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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Dirty In His Eyes


Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter/Colin Creevey
Rating: FRT
Summary: Harry watches his lover wakening and reflects on the changes.
Response to the "You have dirty in your eyes" challenge

Work Text:

Dirty In His Eyes

First time I saw him, he was a scared, mousey haired newbie taking his place under the sorting hat. The look in his eyes was a curious mixture of fear, excitement and not a little bit of wistful awe. Its not an uncommon look for the new kids off the bus. Hogwarts was an incredible magical experience on the first brush, even for students raised in the magic.

Next time I saw the kid, he was staring at my in nothing less that rapt idolization. Wasn't what I would call a very comfortable moment for me. I'm not big on being singled out. Can't help who I am, just am. No big deal.

Course it was for Colin. A big deal, I mean. And him being him, I got used to turning around and finding the squirt snapping pictures of me. Me walking down the hall. Me talking to Ron, arguing with Draco. Me doing whatever he happened to come across me doing. Creeped me out a bit, that. Especially when I woke up one night to find him snapping away over me.

After that I started making a special effort to avoid the little stalker. Worked real well for me for awhile there. Until he almost died. Seeing him lying there paralized like that, I began to see the guy in an entirely diferent light.

Then it was me sneaking into the infirmary to check on him. Me sitting for hours at his bedside, stroking the dull hair and talking ot him about the most crazy things. Things like my hopes and dreams...and the terors that kept me awake at night.

Hey, its easy to spill to someone you think isn't ever gonna wake up again, right? Only he did wake up. And remember. Scared me white thinking Colin knew all the things no one else did.

Knew that I was beginning to think of him in the way men think of women.

The night he came to me for the first time I tried to lie my way out of it. Deny that I'd confessed my secret wanting, but he wasn't having any of it. He took my hand and lead me to the bed, laid me out and ....

Next morning I woke before him and leaned up on my arm, watching him sleep, watching his body stir. He has a nice body now he's matured a bit. Broad shoulders just made for clinging to when the world wearies break me down. A trim waist perfect for clinging to as I pound away my fears into his plaint body. Hips that rose to welcome me at the slightest touch.

The intimacy is amazing, but its the morning that holds a special magic for both of us. Its the morning when he cuddles around me like a kitten as his body comes up through the fog of sleep. The morning when his lips part and he sighes my name breathlessly just before his eyes flutter open and I can see the fires of his love burning bright. The morning when he reaches out to draw me into his arms, smiling that secret smile saved just for me and says, "You have dirty in your eyes..."

First time I saw him, he was a scared, mousey haired newbie taking his place under the sorting hat. Now, he's the confident sexy man who takes me to bed every night and morning and loves away my cares.
