his head in his hands. Sitting next to him, I wrap my arm around him. "Can you tell me what brought this on?"

Laughing softly, he replies. "I knew you weren't gonna let me off that easy. It's nothing, really. It's just, today I was thinking about how lucky we are to have Erica in our lives. And I really wanted to call Grams to talk to her about something Erica had done, and I had picked up the phone and almost dialed the number, before reality hit. Ican't call her anymore, can't share the joy Erica brings into my life with her, the milestones she makes. It was just a big painful slap in the face, and I felt like all the wind had just been knocked out of me. So I came in here and laid down, and cried my heart out. I didn't mean to scare Erica, I didn't even know she had come in here, it was just so painful, you know?"

"Oh, Ricky. I'm so sorry. Your Grams was one of the most incredible women I have ever met, and I wish Erica could have had more time with her too, but we can't change that. What we can do is make sure she knows what a wonderful person her Grams was, and hope that she turns out a lot like her. And don't worry yourself about Erica, you didn't scare her. She just doesn't like to see her Daddy sad, that's all. I told her that I would make sure you are okay."

"And how did you tell her you were gonna do that?"

"Oh, our little princess took care of that herself. She told me to read you "Sleeping Beauty" since it's her favorite; she said that would make you feel better."

With a smile on his face, Warrick runs a hand along my jaw. "You now, Gil, I love you so much. You and Erica are my world. I can't imagine my world without you guys in it."

"Good thing you don't have to," I say as I give him a gentle kiss on the lips. "Now come on, we have to take Erica shoe shopping tomorrow, and you know how picky she is."

"Oh, joy. I can't wait."

We settle into the bed, Warrick resting his head on my shoulder, as I run small circles over his bare back. Reaching over to the nightstand, I pick up my reading glasses. "Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, a beautiful princess was born ..."

---THE END---