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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Elvis Trilogy 3: Baby I Don’t Care


Fandom: CSI:NY
Disclaimer: Still not mine. Still sad.
Pairing: Macadamia, Lindsay/Hawkes
Series: The Elvis Song trilogy
Summary: Mac can’t get a song out of his head. But what song?
Warnings: Slash, Het, Threesome
Author’s Notes: For Kathie. To finish off the trilogy she made me write. Or that was written for her. Something like that. :))
Submitted through the CSI_New_York_Slash mailing list.

Work Text:

The Elvis Trilogy 3: Baby, I Don't Care
by Ginny

"What are you humming?" Mac asked Don, looking up from the blood stain he was photographing.

"I'm not humming," Don told him indignantly. "Danny hums, not me."

Mac looked at him suspiciously, but didn't argue with him. Things were quiet in the small apartment that was their crime scene for a few more minutes and then the humming started again.

"You're humming!"

"No I'm not."

Mac looked at him in exasperation. "You are. Why don't you go see if you can find another witness?"

The look Don gave him assured Mac that he didn't like anyone, even Mac, questioning his ability to do his job. "Because that's what the uniforms are doing. And I'm not leaving you alone at a scene. Danny, I might think about it, but not you."

"You'd leave Danny and not me?" Mac asked, insulted. They were both cops and he was a Marine. If anyone could defend himself, it was him.

"Yes," Don answered simply. He smirked at the glare Mac gave him. "Danny doesn't get so engrossed in processing the evidence he misses what's going on around him."

"I don't do that!"

Don quirked an eyebrow at him. "You were almost hit by a bus!"

"Over a year ago!"

Don carefully hid his smile. He loved getting Mac flustered like this. "It still happened. You finish processing the evidence and I'll admire my view."

Mac rolled his eyes. "Just don't hum."

"No humming at the crime scene. I promise," Don smirked.


True to his word, Don didn't hum while they were in the apartment, but he did start humming again as they walked to their cars.

"You're doing it again," Mac pointed out.

"No I'm not."

Mac shot him an irritated look. Suddenly, he was happy that they had separate cars. Some days he was convinced that his lovers were insane.


Mac was walking through the walls of the lab when a familiar tune caught his ears. Following the noise, he found Stella standing outside the A/V lab. She was reading a report as she hummed, tapping her foot absent-mindedly.

"What are you humming?" he asked her. The tune was familiar, but he could place it.

"What?" she asked him, looking up from the file in her hands.

"What song are you humming?"

"I don't know," she admitted, slightly sheepishly. "Danny's been humming it all day and it got stuck in my head."

"Danny," Mac muttered and stalked off to find the other man.

Stella watched him leave and laughed a bit. Danny and Don had been good for Mac, whether he liked it admit it or not.


Mac found Danny in the Trace lab, looking into a microscope and seemingly oblivious to anything around him. And he was humming. It was soft, so soft Mac could barely hear it from the doorway, but it was there. It took Mac almost a full moment to notice that Danny's lips were quirking up in a smirk.

"What are you humming?" Mac asked, started to feel exasperated.

"Humming?" Danny asked innocently, looking over at Mac. "I was humming."

"Danny," Mac growled.

Danny looked at him, his face the picture of innocence unless you knew him well. "Sorry Mac, didn't realize I was humming."

Mac glared at him for another minute, but Danny didn't waver. "You're both brats, you know that, right?" he snapped and stalked away.

Danny watched him leave and waited until Mac had turned the corner before he laughed softly. "Part of the reason you love us," he whispered and turned back to his microscope.


"You're humming Mac," Lindsay informed him, a slight tremor of laughter in her voice.

"I was? Dammit," he muttered, his frustration building more.

"Can't get a song out of your head?"

"I don't even know what song it is," he griped. "Any idea?"

"No, sorry. Maybe you should ask Hawkes? He knows all sorts of trivia like that."

"Good idea," Mac said and hurried away. Don and Danny were going to pay for this. He missed Lindsay's soft snort of laughter.

"Danny and Don, I assume?" she asked Stella.

"Yes," she confirmed with a snicker and then asked. "Hawkes knows not to tell him, right?"

"No!" Lindsay gasped, her eyes widening.

"Go find her," Stella said, waving her hands at her. Lindsay nodded once and took off.


"I have a question for you Hawkes," Mac said abruptly when he finally found Sheldon in the breakroom.

"Okay," Hawkes agreed.

"How's your music trivia?"

"Quite good actually, I know all about-"

"Do you know what songs this is?" Mac interrupted and hummed the snippet that had been stuck in his head all day.

"Yes, it's-" Sheldon started to say and then stopped when he caught Danny frantically shaking his head. Danny caught his eyes and shook his head, gesturing toward Mac.

"It's?" Mac prompted.

"I don't know," Sheldon shrugged. "Sorry, thought I had it."

Mac turned around and caught sight of Danny. "Just ignore him," he ordered Sheldon. "What song is it?"

"Sorry Mac," he apologized again. "Can't quite remember."

Mac glared at them both and left, muttering about teams that were out to get him.


"Sheldon!" Lindsay summoned loudly when she finally spotted him down the hall. She half-ran to catch up with him.

"Slow down," he told her with a smile. "I'd wait for you any time."

She smiled back before she remembered why she'd been looking for him. "I forgot to tell you about Mac."

"Not to tell him what song everyone has been humming?" he asked her.

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Danny tipped me off and I figured it out."

"I always knew you were smart," she smiled.

"Of course I am. Why else would I have snagged you?" he teased.

She laughed lightly. "Flirt."

"You know it. See you tonight?" he asked.

"It's your turn to cook," she reminded him, kissing him on the cheek and hurrying away, leaving him smiling.


Mac was half asleep, lying across Danny when he realized something. Both of his lovers were humming again.

"Now will you tell me what you're humming?" he demanded.

Both men smirked and started singing, Don's fairly good singing voice mixing with Danny's good one.

"You don't know any dance steps that are new,
But no one else could love me like you do, do, do, do.

I don't know why my heart flips.
I only know it does.
I wonder why I love you, baby.
I guess it's just because
You're so square.
Baby, I don't care."

"Elvis," Mac realized after the final words died away.

"It seemed fitting," Don informed him.

"Yeah. Who else wouldn't know who Serena Portinova was?" Danny asked.

Mac let out a huff of exasperation. "I have better things to do than follow fashion models."

"Billboard in Times Square Mac," Danny reminded him with a laugh.

"Yes, well...." Mac trailed off, pulling Don, who was lying next to him, closer. "I love both of you."

Don laughed, "We love you too."

Danny wrapped his arms around both men as he said, "Even if you're a square."
