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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Agarn's "Horse"


Agarn and His Sarge

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"We know different, but the Major thinks you're great." -Agarn to O'Rourke in Lieutenant O'Rourke, Front and Center



Both Sergeant O'Rourke and Corporal Agarn were more than pleased that O'Rourke was still Sergeant O'Rourke and not lieutenant. A promotion would've meant his transfer and the end of O'Rourke Enterprises. O'Rourke had to fight the grin when Major Duncan tore the lieutenant's bars off of his shoulders and stalked out.

To celebrate, the two went up to the Playbrave club at the Hekawi camp. They drank with Wild Eagle, listened to music, and watched the pretty squaws dance on stage.

Agarn always liked looking at beautiful people, girls and boys. He may have been a horse soldier with no class or refinement himself but he admired the grace he saw in others. And then in a category all by himself was the man sitting next to him. Grace would've been the last term he could use to describe the Sarge. O'Rourke was tough and grizzled and yet had the ability to get his "horse" at a full gallop.

It was a strange dynamic between them but it worked. They'd been pals for so long and the next step seemed natural. That wouldn't make sense to anyone else but they had plenty of other secrets to keep. One more didn't faze them.

Agarn leaned against O'Rourke. He felt his "horse" begin to perk up. He rested his hand on O'Rourke's leg. "It looks like we're gonna be stuck with you after all, Sarge."

O'Rourke smirked, easily reading Agarn's thoughts. "And I know that just breaks your heart."

Agarn leaned in close to O'Rourke's ear and whispered, "What say we head back to the fort?"

O'Rourke removed Agarn's hand from his leg. He waved off the suggestion. "Nah. We just got here."

"But, Sarge," Agarn whined.

O'Rourke shrugged. "Go on back if you want to. I'll be along later."

Agarn knew that O'Rourke knew what he wanted. Why was O'Rourke being stubborn? Neither of them was really the type to play hard to get.

O'Rourke turned to Wild Eagle and motioned to the stage. "Who's up next?"

Wild Eagle grinned lecherously. "Your favorite, O'Rourke. Silver Moon."

O'Rourke whistled in admiration and smiled. "Oh, Silver Moon."

Agarn rolled his eyes. When Silver Moon started dancing, he'd never get the Sarge's attention. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and proceeded to sulk.

A beautiful, young squaw stepped onto the stage. She had long black hair in a braid down her back. She was barefoot and wore a buckskin shirt and short skirt with beaded fringes. The music began and she danced gracefully.

Wild Eagle inched closer to O'Rourke. His voice was a conspiratorial whisper. "She like you, too."

Agarn tensed. He glanced over his shoulder at them. He couldn't see O'Rourke's face, but he saw the pleased look on Wild Eagle's ugly mug. He was sure it was mirrored on the O'Rourke's.

"Really?" O'Rourke asked and Agarn thought he could hear the drool running down his chin.

Wild Eagle nodded. "Oh, yes."

Agarn couldn't stand it anymore. He'd had such wonderful plans for the night and now...He stood abruptly. "I've gotta go back to the fort, Sarge."

"Why?" Wild Eagle asked with exaggerated innocence.

Agarn put a hand over his stomach. "Something I ate doesn't agree with me. I'll see ya later." He turned away and didn't see the knowing look that passed between the other two.

Agarn wouldn't have said that he ran from the Hekawi camp. A well-ordered retreat sounded better. He just didn't want to hear Wild Eagle fix up his Sarge with Silver Moon.

She was a lovely girl and Agarn actually liked her. "But what does she have that I don't?" he muttered. He grunted. "She's young and beautiful."

At the front gate, he ran into Wrangler Jane leaving. "Evenin', Corporal," she greeted cheerfully.

"Hey, Janie," he grumbled.

"You sure sound down in the mouth. What's wrong?"

Agarn shrugged. "Nothin." He saw the basket in her lap. "Did you have dinner with the Captain?"

Janie smiled dreamily. "We had ourselves a picnic out a kissing rock."

Agarn sighed. At least someone's love life was worth bragging about. Not that he could brag after the Sarge pounded him into oblivion. That would be a sure ticket to the guard house. Still, he wanted to be able to brag to himself. "Sounds like fun," he said sourly.

Janie blinked. "It was fun," she said defensively. She stared at him and asked softly, "Did you get a bad letter from Betty Lou?"

"Betty Lou?" he echoed.

"Your fiancé from back east."

Agarn hung his head. "Yeah," he mumbled. "She's marrying someone else."

Janie patted his shoulder. "I'm sure sorry to hear that, Agarn, but if you really want this girl, you're going to have to do something about it." With that, she spurred her horse on.

Agarn watched her trot off and went into the fort. He took care of his horse. Janie's words echoed in his head the whole time.

He nodded to himself. If he wanted O'Rourke, he would have do something about it. He nodded again.

He pursed his lips in thought. What was he actually going to do? O'Rourke was the one who came up with the plans, not him.

Agarn went into their shared quarters. He sat on his bunk. He rested his elbow on his knee, his chin in his palm.

The gears turned slowly in Agarn's head. He concentrated so hard that the sound of the door opening startled him. He jumped to his feet.

O'Rourke shut the door behind him and looked at Agarn in amusement. "You all right?"

Agarn took a deep breath. "Fine. Ya just startled me that's all."

"Okay." O'Rourke went to the mirror hanging above the washstand. He took his hat off, grabbed a comb, and started trying to tame his unruly hair.

Agarn's eyes got wide. O'Rourke was humming. He stood behind him and folded his arms across his chest. "I didn't expect ya back so soon."

O'Rourke's reflection grinned at Agarn. "Why not?"

"Well, from the way you were talking to Wild Eagle about Silver Moon..."

O'Rourke waggled his eyebrows. "I'm going back there later tonight. Oh, that Silver Moon." He turned and lowered his voice. "Listen, I'll be back for revelry in the morning. But just in case, can you cover for me?"

Agarn didn't stop to think about his reply. He stomped his foot. "No."

"No. Why not?" O'Rourke demanded.

Agarn groped for words to explain himself, but O'Rourke was standing so close to him. The temperature in the room felt like it jumped twenty degrees. He licked his lips.

"Well, Agarn? Are you going to explain why my old pal can't help me out?"

Agarn responded to the fire in O'Rourke's eyes. He grabbed the Sarge's shirt and pulled him into a rough kiss. His tongue surged past O'Rourke's lips to sweep through his mouth.

O'Rourke wrapped his arms around Agarn and eagerly returned the kiss. He lifted Agarn up and pushed him back into the wall. He ran his hands along Agarn's shoulders and down his sides, all the while his mouth still attached to Agarn's.

Agarn broke off for air and nipped O'Rourke's bottom lip. "That's why, Sarge," he whispered raggedly.

"I can't believe you're jealous," O'Rourke murmured in between kisses along Agarn's jaw.

Agarn shut his eyes. "I can't help it."

O'Rourke pressed against Agarn, harder. He shifted his attention to Agarn's throat. "Wasn't it you who said we know different, but the Major thinks you're great?"

Agarn's eyes snapped open. "Yes," he answered slowly. O'Rourke pulled away just enough to watch his face as the pieces fell into place. "That whole thing with Silver Moon was...."

O'Rourke grinned. "A way to teach you a lesson, yes."

But Agarn had to be sure. "So you weren't really going to..." he swallowed. "...with Silver Moon."

"She is my favorite Playbrave, but no. I doubt her future husband would approve."


O'Rourke nodded. "She's getting married next week." He took Agarn's hand and guided it down to the bulge in his pants. "Besides, this is for you, Agarn."

Agarn buried his head in O'Rourke's shoulder. "Oh, Sarge."

O'Rourke took Agarn's face in his hands and kissed him. Agarn wrapped his arms and legs around him. And Agarn's "horse" was at a full gallop already and he had no doubts that O'Rourke would take care of it.