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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

I thought I saw a puddy cat


A post battle trip to the ER equals a heavily medicated Dean


Written as part if my 14 things for Valentine's day for the Valentine's Day Project

Work Text:

I thought I saw a puddy cat


"I thought I saw a puddy cat." Dean slurred as Sam half carried, half dragged him into their motel room.

"I don't think so, Dean."

"I did, I did saw a puddy cat." Dean clumsily raised a hand to point at something but succeeded only in upsetting his precarious balance, and fell. "Wheeeeeeeeee!" He cooed on the way down. "Again, again!"

Sam struggled to get his wind back after it was knocked out of him by the not inconsiderable weight of his brother landing on him.

"Man, Dean when did you get so heavy?" He huffed as he pulled himself off the floor then turned to pick up Dean.

"I don't know. . . Hey, lookit!" Dean shouted as a cat ran by their door. "I told you I saw a puddy cat." Dean grinned proudly and Sam had to fight the urge to smile.

"Yes, you did, well done. Now lets get you inside."

"But it's sunny out!"

"I need to change your bandage."

"No, it'll hurt."

"Dean, I seriously doubt you are feeling any pain right now."

"I believe I can fly." Dean sang.

"I'm sure you do." Sam said as he somehow managed to maneuver himself and Dean fully into the small room, he kicked the door closed and guided Dean down onto his bed. He made sure that Dean was safely lying down before he let go of him and headed to the bathroom.

"I believe I can sore." Dean was horribly out of tune.

"I wonder if it's too late to get me prescribed some of those painkillers?" Sam mused as he walked back to his brother.

"Why, did you get stabbed too?" Dean's expression was trying for concern, but in his doped up state he just ended up looking confused. Sam couldn't help but laugh, despite the seriousness of Dean's wound, which, Sam noticed, had reopened. Probably due to Dean's little tumble.

"C'mon." Sam ordered. "Sit up, lets look a that shoulder."

"I'm sleepy."

"I know, you can sleep after I change the bandage."

"Ok, Sammy."

Sam went to retrieve their first aid kit before helping Dean into a sitting position.

"When you are all clear headed, we are going to talk about what you did." Sam said as he worked.

"What did I do?"

Sam looked into clouded, green eyes and was hit with a sudden flashback of the last few hours. He saw those green eyes wide with fear, he saw himself being pushed out of the way, he saw blood and he saw Dean lying on the ground. He shook his head to clear the vision.

"You did what you always do."

"Well, if I always do it, why do we need to talk about it?"

"We just do." Sam said sadly. "You can't keep. . . I can't. ."

"Sam, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but you . . ."

"I'm ok, and your ok. We're both ok." Dean sat up a little straighter, his voice sounding less muddled. "We are both ok aren't we?" Suddenly he was confused again.

"Yeah, we're both ok." Sam said as he helped Dean to lie down again. He sat back and watched Dean give into a drugged slumber. "We're both good."