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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Summary: The detectives from SVU are on the track of a serial Rapist/Killer, but a federal agent from Fin's past comes into the picture.
A/N: This is my very first Law and Order:SVU fan fic. I love reviews, so please e-mail me and tell me what you think. I need reviews to help me get better at this. i want to write stories that you want to read so tell me what you think and i'll see what i can do.
Disclaimer: i do not own Anything from Law and Order, but i do own the characters i made up.
Submitted through the SpecialVictimsUnit mailing list. This list can no longer approve new members posts, please join us at LawAndOrder_SpecialVictimsUnit


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

by Vegea Kalorale

It was a rainy morning in New York. Detectives Munch and Tutuola were at the New Queens Motel, responding to a call regarding a grusome murder. Munch and Tutuola walked into the crime scene.

"What do we have here?" asked Munch.

"Female, mutilated, and left for Dead." Said an officer. Fin walked over to the dead body on the floor and lifted the sheet.

"Damn." He said as he examined her, "Her eyes are sown shut and she's missing an ear. It also looks like her tongue has been cut."

"I guess we know how she died." Sighed Munch.

"The tongue is a pretty vascular organ," said Fin, "But my guess is that she died from the slit in her neck."

"Oh Jesus." Sighed Munch, "What kind sick fuck are we dealing with now. Perp. didn't even have the courtesy to put her clothes back on." They never do." Sighed Fin, "Bag her."


Later that day Fin and Munch walked into the squad room.

"So what do we have?" asked Detective Stabler.

"Dead girl, on the north side. She's got some missing body parts." Started Munch.

"The morgue is doing her autopsy now. They're also checking for a possible rape." Finished Fin.

"Do we even have a name on her?" asked Benson.

"Yea," started Fin, "Her clothes were left in a ball in the corner. According to her Driver's License, her name is Kelly Polders."

"Well, someone needs to call her parents." Said Benson.

"We need to find out where's she lives in the city. Talk to roommates or friends, let's find out who she was with last night and if any of then can describe the man she left the club with last night." Said Captain Cragen, "I'm going to call the girls parents. Fin, Munch, I want you two to find out where she lives in the city and if she has any roommates, talk to them. Stabler, Benson, go down to the morgue and see what the results were."


A couple hours later Fin and Munch arrived at the apartment of the victim. They knocked on the door and a black gentleman opened the door. Both detectives showed their badges to the man at the door.

"Hi, is this the apartment of Kelly Polders?" asked Munch.

"Yea." Said the man.

"Are you her roommate?" asked Fin.

"Yea, what is this about?" the man asked.

"We need to talk." Said Munch, "May we come in?"


"Can I get your name?" asked Munch.

"Yea, it's Diante Jenkins."

"Diante, I've got some bad news for you. Kelly was brutally murdered last night."

Oh my God!" Diante gasped as he started to cry.

"Diante, we need to know if she went out with anyone last night." Asked Fin.

"Umm..." started Diante, but he was still crying, "She went out with some girls that she worked with."

"Do you know how we can get a hold of them?" asked Fin. Diante got up and walked to a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a personal phone book and a highlighter. He highlighted a couple names in the book and handed it back to them.

"I highlighted the names of the girls she went out with last night. Do you know if anyone has contacted her parents?" asked Diante.

"Our Captain did call them." Replied Munch.

"I've been friends with Kelly since grade school. She was a sweet heart." Said Diante as he started to sob.

"We're sorry for your loss, man." Said Fin, "We're working hard to find the creep that pulled this shit."

"Thank you." Said Diante as he showed them out.


Meanwhile, in the Morgue, Stabler and Benson were talking the medical examiner.

"We estimate that her time of death was some where around 2:30am. We found her genitalia covered in semen. I've taken the liberty of sending a nice chunk to the lab for you. We have unsown her eyes, so that the mortician may have an attempt at making her look suitable for her burial."

"What about the missing body parts?" asked Stabler.

"They did find her ear at the crime scene, but her tongue was no where to be found." Replied the Medical Examiner, "We did determine though that cause of death was due to the slash in both her Corotid and Subclavian arteries, and not the removal of her tongue."

"You will have those lab reports from the semen sent over to our station as soon as they arrive?" asked Benson.

"They're going directly to you." Said the examiner.

"Thank you for your time." Said Stabler as he and Benson walked out the door. As Benson and Stabler walked out of the morgue, Stabler's Cell phone rang, "Stabler." He answered, "Yea, we'll be right there." With that he hung up.

"What's up?" asked Benson.

"We have a meeting in Cragen's office." Said Stabler.


About an hour later, Munch, Fin, Stabler, and Benson were all sitting in Cragen's office.

"So, what's this about Cragen?" asked Fin.

"I got something big on this case. Apparently, this is the work of a serial killer. The Feds have been tracking this guy for 4 months now. This is his 18th hit. But apparently, it hasn't been all women he's killed. There have been a few men murdered as well."

"We have to turn this case over, don't we?" asked Fin.

"Not exactly. I talked to the agent who has been working on this case, and we've agreed that we're going to work together to get this guy and stop him in New York."

"You mean, he's hit in other states?" asked Fin.

"Yea, 3 in Massachusetts, 4 in Rhode Island, 5 in Connecticut, 5 in D.C., and our current one. Apparently, this guy is very illusive, but he's done the same thing to everyone of the victims."

"When will this agent be here?" asked Stabler.

"Soon. She was half way to the city when she called me an hour ago." Said Cragen.

"So, we're working with Feds now?" asked Munch.

"Look, she was really nice about it. She said she understands if you all are uncomfortable about working with her. She said that she just wants to get this guy and go home." Said Cragen, "Please don't give her shit." As Cragen was talking with them he looked out of his office window to see a woman with long brown hair walk into the squad room with her hands full of papers. The woman appeared to be a little bit frazzled, "I think that's her now." Said Cragen.

He walked out of the office and everyone followed. As they walked out, the woman dropped all of her papers. As Munch and Stabler went to help her, Fin took one look at her and froze.

"Thank you." Said the woman, as Stabler and Munch helped her pick up her papers.

"You must be the federal agent helping us with the illusive Serial Killer." Said Munch.

"I am. My name is Celia Garcia." She smiled.

"Here, you can set your papers down here." Said Munch as he escorted her to his desk, "I'm John Munch."

"Nice to meet you." She said as she shook his hand, "This is Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson. This is our Captain, Donald Cragen."

"It's good to meet you. I hope we can get this guy." Said Cragen as he shook her hand.

"Over there, leaning up against the desk, is Fin Tutuola." Said Munch. Celia's eyes shot wide open.

"Fin Tutuola?" she spoke slowly.

"Yea, Fin Tutuola. Nice to see you." Said Fin as he walked towards her. Celia just smiled at him for a few moments.

"Well," she spoke as she took a deep breath, "I did have these in order. Give me a minute." Celia started ruffling through her paper, and in a matter of minutes, she had them in order. "These 17 folders are the reports on all the victims. This folder has all the sketches we've done on the killer. In every place I've been, he's had different names. So getting a name on the guy is impossible. He's very sloppy with the bodies of the victims. Leaving semen all over the place, leaving finger prints everywhere, and yet, he gets away every time. It's all very agitating."

"Hey, we'll get him this time." Said Stabler.

"I hope so." Said Celia, "Look over these files, I need to run out to my car to get a few more things. I'll be right back." With that Celia walked out of the squad room and out to her car. She popped open the back of her Durango and looked at the boxes of papers and clothes hung in the back, and just took a moment to sigh.

"I never thought I'd see you again." Said a voice from behind her. She turned to see Fin standing behind her.

"Me either." She smiled.

"You're still with the feds?" Fin asked.

"Five years." she sighed. Celia grabbed a briefcase, "Can you hold this for me?"

"Yea." Smiled Fin as he took a brief case from her. Celia grabbed a larger metal brief case.

"When did you start doing special victims?" Celia asked.

"Last year. I wanted something different." Said Fin.

"I hope your change is going better than mine is." Sighed Celia.

"What's that supposed to mean?" said Fin, as Celia slammed the door to her Durango.

"I'm tired, Fin. Look at me, I'm a mess. I've been out on this case for 4 months; the case before this once, 5 months. I've had one day off in 9 months. I've worked sick, I didn't even get to go to my mothers funeral." Celia vented, but quickly caught herself, "I'm sorry Fin. I shouldn't have..."

"Hey, it's alright." Fin cut her off, "Just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean I don't care." Celia smiled at his comment and the two walked back into the station. Fin looked down at her hand that was carrying the metal briefcase, and saw a gold band with a simple diamond in the shape of heart on her finger. Celia noticed him looking at it.

"Yes, I still have it. I told you, I'd never take it off." She smiled.


This is just the first chapter, i have more. But i'm hoping to see some reviews before i post the next chapter. Thanks. ^_^.