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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Jack's Back


Fandom: diagnosis murder
Pairing Mark Sloan/Jack Stewart, Steve/Jessie, implied
Rating: FRT
Summary: Jack returns to the hospital after being gone for several years.
Spoilers: the first novel, don't remember the name
Submitted through the Weird-A_s_s-Pairings mailing list.

Work Text:

Jack's Back
by Peja

Mark Sloan found the wayward doctor holed up in his office, dozing soundly on the lumpy couch. Smiling affectionately he made to cover him with the afghan he kept on hand when his son, Steve, or even Jesse or Amanda snuck in to catch a few uninterrupted minutes of precious rest.

The drape of the afghan was enough to coax jack out of his slumber. Sleepy-eyed, the younger man cupped Mark's cheek, rubbing his thumb over Mark's lower lip. "I've missed you, Mark."

Sloan patted his arm. "Back at ya, Jack."

"Aren't you curious about why I left?" Jack blurted out suddenly.

Mark nodded. "I had assumed you were ready to move on."

Jack lowered his feet to the floor sitting up and pulling the warm afghan tighter around his shoulders. "Didn't figure staying would further my cause," he grumbled.


"I hear Steve's pretty close to your new res."

"Jesse?" Mark nodded, returning to sit next to Jack. "Yea, I suppose they are."

"You have a problem with that?" Jack wouldn't look at him as he spoke, staring instead at his hands twisting restlessly in his lap. "With how close they are?"

"If you're asking if I know they are sleeping together, yes, I do. And no, I'm not overly concerned about it. They are happy together. That's all I want for them."

Jack threw him a quick glance, nodding. "And what about you?" he whispered, staring at the carpet. "Could you...."

Mark leaned back on the sofa, stretching his long legs out in front of him and draping an arm over the back, near, but not touching Jack's broad shoulders. 'You didn't leave because you were in love with Amanda, did you, Jack?"

"Amanda?" Jack shook his head, slumping deeper into the sofa, his head resting on Mark's arm. "She was my best friend."

"But you did leave because you were in love with someone you thought would not return the love you offered."

Jack sighed, closing his eyes tiredly. "Not a snowball's chance."

"And you came back because..."

"Because I'm a love sick fool. I thought if I could see you...." Jack snapped his teeth shut around the betraying words, burying his face in his hands. "Oh, Christ in a cradle."

Mark's arm gathered Jack to his side, shocking the younger man into meeting his eyes with some small hope shining there.

Smiling, Mark curled a finger under Jack's chin. "Time to stop running, Jack." he murmured, his words a breath on Jack's lips. "You're home to stay."

He claimed Jack's mouth in a gentle testing kiss. Jack groaned, turning deeper into Mark's embrace, his arms curling up the older man's back to tangle in the white hair. The kiss deepened, their tongues dancing for dominance, until Jack seemed to melt into Mark with a soft whimper of surrender.

Mark took that as a sign to break the kiss. His thumb traced Jack's lower lip again and Jack dropped a kiss on the pad. Mark grinned, gathering his beloved into his arms again. "Its about time you realized where you belong, boy."
