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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Gibbs has a nightmare (Post Twilight)


(See the end of the work for notes.)

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He was on roof again, watching as the body falls to the ground with unimaginable slowness.

Seconds later he's right beside it, on his knees. He doesn't care about the gunman or others being hurt right now. He doesn't care and doesn't think he'll be able to again.

He breathes in deeply as he watches that single bullet hole slowly ooze blood and he feels like the world is slowly ending. The sky opens up and he's soaked in seconds. He feels like the thunder above is just for him, as if his grief created it. And as he runs his hand for what might be last time along the cheek of the young man, he knows he'll never love anything as much as he loved the paling body in front of him.

And with that thought he starts screaming.

He's still screaming when he awakes. The sheets under him are soaked with sweat, his throat feels raw and the world seems to be buzzing and spinning out of control. His name being called over and over and the firm hand on his chest bring him slowly back to the land of living and he stops screaming.

Tony's face is right next to his when he sits up and he reaches out to make sure it's real. Cupping the younger man's face, he closes his eyes tightly for a moment. "You're not dead." His voice comes out raw and raspy.

"No." Tony leans his head against Gibbs' forehead. "No, I'm right here."

"I love you" His voice shakes just slightly so he repeats, this time more sure of himself as he lies back. "I love you."

If all the response were Tony's smile then it would be enough. Tony moves slowly closer and kisses him gently. "I love you." he says, not adding the 'too' at the end on purpose. His way of letting Gibbs know he wasn't just saying it back.

Somewhere between the kiss and the words Gibbs realizes he can breathe for the first time since waking from the horrible nightmare. They lie back down, Gibbs holding Tony close to him. He refuses to let go, refuses to sleep. He just wants to hold him tonight, ready to protect him if needed.

Tony spends the rest of night pretending to sleep. He is ready and waiting for when the nightmare comes again. He can't stop it, but he can ease it. Even if it means losing sleep, Tony will sacrifice it gladly to watch over his lover.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Anica.
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