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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Tidings of Great Joy


Seven months after his kidnapping, Nick is just coming back to work, but his issues have issues. Someone steps in to help him heal by showing him what he never knew about that horrible night...


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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Challenge: Dec. 6th ___ Magic

Disclaimer: I don't own the recognizable characters portrayed here. All rights belong to their creators and the various writers, producers etc.

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Advertisement: Part of the Slash Advent Calendar of 2005 at

Note: Some dialogue taken from episode transcript, found at




Sitting alone in his truck, Nick Stokes valiantly worked to regain the confidence and nerve he'd fed off on the drive to work, but once parked in his usual spot, seven months of hard-won poise and faith in himself quickly drained away, leaving him hollow and angry.

He stared at his hands where they fiercely gripped the steering wheel, cursed the doubt that he thought he'd overcome then allowed his eyes to close. A few more minutes of near silent swearing at himself and the world in general brought only the realization that his knuckles and wrists were beginning to ache. Gritting his teeth, he peeled his fingers slowly away from the vinyl-covered circle and flexed them, forcing blood flow and feeling to return.

Even though it was so close to Christmas, and he'd probably be asked to cover for those with families as well as handling his own shift, Nick had insisted he was ready to return to work and his therapist had agreed he could try. Grissom and Ecklie had signed off, but the three of them had fought over the new rule being applied to all CSI's; noone was ever to work a scene alone or be left alone on scene again unless absolutely necessary. The death of Holly Gribbs, a few near misses Nick had survived with gun-toting suspects and the more recent incidents involving himself and Sara had finally coalesced into a pattern for his bosses and they'd made a change aimed at keeping their people safe. They didn't understand why it made Nick furious. They couldn't see that he had to know if he could handle working by himself. Something in him said that his self-reliance might never truly return unless he was able to prove to himself he didn't need a chaperone... and that he could once more be the man he was before the kidnapping.

Nick slammed his hand against the dash and breathed out heavily through his nose, trying to calm down. The rule was in place now and there was nothing he could do to change it so he might as well get to work and start dealing with his life. Opening his eyes, he brusquely unbuckled his seat belt and slid his fingers around the door handle, preparing to get out, but a breath of air across his face made him pause. Warmth suddenly surrounded him, and he pulled his hand back, frowning in confusion. It was raining and chilly outside and the truck, and therefore the truck's heater, had been turned off for several minutes, so what he was feeling shouldn't be possible.

A moment later, he heard his name called softly, almost below the level where his ears would have picked up the sound, and he jumped out of his skin and scrambled out of the truck, slamming the door. He stood in the parking lot, shaking visibly and trying to figure out why the warmth seemed to have followed him out into the night.

# Don't be afraid, Nicholas. I have a gift for you. It will only last a few hours, but I pray that will be enough. #

"What the hell... what's going on?"

# Pay attention to what you see tonight. You'll understand. #

Abruptly, the cozy bubble around him vanished and Nick was left shivering in the drizzle and cold, wondering whether he'd put his therapist's emergency number in his wallet or in the glove compartment.



Nick was well aware he had only a few minutes before his shift started, but he found it difficult to stop shaking long enough to even take his sodden jacket off and trade it for the warm dry one in his locker. When someone passed in front of him, headed for the other end of the room, Nick looked up and grimaced at who it was.

"Hey, Nick. You okay?"

"Yeah, Hodges. I'm fine."

The other man's brows lowered and drew together at the dislike in Nick's tone, but he didn't retaliate verbally. He was too used to hearing the same thing from everyone who spoke to him.

"No skin off my nose if you are or you aren't. I was just asking to be polite." Hodges returned mildly as he retrieved the item he'd come for and moved away again. As he did, however, Nick finally stood and the two men brushed against each other as Hodges passed. An abrupt flash of light consumed Nick's vision and when it faded the locker room was gone. He seemed to be in the corridor near the reception desk, observing an argument between Hodges and an unfamiliar man.

/// "Don't touch the edge of it!"

"You got to sign...

"Security! Security!"

Grissom appeared from a nearby room, a faintly angry expression on his face as he watched Hodges wrestle a small package away while security restrained the struggling delivery man.

"What are you doing, Hodges?"

"Guy comes in here with a package with no return address. Way the guy was pawing that envelope, I figure I better get it away from him before he wipes off all the trace."

"What trace?"

"It's about Nick."

Hodges held up the envelope so that the label could be seen.



Grissom snapped on a pair of gloves and took the package, speaking as he turned away.

"Let me do this. ///

As unexpectedly as it had begun, the vision ended. Nick blinked and stumbled back a step, bumping into the bench and sitting down hard. Hodges moved close and looked at Nick with genuine concern. When the Texan looked up, the legitimate emotion surprised him.

"Stokes? What happened?"

"I... I wish to hell I knew."

"You need anything?"

"Uh... no." Nick told him, looking away distractedly. "Hell, noone even said anything to you? No 'good job', no 'thank you'... nothin'? I know they were preoccupied, but... there's no excuse for that."

"What are you talking about?"

"The package, man. The package."

"How could you know about that? I never..."

"Forget how." Nick told him as he stood again, smiling lightly. "I'm not even sure myself, guy. I'm really sorry nobody gave you your due that night. Thanks for carin'."

"What? Did I just hear you say something *nice* to me?"

"Expect more of it. I got your number now, bud. You give a damn."

Hodges stiffened.

"I do not." He retorted, turning and stalking out.

Nick shed his damp jacket and moved to his locker, shaking his head.

"Yeah, right."



As they passed in a doorway, Nick felt a comforting hand land briefly on his shoulder and squeeze...

/// As if he's standing inches behind his friend, Nick sees Warrick reach out with the mouse and click on the last word of a sentence on the computer screen. 'YOU CAN ONLY WATCH'. Nick sees himself appear as the light in the box flashes to life. As the minutes pass, leading to the point where he realized the connection between the light and his vital supply of air, he watches as Warrick goes ballistic.

"What are you doing, Nicky... What are you doing, Nicky? Don't do it, Nicky! You son of a bitch!" ///

"Ah, God... you thought I gave up. Shit, man how could you think that?"

"Run that by me one more time?"

"When you were... I didn't know it was you guys that kept puttin' that damned light on. All I knew..."

"... was every time it went on, your air supply died. We didn't know either... not at first. We just wanted to see you... as much as it hurt to watch you, it was the only link we had... Nick, how do you know about that? I haven't found the guts to tell you anything yet..."

"When I figure it out, believe me you'll be the first one I talk to. Anyway..."

"Yeah. Glad you're back, Nicky."



/// "Let me guess, Mugs. The department won't pay the ransom."


"Why should I?"

"Considering the problems that you've had with the law, you could use
some good publicity."

"Do I look like a man that needs publicity? If you're coming to me
like a cop with a tin cup in your hand, the answer is no."

"I'm not here as a cop."

"Then ask me like you were my daughter." ///

Instantly understanding the sacrifice Catherine had made going to Sam Braun and giving in to his demand that she treat him as her father, Nick couldn't speak. He simply drew her into a hug.

"Nick... what's this for?"

"The money. I know what you did..."


"I just do. That had to be hell for you... thank you."

"Not half as bad as seeing you on that computer... not even close."



/// " Gil, Catherine. I want you to know, as far as I'm concerned,
lab's only got one case tonight. Same for the rest of the department...

Listen, I've been looking over my budget. There are a number of things we can do within the lab itself to raise the ransom..." ///

As Ecklie passed Nick in the hall, he stared, wondering why the other man would be smiling at him like a maniac, then moved on, assuming Nick wasn't fully aware who he was grinning at.

Nick made his way to Gil's office and, seeing that his boss was at his desk, slipped inside and shut the door.

"Nick! How was your first night back? Sit, sit. Relax for a minute before you go home."

"The night... it was weird, to say the least. I got through it just fine. I... I need to ask you to do somethin' though."

"Anything. Whatever you need."

"Even if it sounds... nuts?"

"Even if. Ask."

"Lemme hold your hand for a minute."

Gil flushed, shocking Nick. Blushing was rare for Grissom; so rare that the younger man didn't recall ever having seen it happen. "Gris?"

"Hmmm? Oh... right. My hand."

Gil extended his hand across the desk and Nick gently covered it with his own. Once again, the scene shifted...

/// "I love you... and I never wanted to disappoint you..."

"No, you never did, Nick." ///

"Crap... I forgot you read lips. You knew what I said."

Grissom was the first that night to simply accept that something extraordinary was happening with Nick and go with the flow.

"That night? I understood every word."

"And you... if you feel... hell, I don't know how to say it, ask it..."

"Nicky. Look at me."

Nick obeyed and was shocked a second time by the intense, powerful love Grissom was beaming back at him. Gil pushed to his feet, desperately trying to strengthen his shaky legs, and moved around the desk to stand close to Nick. Using the hand that wasn't currently maintaining a death grip on Gil's, Nick pulled Grissom in for a brief, but heated kiss.

"I'm not goin' home tonight, am I? Please say no..."

"Not your home. If you really want this..."

"More than good Tex-Mex on a Saturday night..."

As they moved through the parking lot, the sweet, soft voice sounded in Nick's ear again. Nick slowed down and let Grissom get ahead of him.

# Now you know, Nicholas. Now you understand. #

"Yeah. I was by myself in that box... but I was never alone. They never gave up... not for a minute." Nick mumbled, watching Gris unlock his truck a few feet away.

# You are indeed beloved. Gilbert is exceptional. He will heal and cherish your soul if you allow him the chance. And you will awaken his heart. #

"I hope so. Hey... whoever you are, thanks."

# All in a night's work. God go with you, child. #

"Yeah, you too. Uhhh... I really didn't need to say that did I?"

# No, but the sentiment is appreciated. #



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author BuffyAngel68.
If this work is yours and you would like to reclaim ownership, you can click on the Technical Support and Feedback link at the bottom fo the page.