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Archive Warning:
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Not meant to be


Disclaimer: None of the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer' or ‘Angel' characters belong to me. Of course you knew that, think I didn't?
Archive: Ask and you shall receive.
Rating: If you watch the show, you can handle this.
Spoilers: Uhm... Kinda spoilers for ‘The Wish', maybe a little season three?
Pairing: Buffy/Xander and a tiny little bit of Buffy/Angel
Feedback: But of course!
Comments: I liked the episode ‘The wish' that much; I decided to make my own version of it. But beware: Only the concept of ‘the wish' comes back in this story, the rest is totally different... Since I don't like the Willow/Xander thing, and would love to see Xander and Buffy get together... You can guess what happens in the universe created by a wish...?


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text


Not meant to be
by Angel Wings

Buffy ran into the library, tears flowing over her face.

Giles looked up and asked "Buffy what's wrong?"�

Willow hurried to her best friend and laid her arm over her shoulders. "Buffy? Are you okay?"� she asked worried.

Buffy just shook her head and kept crying. She couldn't say a word.

Xander felt like he should show some support for her too, and handed her a handkerchief he found in his backpack. She gratefully accepted it and sniffed her nose in it.

"Errr... You can keep that if you want..."� Xander said when she made a motion to give the tissue back to him.

"Buffy, sit down please, tell us what's wrong."� Giles said trying to comfort her.

Willow leads her to a chair at the table and gently pushed her down on it.

Buffy wiped away a few tears and blew her nose again with a loud noise.

She inhaled heavily and started talking, "It's Angel..."� Xander frowned his head. "He... He said it would be better if we, if we didn't see each other anymore..."� she continued.

"˜Finally, the vamp's got a good idea' Xander thought and immediately afterwards, "˜Alexander, what are you saying, Buffy loves the guy, vampire, whatever...' He sighed. "˜It would all be so much better if Angel and Buffy had never met. She wouldn't have fallen for him, he wouldn't have for her and then he couldn't hurt Buffy as much as he was doing right now.' He looked up from his deep thoughts when he heard Willow say: "No patrol for you tonight, I'll take you home."�

"No,"� Buffy protested, "I have to p-..."�

Xander decided to stick by Willow as he also thought it would be the best for Buffy to rest, not face other vampires and to kick their butts. "Nope, no patrol for the Buffster tonight, come on Buffy, you need to rest"� he said.

"Yes Buffy, I you'll feel better after a good night rest"� Giles said, trying to cover the worry in his voice..., but not succeeding.

"Like sleeping will change everything..."� Buffy murmured. But she finally gave in to the three as she realized she wouldn't be paying attention at all, and she could be endangering Willow's life and her own.

Willow saw Buffy gave in so she took her hand and lead her out of the library.

"Night Giles, bye Xander..."� Buffy said over her shoulder before the door closed behind her.

Xander and Giles sighed. Xander looked at Giles' worried face and realized he must feel the same way about Angel. He had hurt Buffy so many times... He was no good for her. As a boyfriend. She needs a regular boyfriend, one that can grow old with her and go through the same things. Someone that can take her out someplace while the sun shines. Angel will never be able to do that.

And Xander understood that was the reason Angel broke up with Buffy. Angel also cared about her; Xander knew that, so this was actually the smartest thing he could do.


Xander shook his head and said; "Sorry, Giles? Did you say something?"�

"Yes, Xander, I don't think you need to go on patrol tonight. Maybe it would do you some good too, if you got into bed early?"�

Xander nodded gratefully. He didn't feel like patrolling anyway. "Okay G-man. I'll let my mommy let me tuck in early"� he tried to lighten the atmosphere.

Giles knew that that was what Xander tried to do and he forced his face into a smile. "Sure, I'll see you tomorrow"� he said.

Xander looked down and shuffled out of the library. He didn't feel like going home yet. He was a bit tired, that's true, but for the one night he had "˜a day off' he decided to head to the Bronze. He didn't see the small figure that was following him carefully, hiding whenever Xander took a turn, so he would not see her.

The music that was playing in the Bronze cheered him up a bit. It was a song he liked. A song he and Cordelia used to dance upon. Practically the only song she loved to dance upon. He smiled, hung up his coat and sat down at the bar. Immediately the little figure that followed him sat down on the chair next to him.

-So, she said, surprising Xander who didn't see her coming.

-Oh, hi, he responded politely.

-You don't remember me, do you? She asked him.

Xander thought deep. Where could he know this girl from? School? -Uhmm, you seem familiar, do I know you from school?

-That's right! The girl said with an extremely optimistic voice.

-Oh, Xander said now recognizing the girl; you're the new girl in school!

-Yes, you showed me around a little bit?

-Now I remember.

-That was nice of you, you know.

-What? Showing you around? Anyone would do that.

The girl pouted, still I think it was very nice of you. I'm Anya by the way. I don't think I said my name before... And yours was...?

-Xander. Actually Alexander, but no one calls me like that.

-Okay, Xander. Do you feel like dancing? I really can't stay still on this song...

Xander let the girl, Anya grab his arm and push him on the dance floor willingly. Almost immediately when the started dancing, the song fade out and a very romantic, slow song began to play. The girl looked at him expectantly. He realized she was waiting for him to take her hand and to dance with her. "˜Why not,' Xander thought, "˜She seems a nice girl, and she's pretty too.'

They started dancing and talking and more dancing and even more talking. After a while Xander felt like he knew the girl his whole life. And he knew the girl knew his whole life! He hadn't stopped talking for quit a while and he talked about everything. Well, not everything of course, not the Slaying-stuff-part... But well, for the rest, pretty much everything. He even told her he loved Buffy, but that Angel guy stood in the way. He didn't mention that that Angel-guy had nothing to do with the fact Buffy didn't love *him*, but it seemed like that didn't matter that much.

Another slow song resounded and Xander now easily took the girl in his arms.

Anya asked him "Don't you sometimes wish that everything had been

"*Sometimes*?"� Xander replied, "All the time!"�

"Well, if you could have one wish, what would it be?"� Anya continued.

Xander didn't think long. If he could ask for one thing, it would be for what he was thinking at that moment. "I would wish Buffy had never met Angel,"� he whispered.

Apparently loud enough for Anya, who's face vamped out at the sound of his wish to Xander's big surprise. He nearly shrieked and quickly moved away from Anya, the girl, whatever before she could do him any harm. She didn't want to hurt him. She just said "Done"� and then a light flash blinded Xander's eyes.

Okay, feedback guys...