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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Found Out


FRT-13 - Fan Rated Suitable For Older Teenagers (PG13) - IF you know what Slash is and you and your guardians are not worried by it!!
Date Written by Bethany: 28.4.06
Prompt: Children (No. 28)
Words: 531
M/M Slash implied, anguish for those affected by it…
Submitted through the BattlestarGalacticaForAdults mailing list.

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T/A story
by Bethany

“Alright now, that's enough, Lee! What's the matter with you!?” Father admonished child. He awaited an answer.

“He's still pissed with me that I said he was the same as me when we both traded for things on the Black Market!” Saul said truthfully, as he stood in Bill's quarters will him and Lee. “And, a number of other things, I would imagine..!” Saul admitted.

“You got that right...!” Lee admitted, quite obviously. “He!” Lee pointed angrily at Saul Tigh, “is where your loyalties have always lain, isn't he, father??”

Bill Adama stood up to that accusation as well as any other. He wouldn't lie to his son.

You liked Mom enough to give them children! You've known Zak and I were waiting at home for you! And yet, you've been frakkin' this drunk all the way along, Dad..! Haven't you!?”

Bill didn't turn away. “Yes.”

Lee's head spun and he glared at Saul! “And, you have any wonder that I have a problem with him..!” He again pointed at Tigh while he spoke to his father.

“No, I don't wonder!” Bill replied to his son.

“Was he the fun, or was Mom..?” Lee asked plainly.

“I've always been screwed up about love, son. But love is always what I've felt!” Adama spoke truthfully.

“For him..!” Lee shouted.

“Yes.” Adama confessed “And, I'm aware I screwed with your Mom, but, excuse though it isn't, there was no malice in my heart!”

“Mom told me that, at Zak's funeral..!” Lee admitted, still furious.”No malice, oh no! Just a frakkin’ great pile of contempt! And, you..!” Lee turned on Saul, “Not that I really care, but what makes you keep coming back for more from my Dad..!!???”

“Love.” Saul told Lee, and Bill.

Bill looked to Saul.

“And, all this, while you took advantage of a life with Mom, You couldn't even stop with Mom, and leave with him after you left us, could you!?? But leave with him, you always did anyway..! You got it all, didn't you!??” Lee confronted his father. “No wonder mom was a screw up! Frakkin' hell, Dad!!” Lee glared at him. “What did you expect!??”

“I don't know, Lee!” Adama replied.

“If you'd been forced to choose, would you have..?” Lee demanded of his father.

“I never had a choice, son!” He thought again. ”Maybe, I did - But this, all of it, is something I feel in my soul! I was too weak, too bound, to ignore who I am! He spoke then not just of him and Saul, but of his desire for the stars. And, the life satisfying that had always commanded he lead.

Lee knew Different bed-partners for him, other conquests, in a way, but he did know. And, for that moment, and not for the first time, he resented that he was so much like his father: He could not rally at him because he himself was so similar. Lee could blame him for that selfish mindset occasionally, say it was an imprint, or his Dad's genetics, but; Lee knew about impulse and drive and feeling unsettled, in all things! He had scarred a few people in his path as well.

The End..?