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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Married Life


AN – 400 words and it's just sweet, started off as something so completely different it's unbelievable but then again doesn't that happen every time?!
Disclaimer – I. Do. Not. Own. Concise enough for ya?
Rating – PG
Summary – John had never really considered himself the type to get married – Fluff really, McShep
Submitted through the StargateAtlantisSlash mailing list. This list can no longer approve new members posts, please join us at Stargate_Atlantis_Slash


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Married Life
by Blackrose

John had never really considered himself the type to get married.

Of course he had also never considered himself the type to travel to another galaxy to fight alien-vampires either.

After that everything else seemed rather minor.

It wasn't the first time they'd come across a race of people who had demanded marriage in exchange for trade. This was the first time a ZPM had been on offer though and the first time that they'd demanded that two of the team were the ones to get married

Rodney had put his foot down, of course John doubted that Rodney would have said no to a ZPM if the natives had requested that John join their harem.

When considering that he felt almost lucky that he'd ended up just married to Rodney.

When they'd returned to the gateroom and had explained what had happened to Elizabeth they'd had to wait for her to stop laughing before she'd been able to explain that the SGC had a code of conduct for dealing with situations such as these. And had done ever since General O'Neil had managed to get himself married to no less than five priestesses, three priests and Doctor Jackson on the same mission.

Needless to say much blinking had taken place on his part even if Rodney had failed to even bat an eyelid.

John nudged the sleeping scientist.

"Morning Rodney."

Rodney rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

John pulled them back down and found himself faced with the back of Rodney's head

"Rodney..." he waved the cup enticingly near Rodney's left ear.

There was silence for a few seconds and then-


"Morning Rodney."


Rodney turned over and snatched at the cup. Taking a deep draft he sighed, making noises John more commonly heard during sex.

Then, as he finished swallowing, he pointed at the cup. "Coffee."

John hid a smile and said the words again, pointedly.

"Morning Rodney."

Rodney rolled his eyes and ignored him but he did move over to allow John room to get back into the bed, complaining only half-heartedly as John warmed his feet up on his legs.

So they weren't really married. He was willing to bet that this fake marriage was going better than many people's real ones.

And who knew, John thought of the ring-box in the top draw of his dresser, maybe they'd do it for real one of these days.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author The Blackrose.
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