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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Bit 'Ducky'


rating: FRT-13
disclaimer: the boys belong to Joss Whedon and Don Bellisario.
Summary: Crossover - NCIS/AtS; Tony/Wes. Tony vacations in Los Angeles.
A/N: Very weird crossover/pairing here. I'm aware. This popped into my head and I decided to let it out. Let me know what you think if you can be kind :)
Submitted through the Navy NCIS slash mailing list.

Work Text:

A Bit "Ducky"
by pari

He liked to think of it as having found his own, personal Ducky...

Although, really, the two men were nothing alike. They both had British accents - but they were different British accents. Ducky's voice had certainly never caused Tony's heart rate to spike, or his breathing to shallow.

Of course, Ducky's voice didn't have that sexy rasp that must have come with the scar on the other man's throat - whether or not the rasp had anything to do with Tony's reaction. It was possible the things Tony's sexy stranger said, rather than the way he said them, were what had Tony so hot and bothered.

Before they'd known one another a week, the other man was asking Tony to get on his knees. In an alley near the bar where they'd first met.

Tony complied. But when it came time to do the deed he'd agreed to do...he hesitated.

Tony grimaced at the slimy thing lying in front of him. "Tell me again why I have to do this," he said.

Wesley walked around the body of the Uknauth between them, wielding a small saw similar to the one he'd handed Tony.

"You helped kill it," he replied glibly. "Now you get to help clean up the mess."

On the last word, Wesley knelt on the other side of the multi-limbed demon, and sliced into one limb with his saw. A small spurt of slime shot out of the creature's body and nearly hit Tony in the face. Little droplets of the gunk already clung to Tony's hair, and his clothes were stained green all over.

Tony hunted cross-dressing Marines, and little old ladies who'd chopped up sailors in a barn, for a *living*. How the hell had he ended up hunting demons on his vacation?

"Be careful not to hack just there," Wesley instructed, guiding Tony's saw away from the demon's upper torso. "You'll hit an artery, then we'll both be wearing Uknauth innards." Wesley's clothes were conspicuously slime-free. He went about his share of the demon-dismembering with an efficiency and authority that were distinctly Gibbs-like.

Which would be part of the "how", actually.

The other part involved a pair of pretty, blue eyes, a game of darts, and the pleasant conversation that had led to Tony's making out with a demon hunter, in an alleyway where this demon had, inevitably, attacked a human girl.

"Are they always this...nasty?"

Tony's grimaces were getting more pronounced. Which seemed to amuse Wesley no end.

"Taking a demon corpse apart, piece by piece," Wesley replied, "is generally rather "nasty". Except in the case of Pers'pada demons, whose bodily fluids congeal almost immediately upon death." Wesley was working on his third limb. He continued: "Pers'padae only venture out of their marshlands to mate, and even then they rarely make it this far north in the States..."

Tony stopped and stared.

There *was* something a bit "Ducky" about Wesley.

Only Wesley's lectures were too science fiction-ish not to be fascinating. And Tony couldn't stop watching Wesley's mouth move as he gave them.

Tony stopped Wesley in the middle of an explanation of why the Pers'padae could no longer survive in colder climates... By sliding his mouth over Wesley's own and tracing the curve of Wesley's lips with his tongue.

Was it wrong that Tony was leaning over the nastiest thing he'd seen outside of a horror movie...and was about as turned on as he'd ever been?

When they drew apart, to catch their breaths, Wes grinned - slow and sincere.

"You're a very unusual man, aren't you?" he mused, as if to himself.

Tony grinned back, unbothered. "Says the guy who keeps seven sizes of saws in the back of his SUV."

Wes glanced down at the demon they were nearly ready to bag and remove from the alleyway.

"They do come in handy," he explained.

"Know what else comes in handy?" Tony asked, ignoring the twinge in his knees as he rose to his feet. Having been crouched next to the Uknauth for entirely too long had left him with aches and pains that chastised in a Kate tone of voice. Tony definitely needed to work out more often. Or take more vacations in LA. "Having the good sense to get a hotel room with a hot tub. What do you say we go try mine out; let Slimy here sit for a little while. We can come back for him later."

Wesley stood smoothly, raising one brow at Tony's suggestion. He still looked amused. But not so much that he seemed likely to fall for Tony's try at getting out of dumping their dismembered demon's body.

Tony sighed. "Or we could get rid of Slimy now... Then try out the hot tub."

Wesley grinned. "The hot tub sounds like fun."

Tony grumbled, but shivered when Wesley pressed a light kiss to the back of his neck, as they finished piling the last of their bags into the back of Wes's SUV and Tony closed the hatch.

He mentally calculated the hours of vacation he had left, and how many weeks he'd have to work before he could take another one.

[ end. ]