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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

A Matter of Proportions


PAIRING: Snape/Hagrid
WARNINGS: AU, M/M Slash, Non-Con, Masturbation, Violence, Gore
DISCLAIMER: No the characters do not belong to me, and sadly no money is being made.
SUMMARY: Snape and Hagrid are on a mission for Dumbledore. It goes badly.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Prequel to Wagers and Sin, written because so many people asked about one line in that story. `Whenever Hagrid became aggressive, Severus had submitted without thought, it was second nature to him.' And no, it did not turn out the way I expected either, but then, it rarely does.
BE ADVISED: While not exactly becoming Evil!Hagrid, he will not be quite the sweet and innocent person that I usually portray.
BETA: Special thanks to Matroushka for much needed assistance with grammar. Also kudos to guest smut continuity coordinator, Sylvadin. Big hugs to both wonderful ladies for making sure that Hagrid sounded like he spent more time in the South of Scotland, then South Texas!

Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter Text

A Matter of Proportions
by Ravenkiss


Severus Snape had growled, hissed, and generally made known his aversion to this particular undertaking. But the Headmaster had been very insistent. This mission was necessary to the Order, and Severus was indispensable to the success of the mission.

Remus Lupin, while looking for werewolves in Germany, had come across a small community of giants. Their leader, a brute named GurgNathingbane, had heard of the conflict between the Wizarding World and the Evil Snake. He was interested in what the Wizards would offer. And, even though Remus' translation spell was not working at its best, several of the giants knew enough English that he did manage to get the gist of GurgNathingbane's demands.

He wanted potions.

Not surprisingly, he was very keen on getting hold of aphrodisiacs. It was common knowledge that giantesses were notorious for being somewhat difficult to get in the mood, and woe be unto the giant who tried to cop a feel when his lady was not feeling amorous.

Many a giant had sacrificed a finger, or some other limb, for the lust of a female.

"Any idiot can make a lust potion," grumbled Severus. "I have to destroy a dozen illicit ones a year made by barely competent students."

"Yes, but he wants other potions as well. It would be best if you were there in case he wants something complex," Albus said, smiling at him placidly.

"But why bother, Headmaster?" Severus countered, pacing across the length of Dumbledore's cluttered study. "Giants are well known for being fickle allies at best."

"He means no offense, Hagrid," the Headmaster noted with a nod to the half giant half-giant who sat in a large armchair near the fireplace. Hagrid's smile never faltered.

"I know that you are nothing like any full blood full-blood giant, Hagrid," Severus added to placate Dumbledore. It was not as if he could anger the old groundskeeper. If he were to hit Hagrid with the Cruciatus curse, the man would probably smile placidly and offer him some of his hideous treacle fudge.

"Course Pr'fesser? I know yeh don't think nothin bad 'bout me," Hagrid nodded, confirming his obliviousness to any insult.

"What I meant was that these particular giants are not important to the fight. It is a small band in Germany. We will certainly not be bringing them back here," Severus tried very hard to sound reasonable.

"This venture is very important to our cause. We must do all that we can to enlarge our forces. As long as there is a chance to bring them to our side, you must try. Severus, you of all people know just how far Voldemort's tendrils extend into the Continent. We both know that he is gathering strength there. The Order can use all of the allies we can find, even someone that might not be the most reliable. In the end, you may do nothing more than persuade the giants to stay out of the conflict altogether. If this trip only deprives Voldemort of a few foot soldiers it may be enough to turn the tide."

There was no dissuading Dumbledore from his course. Severus Snape soon found himself dumped by port key portkey into the wilds of Germany in the company of Rubeus Hagrid. The groundskeeper's participation was essential since he was the only part giant readily available, Madame Maxine being much too busy during the school year.

Hagrid was his usual friendly self, keeping up a running commentary on the interesting flora and fauna of the area to the very disinterested Slytherin. Snape ignored the other man's endless droning to concentrate on his own thoughts.

His mind ran over the supplies that were in the trunks in his pocket. They had been miniaturized with a spell for ease of travel. He had tried to make sure that he had a wide variety of potion ingredients, to anticipate what the giants would want.

But what did he know about giant psychology? The only exposure that he had was to Hagrid, whose obsession was with dangerous creatures. Did other giants like nasty, toothsome monsters also?

Of course, many giants were nasty toothsome monsters.

"Ere we are, Pr'fessor," Hagrid noted brightly as he saw Remus Lupin step out of the undergrowth. "Everythin' OK there, Remus?"

"Oh, just fine, Hagrid. GurgNathingabane and his fellows have been quite sociable. Ah, Severus, I see you volunteered to come along." The somewhat tired looking, yet still much too cheerful Lupin smiled genially at his old schoolmate.

"I was drafted," Snape shot back with undisguised annoyance.

Lupin ran a hand through his brown, prematurely gray hair and smiled, obviously enjoying Snape's discomfort. "Well, come along, I will introduce you to our host." He bowed the pair into the dense foliage.

Hagrid grinned up at the giants that glared down at the trio. Lupin seemed relaxed, unconcerned at the nasty looks, so Severus Snape held his head high, not that the giants probably noticed, but he had no intention of allowing his fear to show. Even if his insides were twisting like a pretzel. He saw the looks in those very inhuman eyes. Most were bored, but a few looked at him with undisguised hunger.

Sociable his pale arse.

When they reached what had to be the Leader's throne (a big, rough stone platform that looked, and smelled, like he also used it as a toilet) Remus bowed humbly. "Great GurgNathingbane, may I present Professor Rubeus Hagrid and Potions Master Severus Snape, sent to serve at your pleasure by the Great Wizard Albus Dumbledore, just as you requested."

Beady black eyes, one slightly crossed, found the men eventually. The leader of the giants was probably trying to act bored, but ended up looking constipated, which Snape would have preferred considering the stench.

GurgNathingbane looked down at them and managed what looked like a somewhat crooked frown. "Poson Mass Snape?" he grunted, pointing to Hagrid. Obviously he had not been paying close attention to Remus' introduction.

"Oh, no, that is Professor Hagrid. This is the Potions Master." Lupin pointed to Severus, who met the monster's eyes boldly.

The frown immediately became a broad, crooked grin. One long hand reached out slowly past Remus and tried to touch Snape. The Slytherin jerked back just out of reach. The giant's lopsided grin broadened. "Yes, good, good, GurgNathingbane accept."

"Glad to hear it." Remus bowed again, then backed up to the others. "Now, let us discuss the potions that you need."


Several hours later, while Severus was looking over a lengthy list of potions, Remus stood and stretched. "Well, gentlemen, my work here is done. You two can handle things from here." With that Remus Lupin very happily turned to leave the clearing.

He felt no qualms about going. This was probably not exactly what Dumbledore had in mind, but there was little he could do to help. Besides, he had been here for a week with no mishaps. These giants were actually fairly civilized, and old GurgNathingbane had told Remus that he liked humans.

And not as food, which was a plus in his book.

There would be no problems. Hagrid would keep Snape in line, and everyone would be happy. Personally, he had a date with a shower.

"What? Remus, wait!" Remus enjoyed the hint of panic in Snape's usually low, confident voice.

"Look, Severus, there really isn't anything more I can add. The giants will look after you quite nicely. See you in a few weeks!" Remus shouted over his shoulder. Severus watched in horror as Lupin's shabby robes disappear into the forest. `Bastard!' Snape felt a swell of anger. Much as he hated the werewolf, at least he was an ally of sorts in this den of monsters.

"Poson Mass." The deep voice of the giant's leader caught his attention. Severus slowly turned towards the creature that looked him over and licked its lips. "Good, good, you very pale," his voice boomed.

"So I have been told," Severus shrugged, with a very nervous flutter in the pit of his stomach.

"Pale good." This seemed an odd declaration coming from this creature since he and all six of the other scowling giants Severus could see were quite badly sunburned. Perhaps he could start by making them some sunscreen, or perhaps a good moisturizing potion?

"What can I do for you first?" he asked, facing the giant. He just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible and go home.

"Strip," rumbled the giant.

Severus blinked. "I think the translation spell is not working correctly. I asked what you wish of me?"

"Strip," the giant growled again as he stood up to his full twenty-foot stature. "Clothes off, we fuck!"

"Sev'rus, I'm thinking we've got a bit of a problem." whispered Hagrid in one of the most amazing understatements of the decade. Both Professors watched with disgust as the giant started to remove his own clothes, leering at the horrified Potions Master with lust blazing in his beady eyes.


Part 2

The Leader of the giants Dumbledore had sent them to negotiate with had his own agenda that seemed to center on sexually molesting Severus Snape.

GurgNathingbane dropped his clumsily stitched breeches, displaying a cock that was close in size to the average man's leg.

"We fuck," he repeated with a move towards Severus.

Snape had gone from the delicate pallor that the giant admired, to a ghostly white. "But, it is anatomically impossible!" he gasped, backing away. "There is no way that could go into me!"

As the monstrous creature reached down to grab the Potions Master, Hagrid moved between them and slashed at the massive hand with the small knife from his belt. "No!" he bellowed, glaring up at the full blood giant.

The Great Gurg of the giants slowly brought up his hand to look with mild surprise at the relatively small cut. Then, without changing expression, the giant brought the hand down and swept Hagrid aside like he was swatting a fly and moved to grab Severus.

Snape tried to run, but a person who stood just over six-foot tall had no chance at outdistancing someone whose legs were longer then his body. He found himself scooped up and cradled in the arms of the giant while his fellow behemoths laughed and made lewd gestures. "Pretty." The giant's tongue lapped at his cheek, dampening his face and hair.

"There must be a misunderstanding," Severus gulped as a single thick finger shredded his robes and began to work on destroying his suit. "You cannot have sex with me! You will never fit!" If he survived this ordeal, Severus Snape swore that he was going to throw Remus Lupin into the lake after giving the Squid an aphrodisiac!

"Spells make fit!" countered the giant. "Pretty Poson Mass mine now."

"Not bloody likely!" Hagrid's shoulder struck the giant from behind and overbalanced him. Since he had to catch himself, the massive creature was forced to drop Snape, who hit the ground, bounced, and skidded to a halt near the trees.

Snape tried to get up and actually made it almost to his knees when his head spun and sent him to the ground again. He could still hear the sounds of a fight. Hagrid cursing, yelling, and the bellow of the giant as they battled.

But the sounds faded as the world went black.


"Easy, Sev'rus, don' try ter move yet." Hagrid's voice penetrated the darkness of his mind. "Yeh hit yer head real hard."

"Hagrid?" he whispered, trying to open his eyes, but closed them once again since the world seemed to be spinning at a dizzying pace.

"The healin' potion, is it the purple or blue stuff?"

"Blue," Snape whispered. A moment later Severus tasted the bitter tang of the potion as it was poured into his mouth. When he could safely open his eyes, he looked up at Hagrid. "What happened?" He blinked as his gaze traveled up to a very high thatched roof. It seemed that they were now indoors.

"Had a tussle wi' the Gurg 'bout yeh. Managed to put me belt knife in a place the Gurg din't like at all. `e thought better o' tryin' to fight."

"Glad to hear it." Severus shuddered as he recalled the feel of the giant's fingers as they tore his robes, of that disgusting tongue on his face. Only a few scraps of cloth remained of his clothing, and he was very aware of that fact as he drew the thin blanket tightly about him. "Do you know why that brute thought that I belonged to him?"

"Now that's an interestin' thing. GurgNathingbane din't just want a potion. He were wantin' a Potions Master of his own. Remus, well `e weren't none too clear, an' accidentally gave Gurg the idea that Dumbledore gave yeh to 'im."

"Shit," Snape hissed, still keeping his eyes closed to allow the healing potion to work. "But why did he want to have sex?"

"Well, beggin' yer pardon, Sev'rus, but that be 'cause yer all pale `n pretty."

"Pretty? Me?"

"Yes sir. Them full blood giants, they likes a bit o' tail that be pale `n thin, wi' black hair and pretty nose like yours. Everythin' about yeh is just what they want. If yeh was a lady giant, yeh'd be queen o' the whole place," Hagrid informed him, unsuccessfully trying to hide a grin.

"I am a giant's wet dream? Oh that is just bloody marvelous," Severus said slowly, his mind rebelling at the idea. "And somehow Lupin gave GurgNathingbane the idea that I was his new fuck toy." Remus Lupin was going to pay dearly for this insult!

"Yes sir."

"Have you dissuaded our host of this erroneous assumption?"

"If yeh mean, he ain't gonna try to shag yeh, then yes," Hagrid said softly. "They can do it with `umans yeh know. Giants, they gots a spell ter shrink the old block'n tackle, and one to open yeh up, like."

"Lovely, but why would they want to?" Snape asked. "He is four times my size, I would not think that it was worth the trouble."

"Don' right know. Them giants always liked shaggin' `umans. Maybe cause it ain't right. Maybe it's a kinda thrill fer 'em? Guess it's just a giant thing."

"Well, as long as everything is straightened out."

"Erm, actually, there's a bit of a snag," Hagrid interrupted him.

Very slowly, Severus sat up and looked into Hagrid's eyes. "What do you mean, a snag?"

"Well, to get `im to leave yeh alone, the Gurg had ta believe that yeh was already taken."

"He thinks I am betrothed to someone?"

"'e thinks yeh belong to me."

"You? So this means, what? That I must keep near you during our stay here?" He could do that. In fact, under the circumstances he was sure that he would not stray far from Hagrid's side at all during this nightmare ordeal.

"No Sev'rus, `e's expectin' more of a showin' of claim on yeh, summat a bit more hands on than that, if yeh take my meanin'." Hagrid's usually jovial voice was very cold.

"Hagrid, what exactly is he expecting?" Severus stiffened as a large, rough hand caressed his bare shoulder.

"We`re goin' to hafta shag in front of `im." Hagrid felt Severus pull away. The Slytherin pulled the blanket up and held it in a death grip against his chest.

"This is a joke. Lupin put you up to it! The bastard is still pissed that I did not have sex with him!"

Hagrid cocked his head and stared at the Slytherin. "Remus tried ter bed yeh?"

"Oh, I was not good enough for a bed. No, he and his, ah, dog were too close behind me in the castle after we left a meeting with Dumbledore. Lupin always wants to talk and be civil. Next thing I know, one of the staircases moved and dumped the lot of us into one of those annoying phantom rooms that seem to appear at the worst possible times. We were trapped with less then two hours before the full moon would rise. Lupin tried to convince me that to keep his `wolf' from ripping me to shreds he would need to have sex with me." Snape hugged himself. "I know that all the bloody bastard wanted was to trick me into some perverse, bestial three way with, Bl. With he and his dog."

"Yeh said `e din't do yeh?"

"I was rescued from certain defilement at the last moment by a Hufflepuff with no sense of direction."

"Now I remember!" Hagrid chuckled. "Thought poor Sprout were gonna faint when th' counter said it were you gave Hufflepuff ten points. We was sure it were a mistake."

Severus was not listening. He was still on a Lupin induced rant. "Fucking werewolf thought that just because I was known to associate with certain people in the past that I had to be some sort of sadomasochistic pervert slut that would spread my legs for anyone." Yes, when it came to sex he was submissive but really he did not bend over for animals!

"Sev'rus, I'm sorry `e tried to do that to yeh, but this ain't no trick. If yeh want to get outta this alive, yeh got to `ave sex with me."

"No!" Snape scrambled away from the half-giant as he realized that it was most definitely not a joke. "Do not touch me." His head whipped around, desperate to find his wand.

The half-giant grabbed the terrified man, catching him by the left wrist, just below the Dark Mark. Hagrid knew about the tattoo and it did not bother him in the least. Truthfully, everyone on the staff knew that Snape had been with the Death Eaters in his youth.

That was the worst kept secret at Hogwarts.

With a cry of sheer terror, Severus fought and flailed feebly against Hagrid's solid chest with his free hand. Finally, out of sheer frustration, a backhand from the larger man sent Snape to the floor.

It was not a hard slap, but the Slytherin saw stars.

The Potions Master blinked up at him, in shock at the fact that gentle Hagrid had struck him. He gaped as Hagrid slowly and concisely explained the situation to him. "Yeh got no choice, Sev'rus. I'm sorry, but yer gonna take it up th' arse in front o' them giants. By me, or by the Gurg. Yer choice."

"No." His voice was hollow. "Please, you do not have to do this! Hagrid, we have a portkey," he gasped, "we can use the portkey and go back to Hogwarts!"

"Pr'fessor Dumbledore says if there be a chance, we gots to stay `n see this through ter th' end."

"I will not allow myself to be raped for the sake of Dumbledore's half-baked plans!"

"Albus Dumbledore's a great man," Hagrid growled and his usually gentle black eyes flashed with anger at the insult to his beloved patron.

"Albus Dumbledore is a manipulative bastard who would sacrifice us both in a heartbeat!" Snape screamed back, heedless of the other man's anger.

"Yeh owe me a life debt!" Hagrid bellowed with near berserk rage, as his black eyes grew hard. "Yeh owe me, Sev'rus, an' yeh owe Dumbledore. We're goin' to stay an' do what we came here ter do."

Snape felt a flash of terror as he realized that he was truly trapped in this insane situation. The half-giant was determined to carry out his mission, regardless of what the Slytherin would be forced to suffer to accomplish it. "Hagrid, you can not do this to me. You cannot rape me."

"I don' want ter hurt yeh, Sev'rus, but we gots ter do this." The bearded face moved closer as he held out his hand. "It don' hafta be no rape. I bin with blokes yer size a'fore. Liked it they did. I knows this spell ter relax yeh. `Sides, I really ain't all that big, yeh could take it without a spell."

"No, I will not allow this to happen. I will not!" Severus tried to crawl backwards away from the half-giant. Had he not been naked, he would have run for the door.

"The Gurg, 'e's done it before, Sev'rus. Some'o the others told me. The last `uman GurgNathingbane fucked, th' spell failed while `e were inside `er. T'were real messy. `e ain't good at it."

"No," Snape whispered, as Hagrid took his hand and drew the trembling man close. "Hagrid, please."

"They're waitin'," the half-giant said firmly.

In a panic, Severus tried to kick Hagrid in the groin; all he managed to do was hit his muscular thigh. With a low growl of pain and anger Hagrid backhanded him again, harder this time. While the smaller man lay stunned the half-giant pulled the pink umbrella from his pocket. "Pulpa Relaxo,"* he commanded, pointing the silly looking parasol at Severus.

Feeling as if all of his bones had been removed, Severus Snape felt his entire body go completely limp. He could not have moved if his life depended on it. "It'll last 'bout `n hour. Woulda just done yer arse, but yeh had ter fight. This is fer yer own good." He knelt beside the Slytherin, and ran an exploratory finger over his limp, circumcised cock. "Hm, yer lovely like that, all smooth `n soft. Sorry yeh won't be able to come cause yeh can't get it up, but if yeh behave maybe nex' time."

With an oddly neutral expression, he undid his own trousers and exposed his very erect cock. He played with the foreskin with his thumb and forefinger. Not that he needed to, he was already hard as a rock. A large finger caressed Snape's lips. "Yeh gots a real purty mouth.* Be right nice when yeh can suck me."

Hagrid undressed quickly, then careful lifted Severus off the floor and carried him outside of what appeared to be a tall, but crude hut. Severus could not even move his eyes. He was only vaguely aware of where they were as Hagrid passed a blazing bonfire, with a least three deer carcasses staked out on poles leaning almost in the flames. `Tonight's supper,' Severus thought, absently smelling the rank scent of burning fur as he was taken to the clearing before GurgNathingbane, seven other drooling male giants and three ambivalent females.

Hagrid set him on the grass and knelt between his long legs. The large callused fingers gently began to stroke his loosened hole. "That worked real nice," he noted as he took Severus' ankles in his hands and bent him double, knees to his chest. "It won't hurt yeh none," he assured with a kiss to his lips.

The half-giant pushed in easily, smiling down at Severus' slack face. "Gods, yer still tight!" The large man pulled almost completely out, then slammed into him again with one smooth thrust.

Snape's mind whirled. He realized to his horror that he could not even close his eyes.

He wanted to scream, to curse, to cry like a baby. Even after the disgusting performance in the hut, Severus had refused to believe that Rubeus Hagrid was really going to rape him.

He had been very wrong.

The gentle giant that would not harm the vilest four-legged creature, who thought dragons were cute and grindylows cuddly, was raping him.

"Fuck yeh!" Hagrid gasped as his heavy balls bounced off Snape's arse. After what seemed like an eternity, the big man lifted himself off of him, which meant that Snape could breathe again, but Hagrid continued to pound into him.

Severus could hear the full blood giants cheering at his violation. He could feel the massive cock continually strike his prostate sending sparks of pleasure through him, even as Snape's own cock remained flaccid.

The feeling built inside him, anger and pleasure warring with confusion and pain. `Please let it end!' Severus' mind screamed.
`Finish, climax, shoot your fucking wad! Please!'

Had he been able to do more then emit a gurgling moan with his limp, useless tongue, Severus Snape would have begged Hagrid for death.

Suddenly something brushed his cheek. Severus saw the horrific sight of a naked, panting GurgNathingbane kneeling beside them, his long, disgusting tongue slipping between the pair, over Severus' belly to taste him and his limp cock. Hagrid did not seem to mind this intrusion. He just let out a deep sigh of pleasure and pumped faster.

Then the Gurg sat back and started to stroke his own obscenely enormous cock. He lay the tip on Severus' chest, smearing him with pre-cum.

Hagrid cried out, and the prone Slytherin felt hot seed fill his stretched hole. Then the half-giant pulled out and watched the full-blooded giant masturbate himself to completion, spilling hot semen over Severus' chest and face.

Consciousness thankfully began to slip away as his air was cut off. Snape was only slightly torn between the disgust of drowning in the giant's slimy emissions and the disgust of being revived and forced to live with the memory.

As the blackness claimed him, Severus had decided that death was definitely the better option.

*Pulpa Relaxo - Flesh Relax
* Yeh gots a real purty mouth. (My sincere apologies to all for the `Deliverance' moment.)


Part 3

Severus Snape was awakened by a whimper.

It took him a moment to recognize the hoarse voice. The pathetic whine had emanated from his own throat.

Snape's hand jerked up to his face, as his last conscious moments crashed in on him. To his relief there was nothing sticky or slimy on his face or chest. A shudder of disgust ran through his abused body as it burned with the memory of being smothered in a torrent of giant's semen.

Or maybe it was nothing more then than some sick nightmare?

Unfortunately, the fact that he lay sprawled naked on a dirt floor his hips were sore and imprinted with bruises in the shape of large fingerprints made the nightmare explanation somewhat less plausible.

Images of laughing giants and rape at Hagrid's hands filled his mind. Was that true? Tentatively, his fingers reached down to his anus. Swallowing hard he brushed the very tight, but also very tender ring of muscle.

"Told yeh 'bout that spell, it only lasts `bout an hour or so," Hagrid said from the doorway of the hut. Sunlight streamed in behind him, and the sounds of heavy footsteps and guttural conversations could be heard outside.

Severus shrank back from Hagrid, dragging himself with still slightly clumsy limbs to the far wall. He attempted to stand, but immediately moaned and fell to the floor, disoriented from the intense pain in his head. He curled up in a ball, trembling.

"Sev'rus, calm down, I ain't gonna hurt yeh none," assured Hagrid, moving on into the room.

"You've already hurt me!" The fear was plain in his voice.

"Now, it weren't like that." Hagrid sounded pained. "It were just ter keep the Gurg from takin' yeh."


"You enjoyed it." Severus gulped. In his mind he could see the lust on the Gryffindor's face as Hagrid pounded into him. "You raped me." He tried to bite back a sob, remembering what the monster had done to him.

"Din't have no choice, did I? `e were wantin' ter' play with yeh. Had ter make'im think I were like `im." Hagrid moved to sit in front of him. "Listen!" He caught Severus' shoulders in his strong hands, and held him immobile. "Do yeh want to get outa this place? Yeh've got ter obey me or GurgNathingbane, `e's gonna try `n take yeh for `imself."

"Obey you?" Severus swallowed hard as his mind reeled. After all of this, he would be expected to submit to Hagrid? Well, he had done that already. "If they thinks I ain't strong enough ter keep yeh in line, the giants they'll be thinkin o' me as weak. The Gurg, `e'll challenge me fer yeh!"

"Challenge you?"

"That be the giant's way. Weakness ain't tolerated. If they thinks o' me as weak, it'll be a real giant's cock in yeh." Hagrid spoke softly but the words were hard.

Hagrid sighed and decided to change his approach. " The Gurg wants `is potions Sev'rus. Yeh've got ter make 'em."

"Potions?" he repeated it as though `potions' were a foreign word that he had never heard before. "You expect me to just go on as if nothing happened? As if you had not raped me?"

"Yerh'll do what yeh came here ter do. Yer a Potions Master. Yeh needs ter be makin' potions," Hagrid informed him as he tried to touch the other man's arm, but Severus still cringed from him.

"Don't touch me, monster!" Severus snapped, attempting to draw his anger about him like a protective cloak.

Hagrid's beetle black eyes looked stunned. "Ain't no monster, Sev'rus. Now, I can't lie to yeh, I did like fuckin' yeh. Maybe 'cause I gots giant blood in me, I bin wantin' to fer years. But yeh gots to un'erstand. Doin' yeh like that, it were only so them others wouldn' hurt yeh." Hagrid stood, walked over to a dark corner, and lifted something. Snape realized what it was as the half-giant pulled the miniaturized trunks from what must be the tattered remains of Severus' robes. He used his umbrella to cast a spell and return them to normal size.

"I understand. Of course, you were only helping me," Snape said softly, his dark eyes never leaving Hagrid, weighing his chances of survival if he tried to fight. They were depressingly low.

He put the idea of escape out of his mind for the moment and as quickly as he could, Severus pulled some of his spare clothes from one of the trunks and dressed. Hagrid was turned away, giving him a little privacy. When he was clothed and felt less vulnerable, Snape looked at Hagrid's broad back. "Where is my wand?"

"Here." Hagrid produced his wand from a pocket of his coat. He started to hand it over but before Severus could take it, the large hand drew back. "Yeh ain't thinkin' a tryin' ter curse me or nothin'?"

"No, Hagrid, I will not curse you. As you said, I am at the mercy of my circumstances. Without you here I have no doubt that I would be dead by nightfall from the Gurg's amorous attentions," Snape said truthfully. Much as he would have liked to turn Hagrid into a toad and use him for potion ingredients, to survive, Severus had to refrain from killing him.

Besides, Hagrid had called due his life debt. Severus had no choice but to stay and try to complete the mission. He would obey Hagrid for the duration of this nightmare.

Once the mission was over, though; that would be a different story.


Part 4

Hagrid's cock was absolutely enormous.

The wrinkled foreskin made it look disturbingly like a thick, brownish snake attempting to wriggle into a turtleneck sweater. "Lick it," the half-giant commanded, in a voice almost unrecognizably hard and cold.

The students of Hogwarts would be shocked at this new, dominant Hagrid. It would seem that the gentle Gryffindor had gotten in touch with the non-human half of his heritage.

`Time to be degraded again,' Severus thought resignedly as he dropped to his knees, naked before the half-giant's titanic erection. He felt like some primitive tribesman worshipping before his fearsome fertility god. A sigh escaped his lips as he glanced around at the full blood giants watching from all sides in the dancing firelight.

His pitiful hope of making it through the day without being raped had been quickly dashed as the sun began to set. The Gurg had been quite happy with the sunscreen and lust potions he had made, but just as he started to try and slip back to the hut and hide for the night, the giant had demanded that the `Pretty Poson Mass get fucked.'

"LICK IT!" Hagrid, unhappy with his hesitation, grabbed his hair and pushed his face against the rock hard cock. Severus let his tongue swipe the head, lapping it like an ice lolly. "More." At this order, his tongue slid down the length to lave the slightly hairy balls. It was an interesting taste, this essence of half-giant.

A grunt of satisfaction accompanied his ministrations.

Finally he was given the command, "Suck me!" The submissive in him shivered with a disturbing excitement as he endeavored to take the cock into his mouth. `Damn it, Hagrid is too good at this,' he thought, trying to ignore the intense desire stirring deep within him.

If Hagrid had been a normal sized man, Severus would have had his cock down his throat easily, and still been able to lick his balls. (His tongue was legendary in the house of the Snake), but the thing was just too damn big. He managed the head, and several inches of the shaft besides, but then it rammed the back of his throat. Even a relaxing spell would not let it go back any further without completely cutting off his air.

"Oh, yeh gots a sweet mouth!" sighed Hagrid, who moved his hips, but managed to hold back enough so as not to gag him. Snape had to admit that, in his way, Rubeus Hagrid was a very considerate rapist.

Severus used his hands to stroke the length, doing his best to stimulate the rock hard organ. He had always enjoyed fellatio before. It was a weird sort of turn on for him to be on his knees, a position of true submission, yet he to be in complete control. It made him feel powerful as he teased his panting, whimpering lovers. He would pull back just as climax was imminent so that he could make his lover beg, before bringing him to a shattering climax.

It was the perfect combination of submission and power, usually.

His hands managed to get far enough back to stroke Hagrid's heavy, billiard ball sized testes. They were still a little wet from his saliva so that his fingers slid across them smoothly. But it did not take long for his mouth to hurt; it felt over-stretched, and unfortunately, by the feel of those furry balls, Hagrid did not seem to be any closer to climax.

Snape sighed, was he losing his touch?

"Turn round." He almost jumped at the growled order. Snape's shoulders slumped in defeat as he released the mammoth erection and obeyed. Without being told he lowered his head, lay it on his crossed arms and raised his backside high in the air.

"Pulpa Relaxo." Hagrid poked Severus' arse roughly with his umbrella. The giants were whooping it up as Snape gasped at the feel of the spell on his anus that relaxed him as a slick, blunt finger pushed into him.

"I gots yeh," Hagrid assured, letting his other hand play with Severus' cock. Snape cringed as to his mortification; his own organ came to full hardness. Just the same as it had the last two times. Those huge, callused hands were much more gentle and skilled then he would have expected.

If this were in a private place and had the encounter been consensual, the Slytherin would have enjoyed it.

Hagrid smiled down at those lovely pale cheeks as he slowly pushed into Snape's arse, and aimed for the prostate. Not that he could miss it. With a cock that size, for Hagrid to strike the sweet spot in any man was like shooting fish in a barrel.

The half-giant had fucked normal sized men and women before. They had all begged for more. And for some reason, even under the circumstances, he really wanted Severus to climax. Wanted him to like it.

Snape stiffened as that place deep inside was hit over and over again. He hated the thought that he was going to have an orgasm at Hagrid's touch. That he had before, and probably would the next time. The bitter taste of defeat filled his mouth along with the after taste of the other man's cock.

"Come fer me," Hagrid hissed. Unable to resist the command Severus cried out as his seed spilled out onto the grass. He whimpered as Hagrid pulled out, turned him over and so very gently laid Snape on his back. (Not on the wet place, Severus realized with a little relief). Hagrid's body covered his as the massive cock pushed back in and forced the Slytherin to spread his legs so wide to accommodate the other man's girth that he felt as if his hips were going to crack.

Worse yet, the thick carpet of soft fur that Hagrid called a belly was reviving his erection again. `Please do not let him notice.' It would only be one more small indignity, but he did not want the half-giant to know that his body was enjoying it.

"Ohhh, yeh likes it, don' yeh, Sev'rus." Hagrid grinned down at the red faced Slytherin as his cock grew between them. "Yeh like a good hard fuck, don' yeh!"

Snape bit his lip to try unsuccessfully to keep back a moan of sheer pleasure. His back arched as hot seed filled him. His own climax pulsed at the same time, spraying his semen between them. `Oh God. ' Tears fought to escape his tightly closed eyelids. The big bastard forced him to enjoy it, to writhe at his touch.

When he pulled out, Hagrid noted that GurgNathingbane had already exploded in his pants. He was glad. Now that he was having sex with Severus, he did not want to share.

The Slytherin lay limply on the grass, as if the relaxation spell were once again cast on his entire body. "Just let me take care o' yeh." Gently, Hagrid lifted his lover.

Yes, Rubeus Hagrid knew that Severus might not feel that way about him yet, but to Hagrid, having sex like this made that person your lover.

Severus would figure it out soon. He would see that Hagrid only wanted what was best for him. `I can love yeh. An' pleasure yeh real good. Yeh'll see.' The half-giant thought as carried the barely conscious man back to their hut.


Part 5

Hagrid sighed as he strode into the darkened hut. His belly felt full and his head a little muzzy. For some reason the Gurg had wanted to share a drink or ten with him once he had finished this particular nightly sex session with Severus.

Fortunately, it had not taken long to finish the game. The Gurg could not hold his liquor. He may have been a giant, but unlike the Hogwart's groundskeeper he did not have a giant sized tolerance. Hagrid had drunk the Gurg under the table with little difficulty.

He tapped a small magic lantern that sat on a long wooden table by the door as he walked in. The light flared, which caused him to blink. At first he could not put his finger on what was wrong. His mind was still a little fuzzy from the drink. But after a moment of concentration he figured it out.

No Snape!

Not sure whether he should be worried or angry, he moved on into the room to be certain that his reluctant companion was actually missing. He had been sure to watch the somewhat unsteady Slytherin stumble back to the hut, just in case one of the other giants got ideas.

Where was Severus? Had he broken and run away because of what he and Hagrid had to do, despite the life debt? Or had one of the other giants snuck in and taken him to play with while Hagrid drank with the Gurg?

Fury coursed through his veins at the thought of one of those things playing with his pet! His body burned at just the idea that one of the giants might have touched `his' Severus.

The half-giant had snatched up the lantern and started to go in search of the Potions Master, when he heard a muffled moan. He followed the noise till he walked around the trunk near the far wall. Severus lay wrapped in a blanket, curled up in a ball and wedged tightly between the trunk and the wall of the hut like some injured creature in its den.

`Poor lil' thing,' Hagrid sighed to himself. `It ain't right fer `im ter be hurtin' an' alone.' Carefully, the half-giant lifted the trunk and, as quietly as he could, moved it back away from the sleeping man. The Potions Master stirred slightly, but did not wake.

After he had placed a thick blanket on the floor beside the comparatively tiny form, Hagrid slowly lay down beside him. He was fully clothed, and did not attempt to touch Severus. He just lay close by and waited.

After a few minutes, he edged just a little bit closer; he still did not touch Severus, only continued to wait with infinite patience.

He smiled as the smaller man moved instinctively towards the heat of his body. Hagrid was not surprised when he noticed that the other man was also fully clothed beneath the thick blanket.

With all the gentleness that he would use to hold a newborn rabbit, he placed his arm around the frightened Slytherin. He lay the black haired man's head against his chest so that Snape could hear the beating of his heart.

Severus' taut body began to very slowly relax into his embrace. Hagrid sighed; this was real nice, being all snuggly with the Potions Master.

He did not want to hurt Severus the way he had. Did not ever want to hurt anyone really. But the other man had refused to be reasonable. This was what the giants required, and Hagrid would do whatever he must to complete their mission for Dumbledore.

Hagrid would do anything for Albus Dumbledore. Even if it meant Snape would have to take it up the arse before the drooling giants.

`Sev'rus likes men. When he were in school everybody always said `e liked a good hard cock in `im.' Deep down Hagrid knew that his thoughts were mostly an attempt to soothe his own conscience. `It'll be OK. `e came every time we fucked. Well, `ceptin that first un. But that were his own fault.'

Severus moaned and clutched at Hagrid's rough coat. `Yeh like it.' His hands began to gently caress his delicate companion's shoulders, back, and thighs. He was pleasantly rewarded for his patience as Severus let out a sweet little whimper, and nuzzled his chest.

Unable to stop himself, Hagrid gently but methodically began to remove the slender Potions Master's clothes. He wanted to make love to the sexy Slytherin gently, and without an audience.

Severus was vaguely aware of his clothes being taken. At first he fought feebly, but even in sleep, he felt the overwhelming need to submit to those huge hands. In his half aware dream world, the Slytherin was back before the drooling giants. He stiffened as he felt the thick fingers move downward.

Meekly, Snape spread his legs. But instead of the expected feel of the mammoth cock pushing into his body, he felt the tickle of a tongue. He gasped and began to wriggle against the multitalented muscle that invaded his arse.

He bucked and cried out as the hot wet tongue left his arse and wrapped around his cock. He sobbed as his hips moved his cock in and out of that hot mouth. He cried out as he climaxed.

Severus opened his eyes as the bearded mouth captured his. He could taste his own seed, and look up into shining black eyes that burned with lust.

"You're so pretty," whispered Hagrid. "Let me make love ter yeh."

"Make love?" gasped Severus in sheer disbelief.

"Please!" Huge hands roamed over Severus Snape's body. "I wants yeh now!" He moved over the pale form, took his pink umbrella from atop the nearby trunk and used it to cast the relaxation spell. Then he quickly slicked his cock and pushed into the unresisting body beneath him. Hagrid's hips moved gently as he sought to stroke Snape's sensitive prostate instead of assault it as he had before.

For his part, Severus whimpered as his sex sprang back to life with the sensations of the huge cock inside him and that familiar yet strange feel of Hagrid's furry belly on his shaft. He gave up the fight, pitiful as it was, and moaned as he moved beneath the massive body, legs wrapped around Hagrid's thick waist as best he could.

Hagrid was delighted at the change. He continued to slide slowly, gently in and out accompanied by whispered words of love to the whimpering man beneath him. When he felt Severus clutch at his shoulders the half-giant kissed him.

Much to his chagrin Severus responded to the urgent kisses with building passion. It was as if his body had completely given in and accepted that he now had a third master.

Bowing and scrapping to Voldemort and Dumbledore were not enough for him, he needed one more person to submit to.

But there was more to it than the deference he showed his other masters. No one else could make him surrender so totally. Voldemort had hinted that if Snape so desired, there was a place in his bed. Dumbledore had also made his attraction known, but Severus had politely ignored the hints. Much as he enjoyed being submissive in bed, the thought of being taken by either of them, of completely giving himself over to one or, Merlin forbid, both of those powerful men, frightened him.

And fortunately for him, he was too important to each of the great wizards' causes for either to press the issue.

And now, all choice had been taken away. Rubeus Hagrid was his true Lord and Master, and his body was enjoying it thoroughly. "Come fer me!" the deep voice commanded, Severus obeyed and pumped his shameful emission between them. Then Hagrid's seed poured into him.

The half-giant did not move for a long time, still buried deep inside him, as he held himself just over the limp Potions Master until they could both breathe normally.

Hagrid kissed him on the lips and snuggled down beside him. "Love yeh."


Part 6

One week later, a very tired Severus Snape searched through the thick undergrowth of the forest for Silver Star flowers and Moonlight ferns in order for him to prepare an anti-acne cream.

Who would have thought that giants were prone to embarrassing acne? Boils perhaps, bunions, cold sores, bubonic plague yes, but acne?

Snape hoped he did not miss any of the tiny flowers. He was not at his sharpest, as the dark circles beneath his eyes could attest. He slept little and rested even less.

His days were spent in service to the Gurg, making potions. So far he had made dozens of aphrodisiacs, painkillers, sleeping potions, pepper-up potion, lots of skin cremes and even a levitation potion, with no end in sight.

Piddling little potions that any half-competent second year could make blindfolded.

His nights were spent in service to his new master, Rubeus Hagrid. Every single night, he was on his back, being taken before a crowd of cheering, masturbating monsters by his now whistling companion. "Hey, look `ere, Sev'rus, found yeh a Fire-seed plant," noted Hagrid upon sighting the crackling orange pods on the small bush-like plant.

"You know how to harvest it," Severus sighed without even a glance at his companion. "I am almost out of the seeds and that bastard will probably want more of the Glow Bright Potion." The giggling oafs had spent hours painting everything within sight bright glowing orange.

This was the most difficult part of the day as far as Severus was concerned. Pretending that they were simply two professors, two Order members on a mission from Dumbledore.

It was almost impossible not to think about what was to come in a few hours. This made it difficult for Snape to lock the confusion out of his mind so that he could function and would not curl up in a corner and whimper like a child.

"Can' get 'em," Hagrid said glumly as he searched his overstuffed pockets. "Musta left me dragon hide gloves at camp."

"Damn. Can you remember where it is so that we can come back and get it later?"

"Yes sir," he said jauntily. Severus shuddered. How could Hagrid call him `sir' and keep a straight face? Even he, with nearly twenty years of duplicity under his belt, had to admire the half-giant's ability to compartmentalize. During the day, he acted as he always had, jovial and gentle.

Until it was time for the other Hagrid to emerge.

Perhaps it was his experience dealing with dangerous animals that made the Gryffindor a natural dominant? Or could their situation, trapped with the giants, have brought out something that had always been buried deep inside the gamekeeper? His effortless mastery made the Potions Master weak at the knees. This was not the amiable teddy bear that the children adored. This Hagrid made Severus beg, whimper, and climax harder then he ever had in his life.

Snape was contemplating this when he froze. He had almost stepped off the edge of the world. He drew back, looking down into the sizable fissure in the ground. The trees on the opposite side were the same height so that if you happened to be looking straight ahead, you might not notice it until you were tumbling into the darkness.

"Sev'rus, oh, will yeh look at that!" Hagrid had walked up to stand beside him and gazed down into the darkness. "Wonder if there be cave trolls down there?" He stepped closer.

Then everything went into slow motion.

The ground beneath Hagrid's feet crumbled, and with a cry he slid down about three meters before he caught a large protruding tree root.

Severus slipped also, but his body was still mostly on the unbroken turf. He carefully pulled his dangling legs back up onto the firm ledge. "Sev'rus, yeh gotta help me!" Hagrid yelled, as he flailed wildly in a vain attempt to find some hand or foot hold.

Wand out, Severus pointed it towards Hagrid. "Wingar." He stopped in mid charm and started to back away from the ledge.

For most of his life, Severus Snape had been convinced that if there were any gods, they must all hate him. But now, with this turn of fate, perhaps one had changed its mind and decided that just maybe he was worth saving after all.

This could solve all of his problems. `It was horrible, Headmaster. Hagrid fell into the chasm before I could move. Without his, protection, I had no choice but to leave the giants immediately and return to Hogwarts.' Yes, it was perfect.

But why was he not happy? Why was he confused?

Snape bit his lip as his heart began to pound in his chest. He felt an almost overwhelming need to run to the cliff edge and save Hagrid!

Then to bow and kiss his feet.

"Sev'rus! I'm gonna fall! Please, help me!" The plea dug into his heart; despite the rumors to the contrary, he was not a murderer. Severus had never actually killed another human being. He started to go back and help Hagrid. That voice compelled him and he wanted to obey. Severus Snape needed to please his true Master. He took one step; two then heard the loud snap of the thick root and a short cry.

The sound made up his mind for him. Severus ran to the precipice and looked down into the darkness.

Hagrid was gone.

And Severus Snape was horrified.

He wanted to be relieved but the sense of loss nearly overwhelmed him. Hagrid was his master, more then Voldemort or Dumbledore ever dreamed of being. No one would ever make him feel the way that Hagrid had. No one would ever love him, or command him as the half-giant had. No one else could ever give him the kind of easy domination that he craved.

A sob racked his throat as he started to run. He did not stop until he was near the giant's camp. Severus leaned against a tree to catch his breath, and pull himself together. Much as he would rather play with an angry spitting cobra then return to that little cesspool, but he had no choice.

He had to sneak into the giant's camp and get the portkey out of his trunk. He could use that to transverse the distance from Germany to Scotland and get back to Hogwarts.

Try as he might not to feel at all, Severus felt a sharp pain in his heart. Hagrid had saved him from certain death at the hands of the amorous Gurg. Snape owed Hagrid a wizard's life debt. His stomach clenched at the thought of betraying such a debt. That was ancient and powerful magic, not to be disregarded lightly.

But Hagrid had called the debt due. He had stayed for over a week to try and convince the giants to join Dumbledore. And surely, the forced sex canceled out any debt he might owe?

Hagrid admitted that he'd enjoyed what he did to Severus. That should have crushed any sense of guilt or responsibility Snape might have felt for Hagrid's death.

But it did not. Snape felt more like a traitor then when he had turned from Voldemort.

A strange numbness filled Snape as he watched from the hilltop, waiting for the giants to be as far from the hut as possible. He was confident in his ability, but not stupid. If one of them was too close, they might just be able to grab him before he got the portkey. He had no intention of becoming anyone else's fuck toy today.

It was past noon and most of the giants were out hunting. Only a few were in camp, and none were anywhere close to the `guest' hut. `Now or never,' Severus thought as he moved stealthily in the shadows.

Forced to freeze at one point as a pair of massive giants shambled past, Severus held his breath until the pair moved around a corner and disappeared from sight. He sprinted across the open area between the huts and dove for the doorway.

Without hesitation he ran for the trunk, jerked it open and began to dig for the box that held the small antique toy car that Albus had used to make the return portkey.

As his hand found the box, he finally in his heart he felt a sense of elation. He was finally going home!

Sadly, the elation turned to dread when he found that the box was empty. Where was the portkey?

Merlin! Hagrid must have hidden it to keep him from running!

"Posson Mass?" Cold fear replaced even the dread in his heart as GurgNathingbane grinned lustily at him from the doorway. "Where `agrid?" the creature inquired, entering the room and consequentially looming over Severus.

"I, he, uh, sent me to get his gloves to harvest Fire-seed," he stuttered, realizing that this was the first time that he had been face to face with any of the giants without Hagrid by his side since the first day. What if the Gurg gave in to his impulses and decided to take the chance and rape him because he was alone?

Mind racing he tried to stand firm. If he could just bluff his way past the Gurg, he could still escape. He would have to do so on foot, which was more dangerous, but still there was a chance he could make it to a village or farm.

"Pretty." The giant ran one hand over Severus' hair, the other over the bulge in his own dirty trousers. "Posson Mass not want `agrid? Pretty Posson Mass want Gurg?"

Hard pressed not to whimper before the giant, he still managed to say in a loud, clear voice, "Hagrid is waiting for me. He will be angry if I am late."

"'agrid not `ere." The giant knelt on the ground beside Severus and opened his trousers. "Lick," he commanded smugly. Had Snape been a lesser man, he would surely have fainted as a cock that seemed almost as large around as his entire head almost knocked him over.

All at once several strange thoughts came unbidden.

He noted with clinical detachment that he could probably put his whole hand into the slit.

That the amount of pre-cum leaking from the head was more then he would produce from three orgasms.

The Gurg really needed to learn the basics of personal hygiene, if he did not want his sex partners to be overwhelmed by his stench.

And Hagrid really looks pissed.

"Back off, Gurg! That be my bitch," the half-giant growled from the doorway. Frankly, he looked like he had just been run over by a raging hippogriff.

His clothes were torn and dirty; there was blood on his face, his right arm and down his leg. Rubeus Hagrid had his belt knife in one hand, and the umbrella in the other. His black eyes were seething with rage.

Severus fervently hoped that his anger was mostly focused on the giant and not at him.

Suddenly, GurgNathingbane lunged at Hagrid.

He roared something unintelligible as Hagrid dodged his clumsy charge. He jumped over one giant hand, and used his umbrella like a sword. He stabbed the pink parasol into the giant's right eye. With a firm grip on the handle he bellowed, "INCENDIO!"

Severus ducked behind the trunk as the Gurg's head exploded.


Part 7

Several oddly indifferent giants removed the disgusting remains of the body of the late unlamented Gurg, (sans head) from the hut. They were not surprised or upset at this turn of events. Giant chieftains only lasted until a stronger giant challenged them and won.

To lose the challenge meant to be brutally killed, and Rubeus Hagrid was now the leader of this band of giants.

He had been gone for several hours, so that he could be instated as the Gurg of the giants, while Severus had been left alone in the well-guarded hut. His wand rested in one of Hagrid's pockets, while he awaited the new Gurg's pleasure, or more likely, his punishment.

In his mind he went over and over how he could he possibly apologize for his transgression. `Sorry for leaving you to die, Hagrid. I really had meant to save you, but things got muddled in a sort of psychological dilemma because of my conflicted feelings about you.'

At one time Severus thought that Hagrid would forgive and forget just about any insult, any transgression. Now he knew better. There was fire and iron beneath that soft looking, jovial exterior.

Rubeus Hagrid was not human. The blood of monsters ran hot in his veins. Severus had seen the other side of the usually gentle, even-tempered gamekeeper. A frighteningly brutal almost bestial side, that left him in no doubt that his life was hanging by a thread.

He was so deep inside himself and his musings that it took a moment for him to notice that he was no longer alone. As he felt the eyes boring into his back, Severus stood slowly and turned to face the dark angry gaze of Rubeus Hagrid.

The man looked tired, and was still covered with blood and gore. The blood was mostly Hagrid's from the fall, but the gore was bits of the tiny brain of the late Gurg. The half-giant limped slightly as he moved to the center of the room and sat heavily on one of the closed trunks.

Hagrid glared daggers at his smaller companion, and the accusation in his eyes forced Snape's down where he found himself contemplating the dirt on his shoes.

For a very long time neither spoke, until finally the silence became unbearable. "How did you survive the fall?" asked Severus in a very small voice.

"Din't fall, kinda slid down the side. Hurts, but din't break nothin'," Hagrid answered, trying to wipe his face with an already filthy handkerchief. "Took a while ter climb out."

Severus turned to open the other trunk, rummaged around for a moment and pulled out a vial of deep purple liquid. He thought seriously about crawling to Hagrid, and kissing his dirty boots, but he had done enough of that in his life. If, as he suspected, he were truly going to die this day, he would at least do that on his feet.

"What's tha'?" growled Hagrid. "Poison?"

"Just one of the stronger healing potions," Severus said softly. Hagrid glared at him suspiciously so the Slytherin took a swallow of the potion himself. When Hagrid still glared, the Potions Master walked slowly to stand before the man who would decide whether he lived or died. The Slytherin placed the vial to his lip again, held the warm liquid in his mouth then, careful not to touch Hagrid with his hands, he leaned over and tentatively touched his lips to the half-giant's.

It was a bit of a shock that he was not pushed away.

When Hagrid parted his lips, Severus did the same. The potion fell into the larger man's mouth. It caused him to shudder as the healing warmth spread through his battered body.

Another shudder ran through his form as the Slytherin's hot tongue followed the potion.

Hagrid allowed this for a moment, either too surprised to react, or perhaps considering the possibilities. But Severus let out a choked gasp as thick fingers closed around his throat. "Yer bein awful friendly fer some'un that were wantin' me ter die!"

Barely able to breathe, Snape's black eyes never wavered as he whispered hoarsely, "I thought I was your bitch?"

Hagrid growled, "First yeh wanna kill me, now yeh're makin' nice? D'yeh think me stupid?"

Severus did not even try to convince Hagrid that he had not intended to leave him. The half-giant did not look like he would really be receptive to his side of the story. "I am well aware that you are not stupid. But, I thought you liked dangerous things, Hagrid? Beasts that snapped and clawed?" Snape hissed, hardly able to believe the words that escaped his lips. "I am not a dainty domestic animal, I am a dark creature."

Something had just changed, though Severus was not sure what. At that moment, he did not care if Hagrid snapped his neck like a twig.

"I see yer point," the half-giant admitted.

"Did you expect me to lick your hand and whimper to be petted? You hold the upper hand now. I owe you a life debt, maybe still two. I have no choice but to do whatever you desire." His chest heaved as he spoke, eyes focused solely on the half-giant. The blood was pounding in his veins, and Severus realized that he was incredibly aroused. "But know this, Rubeus Hagrid. I am the most dangerous creature that you will ever try to tame."

The half-giant considered his words carefully. "So, yer sayin, yer mine, if I be strong enough ter keep yeh."


"I ain't gonna punish yeh fer bein' yourself." Hagrid released his grip on Severus' pale throat. "But, we need us an understandin'. Take off yer clothes `n come `ere."

His smoldering eyes never leaving Hagrid, he slowly removed his robes, shirt and trousers. When he stood naked before his master, Severus growled deep in his throat, and climbed into his lap.

Hagrid opened his own trousers, and freed his mammoth erection. With one hand he caressed Severus' face, the other dipped into a jar of lubricant from his pocket. He smeared it on his cock, then took hold of Snape's narrow hips. "No spells." He pulled the other man closer, rubbing their cocks together. "If yeh wants ter be me bitch, then yer gonna be takin' it like a bitch."

A shiver of fear and anticipation ran through Snape's slender frame. He stiffened as his hips were lifted and his entrance poked by the thick, blunt head of Hagrid's enormous shaft. The half-giant meant what he said, he intended for the Slytherin to take his cock without the benefit of the relaxation spell.

He had no illusions about what was about to happen. This would hurt.

Severus tried to relax himself as Hagrid pushed him down hard. With a cry of pain Snape's tight hole was breached. Having sex had not hurt like this since he was a virgin!

"Shh, relax, Sev'rus, let it in," Despite his gruff pronouncement, Hagrid crooned gently as his callused hands stroked Severus. "Let me in."

Stretched and filled to capacity the smaller man choked back a sob and bit the dirty cloth of Hagrid's torn coat. He tasted blood and dirt. Snape felt the thick fingers press tight and put more pressure on his hips until finally his buttocks slapped down flush against corded thighs.

Severus Snape whimpered in a haze of pleasure and pain. Both the pleasure and the pain were more intense that he had ever felt in his life. "Hagrid! Hurts! Oh, gods." this last was a slurred hiss punctuated by a yelp as the half-giant began to move him.

The Slytherin was lifted almost off the enormous organ, then with a grunt, he was pushed back down. Severus sobbed, and whimpered. But his own cock began to rub against Hagrid and almost against his will the pleasure began to win over the pain.

"So tight!" Hagrid gasped, as his hips pumped upward to strike Snape's sensitive prostate. "Yer so tight!"

"Yes! Fuck me!" Snape's voice broke as he found that he wanted this. Wanted it more then anything in the world. The pressure was building inside him, until the Slytherin thought that he would die.

Severus screamed hoarsely as his balls emptied between them. Then he felt the hot seed of Hagrid strike his prostate almost as hard as the mammoth cock.

Several long moments later they were panting in one another's arms, "Did I hurt yeh, Sev'rus?" asked Hagrid softly, all of his anger gone. Like lighting petrol, it had exploded white hot, and burned out just as quickly.

"No," Severus sighed contentedly. "That was incredible."

"Yer cum got in me beard," the half-giant noted with a very uncharacteristic smirk. He chuckled as he touched the sticky mess that matted the thick black and gray mass.

"Yours is dripping out my arse," Snape countered, nuzzling Hagrid's neck.

"I gots yer wand if yeh want ter clean us up."

"All right." Hagrid handed Severus his wand, so the smaller wizard could use a cleaning spell on them both, with a little extra cleaning for Hagrid's torn, bloody clothes. The half-giant obviously had no fear of that wand being used against him.

Once clean he carefully lifted his lover as he stood and then lay him on the blankets on the floor. He next removed his own clothes and lay beside him.

"We gots a problem," he said softly.

"As Gurg of the giants, they expect you to stay and lead them. At least until someone kills you. And they will try to kill you."

"I din't wanta kill the Gurg."

"There was no choice," admitted Severus. "But we have to find a way to get out of this." Severus lay back against Hagrid's chest. This was quite a dilemma. If Hagrid had to stay, then he would have to stay, and if Hagrid were killed, he would become the property of the next Gurg, for as long as he survived. "You cannot abdicate or even fake your death and leave the leadership over to another giant, that would negate everything that we tried to do here. We need to find a way out of this that will allow you to leave, but keep the giants out of the Dark Lord's camp."


Epilogue follows