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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: The guys still belong to DPB
Author's Notes: Not sure where this is going, if it is or not. I hipe someone enjoys it. Unbeta-ed all mistakes are mine.
Extra Note: Sorry my feedback has been awful. The current stories are excellent as ever. RL is difficult. My autistic son is awful because of a virus and school holidays and I have a 16 weeks old who I swear is trying to crawl. Life is grand!!! On with the story


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

by Shelgrainger

Gibbs sat looking at his boat. He couldn't get the images out of his mind - Tony kissing Voss. It wasn't because Tony kissed a suspect in a murder investigation of a colleague, although that is what he led Tony to believe. It was because Tony had kissed a guy although he didn't know he was one and now Tony was repulsed at the idea of kissing a guy.

Gibbs sighed heavily. He always knew Tony was straight but a small part of his brain and heart hoped one day he would find out differently and that was what had kept him going for the past two years. The fact that Tony might one day be interested in men. However that was not the case and now Gibbs finally had to face the reality.

Next day in the office was strange. Tony and Cait's banter had stopped after she comment about "tonguing a guy". Tony was very weary of even looking at Cait and even though she had apologised he didn't seem interested in accepting it. Gibbs was moody because his dreams had been shattered by the bastard who killed Pacci.

Morrow looked down on the team and wondered what had gone wrong in such a short space of time.

"Jethro can I see you?" he called from the top of the stairs. Gibbs looked up and nodded.

Once inside Morrow's office, Tom opened his drawer, pulled out two glasses and poured a healthy dose of scotch in each. He placed one in front of Jethro and leaned back in his chair and sighed as he took a sip.

"OK Jethro as a friend now what is going on with your team?" he eyed Gibbs over his glass.

Jethro cleared his throat, "I think it is just the fact Chris died, Tom and they don't really know how to handle it yet", he finished reaching for the glass and swallowing it down in one gulp.

"Now I know it is more than that", Morrow raised his eyebrow at the empty glass in Gibbs' hand. Gibbs smirked and stood up.

"How long have you known me Tom?" Gibbs asked.

"A long time Jet, what is wrong?" Morrow finished his drink and poured two more glasses.

"I don't know what is happening. Yesterday everything just seemed to change", Gibbs started, turning back to Morrow, who looked sympathetically at Gibbs and nodded to ask him to continue.

"Tony got close to Voss", Gibbs looked at the surprise on Morrow's face, "he had no idea she was a he", Gibbs finished. Morrow just nodded his head in understanding.

"We came back here, Cait ribbed him about tonguing a guy and Tony bolted."

"And you...." Morrow egged Gibbs on

Gibbs smiled and sighed. "I had to admit I realised that my dream were never going to come true, Tom". Gibbs sat down heavily in the chair. He put his empty glass down and sighed.

"I realised I will never have Tony". With that he left Morrow's office.

End? Yes or no.


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author shelgrainger.
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