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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Little Earthquakes


Feedback: It keeps me writing!
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: Will be at: The Vamps N Slayers Archive. Those of you who have my other fics, feel free to take this one too, no need to ask. Those of you who do not have my other fics, please ask and give me the URL to your site. The answer's always yes. ;-)
Disclaimer: They're not mine, I'm just borrowing them for a while. Joss and the other stupids can have the characters back soon, even though they won't do the right thing with them. Tori Amos wrote/sings the song, "Little Earthquakes", from which the title of the fic is borrowed. I also think the song fits the fic. Read the lyrics and you'll see.
Category: Story/Romance/Angst
Couples: Buffy/Xander Yes, you read that right.
Spoilers: This is a sequel to my B/X Fic Moving On, which was an alternate take on the events after Becoming II, and the summer following. This fic will be set in an alternate season 3, then. Minor spoilers here and there. I'll warn you. As of now: spoilers for the episode Band Candy, but I've modified it somewhat to fit my style.
Summary: Xander's life, and Buffy's, get more complicated. They try to figure out how to keep these situations from tearing them apart.
Author's Notes: I'm continuing my B/X phase, at the request of several who enjoyed Moving On. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, I'm including the lyrics for Little Earthquakes at the end of each part, to explain why I think it fits the concept for the fic.
Thank yous: To Dru, who understands my need for readers to scream at me occasionally. ;-)
Also to Susannah, you've been a consistent encouraging feedbacker for all my fics. Also thanks to my new B/X list friends: Calen, Ally, Joe, Queen Angel, Stacy, Stone Cold, Perfect Zero, Dale, Alex, Bruce, Jen, Karen, RiGid, Wraith, A. Pippins, Red....anyone I missed? Smack me upside the head, and I'll apologize. ;-)
Submitted through the 'YG deleted' 0oBuffyXanderFanfictiono0 mailing list. Please join us at 0oBuffyXanderFanfictiono0_2

Chapter 1: 1. Candy Bars Anyone?

Chapter Text

* * = thoughts; and _ _ = emphasis

Little Earthquakes
by Evil Willow

Part One - Candy Bars, Anyone?

Wednesday afternoon

Buffy walked into the house after school, holding a large box filled with candy bars. "Stupid fundraiser," she muttered, walking in and depositing the box on the kitchen counter.

"Fundraiser for the school band," Buffy said with a sigh. At Joyce's confused look she added, "Snyder, okay?"

"Oh," Joyce nodded, satisfied with that explanation. "So what are you going to do with them?"

"I was really hoping you'd buy them," Buffy said, her eyes pleading.

"Buffy, I'm trying to diet," Joyce replied with a frown.

"Try one?" Buffy said. "Five bucks, come on, mom. It's the school spirit thing and all that."

It was Joyce's turn to sigh. She nodded, and reached for a bar. "Not bad," she commented. "You had any?"

"I tried one, though, they're pretty good," Buffy said. "But I'd rather sell than buy."

"How many are in there?" Joyce asked.

"Forty," Buffy replied. At Joyce's look, she said, "What? Again, it was NOT my idea. Please help me out here. You KNOW I don't have time to fundraise. My priority is demon killing, remember?"

"Don't remind me," Joyce muttered. "Oh, okay," she sighed in resignation at Buffy's pathetic look. "I'll buy...twenty," Joyce said.

"Thanks mom!" Buffy exclaimed, and hugged her. She took the rest of the candy bars, and said, "Listen, I gotta go. Meeting Xan. I'm gonna try to get Giles to buy the rest of these things."

"Mr. Giles eats candy?" Joyce asked in surprise.

"No, but I can usually get him to agree to most anything," Buffy grinned and headed out the door.

4 pm

Xander's House

"Hey Mary," Buffy greeted Xander's mom when he opened the door.

"Xander's downstairs," Mary said with a smile.

"Thanks!" Buffy ran downstairs, after hearing Xander call up to enter. "Hey," she greeted Xander with a smile, then stopped dead in her tracks. Xander was sitting on his bed, surrounded by SAT prep books. "You're studying????" she looked at him in shock. "I thought we agreed not to over-study. We're meeting Willow and Oz in an hour to study, so that should be enough," she added, hands on her hips.

"You're cute when you're irritated," Xander chuckled, and walked over to her, kissing her lightly. Her eyes remained narrowed, and he said, "Hey, truce. This is not 'Xander studying.' This is 'Xander making his parents think he's studying, when in reality he's waiting for his...'"

Buffy snorted with laughter. "Girlfriend," she supplied with a grin. "Come on, Xan you can say it, "giiirlfrieeend," she teased, punching him in the ribs lightly.

"Sorry," Xander shrugged, "It's just that it still hits me sometimes, you know? That's what you are. That's what we are. And I get all 'wow.'"

Buffy smiled, "And that is just _too_ adorable," she said, before pulling him to her in a kiss. "So now that we have that established, for the ... hundredth time, on to more important matters. Such as, did you get your parents to buy any chocolate?"

"Mom bought ten bars," Xander replied. "I was hoping to hit up Giles next."

"Not likely, I'm going to ask," Buffy said.

Xander went to sit on his bed, and Buffy sat next to him. Xander asked, "And that means what exactly?"

"I'm his Slayer, he has a responsibility to me," Buffy shrugged. "Oh, don't pout," she rolled her eyes at his expression. "I mean it!" she yelled, as he showed no signs of letting up. She grinned then, "I'll wipe that pout off your face, Xander Harris," before tackling him and kissing him.


Well? Fluffy enough so far? ;-) Enjoy it while it lasts. *insert evil laugh here*