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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Bottled up


Twenty-four hours after the end of Twilight, Fornell drops by the Gibbs residence.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Disclaimer: The characters from the show aren't mine, they belong to others. No copyright infringement intended. Any characters you don't recognize are mine. Feedback would be nice, positive feedback would be nicer. Enjoy!

Category: NCIS h/c fic

Rating: Teens

Characters: Gibbs/Fornell

Series: No

Spoilers: Season Two esp. Twilight

Summary: Twenty-four hours after the end of Twilight, Fornell drops by the Gibbs residence.

Archive: Just tell me where it's going

Additional 'stuff': Mostly Fornell's POV.

Title: Bottled up

Gibbs residence...early morning

//Lock the door. Lock your front door. Lock the DAMN DOOR!! How many times... Too many. One of these days Jethro...//

Fornell opened the front door and listened. Although he expected to find the house empty, he still drew his weapon and flicked the safety off. Walking cautiously, he headed for the basement.

As he opened the basement door the smell hit him. Bourbon. As his eyes adjusted to the low light level he saw the smashed bottle on the floor. As his eyes swept the room, he couldn't help but smile.

Jethro lay in the almost-finished boat, curled in a tight protective ball, snoring softly, gun beside him.

Flicking the safety on, Fornell holstered his weapon and went back upstairs to the kitchen, starting the coffee machine.

While he waited for the machine to splutter out coffee mixed to his own taste, Fornell made two calls.


Fornell waved the steaming mug under Jethro's nose, waited for him to wake. It took a while.

There had been quite a lot of bourbon gone from the bottle before Jethro's grip had failed him and it fell to the floor, shattering.

He groaned, stretched, groaned again and swore softly. His voice was hoarse. 'What day is it?'

Fornell grinned. 'Saturday.'

Jethro's voice was almost back to normal as he snapped: 'And that's funny why?!'

Fornell's smile faded. 'It's not. Get up. Get showered. I'll drive you in.'

Jethro sat up, slid off the table and stumbled. Fornell caught him and braced himself to stop them both ending up on the floor.

'Why...why are I...going in? I...resigned. The Director accepted it.'

Fornell shook his head and pushed Jethro upright. ' didn't. Your Director changed his mind.'

Jethro scowled, mussed his hair and headed for the stairs.

' more thing...'

Jethro paused, one hand on the wooden rail. 'What?'

'You're outta coffee.'

'You used the whole bag?!'

Fornell shrugged unapologetically. 'I like it strong.'

The door to the basement banged as Jethro slammed it behind him.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author fanficwriter101.
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