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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Truth In A Moment


Prompt: He (Challenge No. 84)
Suggested M/M Slash, H/C, emotional observation and insight
Word Count: 368
Fan-rated: Suitable for Older Teenagers - PG 13
Submitted through the BattlestarGalacticaForAdults mailing list.

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My usual pairing, a story
by Bethany

“Forgive him, son.” Carol-Anne told Lee. ”He is your father, but he is not a natural at fatherhood! Your Dad has worked hard to show you the love he has for you.”

“You mean, to find love to show me!!?” Lee replied.

“No. Not at all!” Listen, Lee; Your father loved me. I loved him. I knew what he was, pilot and all the rest of it! But I still wanted the domestic life. He wanted that, too, part of his soul did. And still does; More so now, because he has spent years cultivating an incredible love for you and Zak!” Lee's mother had raw grief in her voice. “I know that you followed him to the stars because at least part of your soul understands that compulsion; and the other part of your soul is telling you that you want to make sure you and he are in each other's lives. Make sure of it, son! Just learn; let yourself absorb the lesson.” She paused, looking at Zak's open grave.

Lee looked there with her, too, and back to his mother. “But he's obsessed with the stars, with that damn ship, with Saul Tigh!” Lee said shakily.

“So, go find out why.” Carol-Anne suggested.


Saul stood by Adama's side, as the man continued to stare into that grave; holding up the young woman whom would have been his daughter-in-law, Kara Thrace.

She was putting on a brave face, too. But Bill knew when a person needed a little extra support; needed holding, and not to be alone. And, he was there for them, no matter what their soul was crying out.

Saul knew that. Bill was insistently the strong one; always, but Saul knew his friend felt things as deeply as everyone else.

“You're still a part of this family.” Bill was saying to Thrace, as he stood beside her.

She was bewildered then, Saul could see it in her eyes. But she wasn't backing away. He knew how she was used to thinking, what she normally felt.

Bill half looked over his shoulder at Saul. “Stand with him a moment.” Bill spoke of Zak. “while I take Kara here to be with Carol-Anne and Lee.

The End: 28.3.06/29.3.06