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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Husband 5


PAIRING: Ares/Joxer, Auto/Jett, Cupid/Strife/Psyche
CATEGORY: Lil' bit humor, lil' bit drama.
DEDICATION: To HB as a bribe for more of "Life Sucks, but Love's Great" (i'm officially addicted). To Beth because she is *so* not ignored and I like that she pokes me with sharp pointy objects when I get off track. And to CatSentinel for just being such an amazing and wonderful person!
WARNING: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
DISCLAIMER: If I actually owned the God of War I would... well, I'd have him chained to my bed and then I'd never leave it again. So... since I'm obviously *not* there, I must not own him, hmmm? ::sigh:: I hate logic.
SUMMARY: Ares presents Joxer to the House of Aggression as his Eternal Consort. Chaos ensues.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

With a sickening lurch that Joxer was *certain* he'd never get used to, the world dissolved in a blur of color and sound. A horrifying sensation of vertigo assaulted him as the floor disappeared from under his feet and his body was gripped by forces that threatened to pull him apart. Then, with a suddenness that felt like it did when he fell over onto the ground face first, he found himself back in reality in a completely different room.

Instantly, Joxer could feel the world pressing in on his senses with a clarity that was astounding after a trip "between" and the force of the godly emotions that were literally *seething* in the room battered at his mind. He felt his face go pale and he swayed on his feet. Nausea turned his stomach and he had one panic filled moment in which he envisioned himself throwing up or passing out in front of everyone.

But than his Grandmother was there, a concerned looked etched on her face as she stood up from her chair and reached out one hand to caress his cheek.

"Jox? okay? You don't look so good."

Turning his head towards the Goddess of Discord, he tried to talk around clenched teeth. He was fairly sure that if he opened his mouth wide that the contents of his stomach would attempt to escape.

"Sh...shields. shields are a...almost gone. T...too much. It hurts."

Joxer watched as Ares and Eris shared a quick confused glance and then understanding lit up the dark Goddess' face. She waved a hand in a graceful gesture in a circle around his head and he could feel her reinforce his own shaky shields, blocking the force of everyone's raw emotions from his mind with her own powers. Joxer nearly melted in relief.

"Thank you."

Eris merely winked at him, a smirking smile on her face as she sat back down.

Joxer smiled back at her for a moment, until the lessening of his overwhelmed empathy let him take in the physical realities around him. He stood next to Ares before a set of thrones. In front of them was a large table at which a great number of his family sat. Beyond that were three other thrones and behind them were a row of chairs that held his brothers and his "cousins".

The room itself was dark dim and spooky, but it was the people that *truly* made this a frightening place. Not only was everyone here powerful and deadly, but they were either staring at *him* in shock or staring at *Ares* in anger. He had a sudden urge to shout out "It's not my fault" and then run looking for a place to hide. Especially from Hera. She was not only in chains, she was obviously pissed off about it. Joxer began to tremble.

Ares on the other hand, smirked at the Queen of Olympus in blatant amusement. He made a broad and perceivably condescending gesture.

"Well...I guess we can get stared since everyone seems to be here...with one exception."

The WarGod took in another breath to speak, but he was cut off before he even began. Understandably, it was Demeter who stood up and shouted out what was on everyone's mind.

"Ares! Why in Tartarus is my sister in *chains*? What is the meaning of this? I was under the impression that you called us here to announce your Consort, not to announce that you've decided to force the issue of your inheritance!"

A grumbling murmur picked up at her words and for a brief moment, Joxer was too caught up in worrying about Hera to register the last part of the Goddess of the Harvest's words. Then it hit him. Like a hammer between the eyes. Ares was not just the God of War and the Lord of the House of Aggression. He was also the Crown Prince of Olympus. The *Pantheon* was his inheritance! Joxer suddenly felt faint again.

Ares, however, just growled in annoyance.

"You *are* here to witness my Presentation of my Consort. And I'll be more than happy to explain why my beloved mother is in chains afterward."

Joxer distracted himself from his thoughts of keeling over on the spot by being impressed with the amount of sarcasm that his Husband could get into the word beloved.

Slowly, the grumbling died down and Demeter sat back in her chair, an uncertain look on her face. Ares cleared his throat and began again.

"First things first."

A gentle and warm hand against his back nudged Joxer forward slightly even as Ares nodded his head towards him.

"Allow me to present Joxer, son of Strife; God of Mischief. The Consort of War. As of this date, he shall take up the duties of Official Herald to the House of Aggression and he shall act as Speaker to all acknowledged Mortal Children of the Gods of Aggression. He shall reign by my side for all eternity."

Ares glared at his mother as he grasped Joxer's hand in his own and held them up so that all could see their matching rings.

"As I have acknowledged and you have witnessed, so shall it be."

For a long moment the Gods of Aggression paused to look at one another around the conference table, then as one, they all stood up and faced the duo at the head of the table and spoke out in one voice.

"Hail Joxer! Consort of War! Herald of the House of Aggression and Speaker for the Children!"

Then, each and every God tipped their heads down slightly in a formal and ritualistic acknowledgment. Joxer was too stunned and overwhelmed to do more than nod back at them. The Gods of Aggression all sat back down in their chairs and made themselves comfortable. Joxer, however, stood there and trembled violently hoping he didn't fall over on his face.

Whether it was because the ceremony was over and a pseudo meeting had begun or because the WarGod just somehow knew that he'd reached the end of his endurance was uncertain, but Joxer was relieved when Ares maneuvered him into position to sit down on the bright red throne. After all, he wasn't sure how much longer his knees would have continued working. However, when Ares himself sat down on his own throne of carved obsidian, Demeter's restraint broke.

"Okay Ares, the Presentation is over and it was witnessed. Now answer my question. Why is Hera in chains?"

Ares shrugged slightly and turned to look at Joxer's Grandmother.

"So Sis...why *is* Mommy in chains?"

Eris' smile was *not* a nice one and it caused both Joxer's Husband and his Father to break out in chuckles.

"Because I couldn't find Daddy-dearest. He was gone. All I found was this."

Eris held out her right hand palm up. A brief flash of light reviled a sheet of fine vellum parchment trimmed in pure gold. She handed it over to Ares.

"This was on Hera's dressing table. Apparently, the Old Goat went on vacation and left her to take the full blame for this mess."

This time it was Aphrodite that interrupted.

"Um...want to clue in those of us who weren't here for the opening act. What did he do this time?"

The demigods goggled slightly at the blonde Goddess, but those around the table were well versed with this serious and businesslike aspect of Aphrodite. Ares glowered at her for a moment and then transferred the weight of his stare to the Goddess of Marriage. Everyone instinctively leaned back away. The WarGod was *not* to be taken lightly when he was so obviously furious.

"It's simple. Zeus *tricked* Joxer and I into this marriage. Neither of us were given a choice. He got us drunk and then gave us the rings without explaining what they were until *after* it was too late. In fact, he even thought that Joxer was *Jett* at the time because *he* was drunk too."

Everyone except for Ares, Joxer, Eris and Strife gasped in surprise. Hera went from being red with fury to being white with shock. Even with the reinforcements of his mental shields, Joxer could feel Hera's surprise at Ares' explanation of the events. Frowning with mild confusion, Joxer turned slightly and tugged on his Husband's bronze breastplate to get his attention.

"Ares? I don't think she knew."

Ares paused just as he was about to speak, his hand going still in mid air. For a brief second, Joxer thought that he was about to be fried, but then his Husband turned and frowned at him.

"What? Who didn't know what?"

Joxer swallowed as he realized that everyone was staring at him intently. He had a brief mental vision of bricking his own mouth shut so that it didn't get him into another situation like this again. Visibly trembling with fear, he tried to explain.

"Um...Hera? I don't think she knew. About what Zeus did, I mean. She's surprised and I think that she's as much a victim of Zeus' plan as we are. I mean, he *tricked* us, but he left *her* behind to take the blame. You know?"

A blank look passed over the WarGod's face as he considered this idea and then he turned his head to study the chained and gagged Queen of Olympus with a thoughtful expression on his. One hand came up to absentmindedly rub at his chin.

"I suppose that's possible. However, I don't think we can just *ask* her. After all, she's bound to say whatever she thinks will get her out of that power-negating collar. Once that happens, we won't be able to get her by surprise again."

Ares glanced around the meeting room.


Oddly enough, considering their relationship, it was Apollo who made a suggestion.

"As the King and Queen of Olympus, both Zeus and Hera can each reach into the minds of the Gods and read their thoughts. *However*, four members of each House, working together, can *also* do this. If we got another person from the House of Divinity, we could then read Hera's mind and see if she was a part of the plan that trapped you and Joxer in this marriage against your will."

Ares stared at Apollo for a long moment as he thought this over, then he nodded his head decisively.

"So be it."

Then, the WarGod closed his eyes and tilted his head back.

"Hades, I need you to come here as a Member of the House of Divinity to assist myself, Apollo and Demeter in a case of Olympic Judgment."

Startled gasps echoed through the room and several of the Gods of Aggression paled at Ares' words. Joxer didn't understand *why* they had reacted such, but he could feel their anxiety battering at his reinforced shields. Confused, he turned to face his Grandmother.

"What's got everyone, upset? Isn't this a normal thing?"

Eris shook her head, a serious expression on her face.

"No. Only Zeus, Hera and Ares have the authority to call for Olympic Judgment. If Hera is found guilty, then she can be stripped of her titles and authority for a pre-determinded length of time as punishment. She could even be made mortal."

Eris grimaced.

"That's happened to Ares before."

Joxer nodded, his mind frantically trying to keep up. This whole mess was spinning quickly out of control and he didn't know how to reign it in. Before he could try and figure out a way to try and calm down everyone, a thick black smoke rolled in across the floor followed by a shower of jet black sparkles that erupted out of thin air. Then, with a flash of light, Hades; God of the Dead, Lord of Asphodel and Supreme Ruler of the Underworld stood before Ares, a foreboding look etched onto his handsome face.

"Who is it that awaits Olympic Judgment from the Houses of Olympus?"

Ares turned to face his Uncle, his lips twisted into a scowl.

"Hera; Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth. The Queen of Olympus."


This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Scorpio.
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