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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Fide Mea Acta Amo


Harry has to help snape with a potion for detention.-one shot


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Fide Mea Acta Amo
Author/Artist: Kat-Chan
Theme(s): 1. Bulls Eye
Pairing/Characters: Severus/Harry
Rating: G
Disclaimer/claimer (if needed):I don't own harry potter, JKR does.
Summary (if needed): Harry has to help Snape with a potion for detention
Harry trudged down to the dungeons. It wasn't fair really, draco had started it after all. He thought back to how he received this torture session they called detention. He had been minding his own business, when some one cast a tearing charm on him, making hot tears spill from his eyes. Draco had begun to taunt him with words such as ' miss your parents, or dog-father.' it had come out at the beginning of this year after Sirius' death, that he was innocent. It had angered harry, and cursed malfoy with a boil curse, making angry red boils appear all over him, marring his silky skin.
Harry arrived at the dungeon doors and knocked, not waiting for an answer he entered. " Well, Well Mr. Potter Almost on time." Severus Snape, the potions master of hogwarts sneered.
Harry glared back, but stood their waiting for instructions. Severus let him stand their for a good 10 minutes until he finally turned to him. " You will be assisting me in a potion tonight, the head master thinks it imperative you learn to make it, it is not normally taught to students."
He handed Harry a piece of parchment that had directions on it. " We will both be making one we do mine then yours, ours will be five minutes apart, leaving me time to instruct you and you time to observe me." Harry nodded and began to gather the ingredients he would need. The potion was called 'Fide Mea Acta Amo' it wasn't very complicated to do, but it was very dangerous.
He stood back and watched snape perform the first five minutes. The went to work on his own. He added the main ingredients, Frog Legs, Dragon Blood, and Chicken Heart. He stirred three times left then two right. Then let it simmer a bit to watch the next portion.
Soon snape was done, and Harry's still had five minutes to go. It was time for the last ingredient, Bull's eye. The hardest part, if added wrong, the whole thing would explode instantly.
" Professor, could you-?" Snape came around Harry, and position him self behind the miscreant, he leaned over his shoulder and took his hand in his own, and directed him the right way to cut the eye. He then showed directed him to put the in proper, one coming in from the left then the right then the center. Three eyes were added one after another. The Cauldron smoked greyed a bit, then turned blood red, Success.
" Professor what is it for" he asked, his face was a little flushed from the close proximity snape was mere minutes ago.
" If translated roughly from Latin, the name stands for ' On the word of Love' If given to some one, you are able to find out if said some one is trust worthy to you, the maker of the potion and only the maker, can see, the person will turn Blue-If they are Untrustworthy or Pink if they are. Bright red- If they are willing to risk everything for said trust, now time to test them" He handed Harry is and took Harry's and downed it Harry did the same. It tasted like nothing, so it could easily be disguised into a drink, it also had no smell to it. He watched amazed how snape turned into the most Vibrant Red he had ever saw. His eyes widened, he was expecting the pink at the very least. Though he really shouldn't be surprised seeing how many times Snape risked it all to save harry. Harry found himself wanting to return the favor, and wanting snape to trust him. He knew a moment before he assumed he would have been a pinkish red, but now he knew he to would have turned the same color as snape. Snape dismissed him, neither of them revealed what they saw, but they knew, they knew if they ever needed anything from the other they could rely on him.


A/n I wrote this for a 30_themes site, Go check it out at



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Kat Chan.
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