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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Cent Anni


Pairings: Xander/Anya (in the beginning). Spike/Xander/Angel
Summary: What if people knew that vampires existed? What if they used them as pets? Just read the story, I suck at summaries
Feedback: Yes please!
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters and I'm not making money.
Rating: T for now to be safe
A/N: I'm not that great of a writer, but I think the idea of the story is cool and hopefully that will make it worth the read=).
This is AU, some of the characters are in the same position they used to be, and some aren't. To anyone who's curious, the title means "100 years" in Italian. It is often used as a toast meaning "may we have 100 years of life, love, health and
Submitted through the SpikeSlash mailing list.

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

Cent Anni
by Kris aka: sugardevil aka: Evil Sex Kitten

Chapt 1

Twenty four years ago it became a widely known fact that vampires and demons existed. It only took a year for a government organization called the "Initiative" to be formed. For a little while humans considered making a treaty with the demons but then instead, because of the preaching from a soldier named Charles Finn and a scientist called Maggie Walsh people were convinced that no demon could be trusted and they should be controlled.

It only took 8 months to develop a special chip that would give a demon a shock of electricity in its head for trying to harm a human. Eventually the chip started being less effective as vampires learned to overcome the pain and also began teaching other demons to do the same. Worried by this Finn and Walsh came up with a new plan. They now convinced everyone that it was dangerous to let vampires roam because they could think like a human and easily overcome them. They developed a tiny new chip that could make certain parts of the brain numb by releasing a small non-stop wave of electricity. They chose a small group of vampires and planted these chips in their cerebral cortex, which holds memory and thought processes, making it impossible for the vampires who got it to remember anything or think things out which made it impossible for them to live.

There were groups of protesters who immediately gathered against this idea, saying that it was cruel and inhumane. Not wanting to get on the public's bad side but also wanting to be in complete and total control Initiative began on their new project. They planted three more chips in each of the vampire test subjects. The original chip remained. One in the medulla and one in the cerebellum to slow down their reflexes. Another chip was planted in their pituitary gland which controlled feeding, drinking, sexual response, aggression, and pleasure. For almost nine months they experimented with different levels of electricity to the 4 chips until they had succeeded in turning the vampires into the equivalent of a dog, unable to care for themselves, but able to react to things and learn on a very basic level.

The public didn't know what to think when the Initiative reported its progress. Then the Initiative came out and explained it in a way to make them sound like heroes.

"When a vampire is "born" a person's body is taken over by a demon that is driven by its bloodlust. By taking away from parts of the brain that help to fuel that bloodlust then the demon becomes no more harmful than a kitten. Taking away that part of them helps them and possibly saves them from damnation but at the same time it also means they need someone to take care of them."

That was when the Initiative told the public their idea of letting normal people take care of them. They would be simple to take care of because they never go to the bathroom or get sick and you don't really have to worry about whether the temperature is too cold or hot for them. The only drawback was the vampires' human guise but people quickly overcame that to help these "poor defenseless animals".

Nobody thought enough to realize that they were just being used in Walsh's petty scheme to humiliate and degrade demons and vampires alike. Even Walsh was surprised by how popular owning a vampire became.

It didn't take very long for people to start treating vampires like normal pets, forgetting that they were trying to help the vampires. It was a trend that went on and off for eighteen years which was why Xander and his wife Anya were now at in a brightly lit room surrounded by cages looking for the perfect vampire to take home and coddle.

Xander had been happy never owning one, but Anya had been insistent that she was not going to be the only person without a vampire. She also had used the angle that Xander always seemed to like taking care of things so this would be perfect. Xander asked her why didn't they just have children as they had been married three years, but Anya had replied that she didn't want to ruin her figure and that twenty six was much too old for Xander to have children. He loved her with all his heart but sometimes he wondered if marrying her was a smart idea; they had so many different ideas about everything and she was so pushy.

None of the vampires looked that impressive to him. All of them were dressed in old sweatpants, only the females got shirts. All the clothes were probably donated to them considering the worn out state they were in. Most of them were curled up avoiding the glaring light or just sitting there. Of course Xander couldn't blame them, if he were locked up in a cage all day he wouldn't want to be that active either. There were three or four vampires with their noses pressed against the cage, trying to get a scent from the new people in their home.

A wave of curly brown hair and a pair of shocking blue eyes staring at him from under a blanket caught Xander's attention to one of the cages. His gaze was broken when Anya noticed the vamp that Xander was staring at and cried out " Oh Xander! He's perfect!"

"Huh?" was Xander's confused reply but Anya ignored him.

"Hey!" she called for the elderly man helping them "take him out so I can take a good look at him."

"Of course miss, oh he's a fine choice. He's always a little shy with people he first meets but I think he's the most lively and playful of all of them once he gets to know you, but I do have to warn you he has a mood swing problem. One moment he'll be as happy as anything and then the next he'll just stop everything he's doing. But it doesn't happen often, so I wouldn't worry about it, some attention and a quick slap to the head usually gets him over his moods" the cheery older man babbled to them as he opened the cage

"Come on out here boy, c'mon, don't be shy."

The vampire stood up took a tentative step out, shedding the blanket as he did. Xander gasped, he had never thought this about another man but this vampire was beautiful. The first thing he noticed were the vampire's eyes, they were an amazing shade of blue that were almost made brighter by the long dark eyelashes that surrounded them. Next his attention was drawn to the creature's cheekbones that were so sharp they could cut glass. His eyes drifted down to its mouth, those pink lips were so full and... Xander scolded himself, there was no way that he was going to have those types of thoughts about their new pet vampire, especially not with his wife standing right there. It was just wrong.

Right then the vampire looked up at Xander through his lashes as if reading his mind. Anya caught Xander's attention again by telling the older man that they would take him.

"All right, we'll have to do a few things before you can take him. Give him a few shots, make sure his chips are still working, things like that. It will be about 3 days before you can take him home. In that time I suggest that you go to the shop next door and stock up on supplies that you'll need to take care of him. There isn't too much, I can give you a list of things that he'll need if you like and maybe a few suggestions of fun things for him. Over the next few days I would also suggest that you come here to visit him just so that he can get used to you. It's much less scary to move in with people you know." The old man paused to think, raising his hand to pet the vampires hair whose attention was currently on Xander again "Hmm, if you'd like it is just about his feeding time. I can show you how to do it if you have the time."

Anya nodded "Sure, we aren't doing anything tonight"

The old man nodded with a smile and led them through some doors to a small kitchen area. The man turned to Xander "Now, the blood I fix up will be animal's, we highly recomend that that's all you feed him. Never human. Why don't you watch him," he gave Xander the vampire's hand, "While I fix the blood"

"Okay" Xander stuttered nervously. He didn't move as the vampire warily looked over him, not wanting to frighten him into running away. The vampire slowly brought his face forward into Xander's neck and started.... sniffing him?

The old man chuckled "That's just his way of trying to get to know you, Vampires rely very heavily on scent to tell them about a person" but Xander wasn't really listening as the vampire moved to start sniffing all over his face and the other side of his neck.

"Oh Xander, I think he likes you" Anya cooed with a huge grin. Hearing her the vampire turned with his cheek still resting against Xander's shoulder and sniffed in her general direction.

"Here" Anya said softly as she offered him her hand to sniff which he did quite thoroughly before moving back to Xander.

"This isn't something he's always going to do, right?" Xander asked.

"No, it shouldn't be. He may want to get close sometimes though."

"Close?" Xander squeaked, hoping that the old man didn't mean what he thought he did.

"Yes, he may want to snuggle and be petted like most pets do, or at times he may just want to hear your heart beat."

"Oh" Xander calmed down a little bit but still decided to change the subject "So Anya, what do you think we should name him? We can't just keep calling him 'Vampire'. We could call him Fido, or Poochie, or Spike" Xander joked a bit uncomfortably. He still felt that vampires were too human to be pets.

"Spike" Anya tried out the name, when she said it the vampire twitched. "Spike" she said again which caught his full attention.

"You can't really be considering that can you?" Could she?

"Why not, he seems to like it. Isn't that right Spike?" The vampire tilted his head to the side. "Well, that's that then. His name will be Spike." Xander couldn't believe this.

"Ahem." the old clerk who they had been completely ignoring finally got their attention "As I was saying, the bottle is finished if one of you would like to feed him."

"Why a bottle?" Xander asked.

"Well you see, a cup is a bit too complicated for them to feed out of and can get very messy. And unfortunately, despite the fact that they act like cats and dogs, a vampire's tongue doesn't work like one so they can't feed from bowls..." He probably would have gone on but smelling the blood Spike began to make impatient whining noises.

"Is somebody hungry?" Anya cooed.

"Here you go" He offered the bottle to Anya who gave it to Xander "He seems to like you the best so I think you should feed him first."

"Okay" Xander didn't bother to argue, "Can he hold it or, umm, what do I do?."

The old man told him that it would probably be better if he held it this time so that Spike could get used to him more and then gave him instructions on how to get Spike to feed. Following the old man's instructions, Xander sat down at a table with Spike right next to him. Then he put the bottle up to his mouth and let a little bit of blood to drip onto his lips so that he would open them to get more. When that happened Xander could just let Spike take over- eccept for the holding it part. What Xander wasn't expecting was for Spike to vamp out.

Jumping out of his seat and causing everyone to freak a bit Xander took a few steps back before regaining control. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry, I should have warned you. When they feed, vampires almost always take on their true face. The habit can probably be broken with some training" He patted Xander's shoulder apologetically as Anya rubbed the small of his back.

"No, I'm fine. I was just surprised. It's not that bad." He felt a pang of guilt for the figure hiding under the table. He crouched down and held out his hand speaking gently "Hey, come on now. You can come on out, I'm sorry. Come on. It's okay."

Spike slowly crawled out from under the table and leaned forward to smell Xander's offered hand. "That's right" Xander said softly. Eventually Spike rubbed his head against Xander's hand purring in forgiveness.

Everything went well after that. Xander fed Spike his bottle no longer surprised by his real face, the clerk gave them some more recommendations for things they might want or need, and then Anya and Xander were able to leave.

They decided to visit the store next door and buy some of the things they needed for Spike. Opening the door, they stepped in and looked around. It had the appearance of a normal pet store, only much more supplies than animals.

A clerk stepped out of nowhere "Hello, I'm Cordelia. Welcome to Angel's Pet Store, can I help you find anything?"

With Cordelia's help they first found a few toys, bottles, and a collar with a leash. Then when they were about to stock up on blood Anya got paged on her beeper. Apparently things were getting too busy at work and she had to go help.

"We better go then" Xander sighed with relief. He was getting tired of listening to the two woman talk about what leash would look best with which collar.

"Right, we should. Cordelia, you've been such a big help. Why don't you come have dinner with us next Thursday night? If you have a vampire you could bring them. Maybe ours and yours will become friends" Anya smiled.

"Oh, I don't own a vampire. It's creepy" with wide eyes she tried to make up for her mouth "Not that I think you're creepy, it's just a creepy thing to? I mean with the human-like....and my boss.... and I would love to have dinner with you" she finished with a huge, slightly faked, smile.

Pretending to not hear anything besides 'I would love to have dinner with you' Anya grinned and set up a time.


A/N: I have trouble updating things on time so if you liked it PLEASE leave feedback to hurry me up!