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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Peja Challenge Halloween Thingy


Another Peja Challenge: Use the words below:
okay, so I lied
Eerie castle
four poster bed

Work Text:

Peja Challenge Halloween Thingy
by Snickersmobo

"Heyes, don't that look like some eerie castle in one of your picture books?" Curry remarked while shivering. He was cold; or so he thought. The fog and the huge house in front of them didn't look inviting, but it was the first sheltering place they'd seen in hours.

Heyes laughed, giving his cousin a full smile that shined in his eyes. It was wasted on the Kid since he couldn't see it.

"Kid, it's a house. You think it's haunted?" Heyes said jokingly. Kid heard the mocking tone in his voice and took offense to it.

"I didn't say it's haunted; only it looks like it could be." Kid sat straight in the saddle his posture one of steadiness.

"Next thing you'll believe in goblins." Heyes laughed slapping his thigh. Heyes urged his horse forward listening for his friend behind him. Kid didn't spook easily and he couldn't stop himself from being amused.

It was Heyes turn to look grim when they entered the house. No one answered his knock and the door had opened on its own. The dark hallway was lit with one candle.

"Hello. Anyone home?" Heyes' voice echoed through the house. He swallowed his own nervousness as they moved down the hallway.

"You still think this is normal?" Kid asked. It wasn't and they both knew it. He wanted Heyes to say it. Trouble was his cousin was stubborn. So was he, but his partner could go on forever if not challenged.

The room they entered had grey sheets covering the furniture. Two more candles flickered before Heyes answered.

"So whoever is here just returned from somewhere." Heyes said logically. Kid heard the hesitancy in his voice. He wasn't relieved to hear it. There were times when he admired his cousin's ability to work through something, but apparently this wasn't one of them.

The uncovered red velvet chair stood out. Kid swore under his breath when his friend sat in it.

"Who are you?" Heyes said in a creepy undertone. Kid shivered; not liking it at all.

"Cut it out." Kid stared at the picture on the wall. The portrait reflected an ugly face, a pencil thin mustache and beady eyes. *A relative of Briscoe?* he thought.

"I asked who you are." The voice was harder this time and Kid turned toward it. Heyes wore his outlaw look and it spooked him. There was no reason for it.

Kid walked toward him concerned. "Heyes?"

The man frowned. "Who's Heyes?"

Kid moved quick and yanked his cousin from the chair. They landed in a heap on the floor.

"Ow, Kid. What are you doing?" Heyes said; confused.

Kid looked hard at the man. Heyes didn't know what happened.

"We have to leave. Now!" He used his commanding voice that he didn't use with Heyes often.

Heyes stood pulling his friend up behind him. "Okay, don't need to get proddy about it."


Kid groaned when they opened the door to leave and instead of outdoors there was a bedroom.

Heyes rubbed the four poster bed. "Kid, I feel a chill. Is it cold in here?"

Heyes sounded a little lost and Kid wondered how he should answer. He figured the truth was best.

"Yeah, it's cold, but it's colder in here than outside." Kid pulled him away and walked him through another door. This time the door to outside was found.

They rode for a while when Heyes spoke. "Okay, so I lied. It might have been haunted." He didn't have to say more. He knew something bizarre happened to him. It was enough.
