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Archive Warning:
Part 2 of Secrets
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Secrets 2: Begin


pairing-Tony and Gibbs
rating: FRT-13
Summary-this is for you guys who said...'Where is part 2?' and the damn muse who pulled me into this..and it's your fault! so there.

Work Text:

Secrets 2 - Begin
by Belladonna


Begin Part 2

Gibbs strode into Abby's lab, "What can you tell me Abs?"

She turned and gave him her Mona Lisa smile, "I can tell you a lot of things Gibbs, or were you asking for something specific?"

He laughed appreciatively, "About the napkin?"

"Oh that. That's the name of an Air Force officer, Major Jon Franks. He was actually TDY to the Halsey 3 months ago."

"Hmm." He looked thoughtfully at the photo, then patted Abby on the shoulder, "Thanks." And he left.

Tony watched in disgusted fascination as Ducky checked out the stomach contents of the vic. "Well Anthony, his last meal was spaghetti and meatballs and what looks like a Pepsi to drink."

This made Tony jolt, then flip through his notes, "Interesting Ducky. Guess what the officer's mess served yesterday at Bolling?"

"Spaghetti with a rather inferior marinara sauce?" Ducky guessed accurately.

"You betcha." He flipped back through his notes, "Tell me something Duck, you said the killing blow to his head went up, rather than straight into his skull. Do you think that the perp was shorter than him?"

The older man looked at the victim thoughtfully, "That's an interesting deduction Anthony. I'll have Abby work that up on a simulation."

Tony nodded, "Thanks. I need to get this to Gibbs."

"By the way, how are you and Jethro getting along?" The coroner's attention was on an x-ray that was hanging in front of him, but Tony wasn't fooled.

"We're great Ducky. And thanks for sending Abby."

A smile crossed Ducky's face, "It was no trouble. You both seem, more relaxed."

"We've reached an understanding." Tony flashed a smile and headed out to find his boss.

Gibbs was sitting on the corner of his desk, listening to Caitlin's take on LCDR Daniel's wife. "She's very broken up about his death, and doesn't know why her husband was at Bolling."

"I know part of the reason." Tony chimed as he walked up.

"What's that DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked, turning his head to survey his lover.

Tony plopped his stuff onto his desk, "Daniel's ate at Bolling's officer's mess. Now whether he was there with someone I'm gonna have to find out."

Gibbs nodded with approval, "Take it and run Tony. Cait, you ask LDCR. Daniel's co-workers on the Halsey. See if there was something that he was hiding."

A thought suddenly struck Tony, "Hey Cait, how tall was Daniel's wife?"

She frowned, "Um, about 5'4", why?"

Gibbs immediately caught on, "The way the blows were aimed at the victims head may indicate a shorter attacker."

Tony snapped his fingers, ""Exactly. Ducky's having Abby run a computer simulation, Cait, can you call down and tell her how tall the wife is?"

She nodded, "You bet, but I don't think it's her."

Gibbs looked at his watch, "Uh huh. I'll see you both later. I've got to discover where Franks was TDY to on board the Halsey."

The three separated and headed on to their own parts of the investigation. Tony was at the officer's mess with a photo of LCDR Daniels. "Did this guy eat here yesterday?"

The young female airman manning the front desk nodded, "Yeah, I remember being surprised at seeing a Navy officer here the first time, but he's been coming here for about 2 months or so."

"Was he alone?"

"No Sir, he was always here with Major Franks."

Tony cocked his head, "Really?"

The perky girl flirted, twirling her hair around her finger, "Yes, they seemed pretty friendly, if you know what I mean."

"What do you mean?"

She shrugged, "They were totally involved with each other, but were discrete about it."

"You knew."

"But I'm perceptive, plus I've got a gay brother." she shrugged, "It was no big deal to me."

Tony raised an eyebrow, "Hmm. Ok, thanks for your help." This was taking a troubling turn, and he wondered where it was going to lead him. He walked out and saw Gibbs leaning against his car that was parked beside his in the parking lot.

"Boss." He said genially as he walked up. Gibbs head came up and he smiled, "So?"

Tony leaned against his own car and faced his lover, insinuating his feet between Gibbs' feet. "Well, Airman Mackey thinks that they were closer than friends. Came in every week for the past couple of months and acted pretty cozy around each other, if you catch my drift."

Gibbs nodded, "Do you think the wife knew?"

"I dunno. What did you find?"

"Both Franks and Daniel's were working in CIC. They were improving the computers with a new program that Franks designed. Unfortunately no one knows where Major Franks is." His troubled eyes met Tony's.

"You think he's dead too." Tony said flatly.

A sigh, "I think he's dead too. Call Ducky, were heading back to the scene. Oh, and call the MP's and ask if there were any fights at Major Franks quarters. He lived in the officer's quarters here on base."

"You got it Boss."


Back at the crime scene Gibbs, Tony, Ducky and a couple of the base MP's were searching the area, including dumpsters, trash cans and anywhere else suspicious. Tony was taking a breather from dumpster diving when a flock of various shorebirds abruptly flew into the air before settling down en masse. "Boss." He said urgently and began to jog to the water. Gibb's head turned and he saw what Tony had seen, "Shit."

Tony could see the body partially afloat, tangled in riverweeds. He waded out and startled the birds into flight again. As he got closer he shuddered, it was way too late for this guy, but they already knew that. He turned when he heard Gibbs splashing up beside him, "His face is kinda yucky, but the gold leaves indicate that this is our missing Major."

Gibbs gripped Tony's shoulder, "Let's get some pictures and let Ducky do his thing, then we'll get cleaned up and talk to the wife."


It was early evening and they were all back at NCIS. The wife had been arrested for the murders of both men. She'd found out that her husband had been having an affair with Major Franks and freaked, tracking them down at Bolling and using her son's little league bat, killed them both. Cait was unsure that she could do that kind of damage to two strong men, until they'd found out that Mrs. Daniel's was a fourth degree black belt.

Tony finished typing and rubbed his tired eyes with a sigh. All he wanted was to go home and cuddle with Gibbs and put the body he'd seen in the water behind him.

"Tony?" Gibbs asked softly.

"I'm ok Boss. Just whipped."

Gibbs nodded and stood, "Right. Everyone out of here. We can finish up tomorrow. Get a good night's sleep and be in first thing, ok people?"

Cait smiled, "There is a God. See you guys tomorrow." She said cheerfully and strode out.

Tony stretched mightily, aware of Gibbs eyes on him, "Let's go home. What would you like to eat?" He turned away as he asked, and felt Gibbs move close to him. He relaxed his arms and turned to his head, feeling Gibb's breath ruffle his hair as he spoke, "I'd like to eat you DiNozzo. Nibbling on you from the tips of your toes to the tip of your..."

"Jethro!" came Ducky's voice and the men jolted apart.

"Geez, Duck, give me a heart attack." Tony whined, his hand pressed to his chest. Gibbs face was flushed as he glared at his old friend.

He eyed the guilty looking men with a smirk, "Mm, yes, well. I saw the lights on and thought that Jethro was working himself into the ground again. I'm happy to see that I was mistaken."

Gibbs sighed, "We're leaving right now Duck. You should go home too, the paperwork can be finished tomorrow."

Ducky saluted mischievously, "As you command." And he left them, a quiet chuckle floating back to their ears.

Tony picked up his jacket, "He knows you know."

Gibbs smiled, "Kinda figured that one out all on my own."

"Just letting you know." Tony said cheerfully. "Abby knows too."

"What?" Gibbs looked up, a little put out.

"Come on Boss, what Ducky knows Abby knows. And what Abby knows McGhee knows."

Gibbs frowned for a moment, "Does Cait know?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "She knew first. Boy, your famed observational skills are seriously lacking."

This made the older man laughed, "If it's in relation to my personal life, then yeah, I'm gonna have to agree. Three ex- wives are proof of that."

"Let's go home Jethro, I'm in serious need of lovin'." Tony said brightly. They were about to enter the elevator when Tony's phone rang. Tony stepped back out and Gibbs followed with a sigh.

"NCIS." Tony answered, and was surprised to hear an upset female voice, "Is this Agent DiNozzo?"

"Um yeah."

A deep shaky sigh, "This is Shannon O'Donoghue, Matt's mom. I was hoping to speak with you first before I spoke to Matt's dad."

"What can I do for you?" Tony asked while Gibbs waited impatiently.

"Please, Matt's been arrested. They said that he killed Lt. Gina Morales. I need you to tell Jethro, but keep him calm. He has high blood pressure and I don't want him to keel over with a heart attack."

Tony thought rapidly, "Is he ok?" He asked.

Shannon sighed, "Yeah, I followed them up. I'm in a hotel here in Philly."

Philly. Great. "Where was the body found?" Tony asked, watching as Gibbs eyes focused on him now.

"In an apartment in Philadelphia. The problem is he was in Virginia with his father when they are accusing him of the murder."

He flicked his fingers for a pen, which Gibbs handed over, then began to write rapidly everything that she'd said. "Who's the investigating officer?"

"A Detective Byron Chandler of the Philadelphia P.D." She paused, "He was being pretty unreasonable, says he has a witness that says Matt was in Philly."

Tony nodded, "Listen, I was a detective in Philadelphia, and I know Chandler. I'm gonna tell Jethro everything. I assume we'll see you tomorrow?"

"You assume right." Shannon replied with asperity, then chuckled. "I'll see you, don't y'all worry." And she hung up.

Gibbs saw Tony slowly hang up the phone, then turned, "Sit down."

Gibbs' paled, "Oh god, something's happened to Matt? You mentioned a body, is he dead?" his voice was hushed.

"Jesus no!" Tony grabbed Gibb's arms and shook him slightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd jump to that conclusion! He's in jail. They say he killed Gina Morales." The relief in Jethro's eyes made him smile, "Ok, better now?"

This made his lover heave an unsteady sigh, "Better? I don't know, my son's in jail for murder, but at least he isn't dead." He closed his eyes when Tony wrapped him in a hug.

"He's not guilty Jethro. The time of death was when he was here with you."

Gibb's head went up, "Are you sure?"

"Would I lie to you?" Tony smiled. "Call the director, I'll call the team."


Tony swept up the steps into the Philadelphia police department and grinned at the astonished desk Sergeant's face, "Hey Bobby, how're they hangin'?"


The sergeant grinned, "Well as I live and breathe, if it isn't Detective DiNozzo!" The two men shook hands, "So Tony, what are you doing back in the City of Brotherly Love?"

"I need to speak to Chandler about a case he's working. The Morales murder?"

The Captain nodded, "He's already got the suspect downstairs."

"I heard. Can I go on upstairs?" He waved as another cop spotted him and called hello.

"Sure, but be careful. You know how he feels about why you left."

Tony's face tightened, "Tough shit." He replied bitterly, then smiled an apology, "Sorry." He began to trot up the stairs, greeting familiar faces as he saw them. He walked across the detective bullpen, greeting familiar faces and stopped by his old desk, running knuckles over it fondly before heading to a desk in the corner.

Detective Byron Chandler was typing rapidly on his computer when a former well loved voice spoke, "Every time I see you type I get jealous."

"Yeah well, if you'd taken those typing classes that I suggested you wouldn't be using the biblical method still, now would ya!" The man smiled slightly as he regarded his former lover. Tony looked good, better than good. He looked like he'd put on muscle and he looked happy, which rankled a bit.

"I like the 'Seek and ye shall find' method, thank you very much." Tony said with a smile. He regarded Byron thoughtfully. His former lover was still as hot as he remembered, tall, built like an NFL player, had in fact played with the Patriots for two years before becoming a cop. He had dark blond hair, blue eyes and was wearing his typical blue button down Land's End shirt, khaki's and suspenders. "Looking good Byron."

"You too Tony. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Byron's voice had cooled considerably.

Tony sighed silently, "It's about the Morales case. Can you tell me the date and time of death?"

Byron tilted his head, "It was Thursday, between 6 and 9 p.m."

This made Tony smile, "Thank god."

"What do you mean?" Byron frowned.

"Your suspect was eating dinner with his dad and I in Virginia Beach. He didn't do it."

Byron pushed to his feet, "What?" He winced inwardly, the suspect had said something to that effect. "I have a witness that says he was in Philly on Thursday."

"He's lying. Or she's lying. I know for a fact that Matt O'Donoghue arrived in Virginia Beach on Wednesday. He showed up at the NCIS office at the Washington Naval Yard at about 1000, sorry 10 a.m. I know because I saw him step off of the elevator and greet his dad, who also is my boss." Tony had his arms crossed, a challenging pose familiar to his ex-lover.

"Damn it." Byron said with a grimace, "Fine. I need statements from you and your boss, and everyone else that saw him."

Tony nodded and gestured to the phone, "I need to make a call."

Byron waved irritably, "I've got to tell the Lieutenant." And he strode out.

Dialing quickly, Tony waited impatiently until he heard, "Gibbs."

"Hey Boss, you can come on in. Speak to the desk sergeant and he'll let you down to see Matt."

Gibbs looked at Shannon and nodded, "Ok Tony, thanks for running interference. And I'm sorry."

The apology made Tony smile. They'd had a mild disagreement on how to talk to the Philly P.D., until Tony had threw up his hands, "Ok, fine! Go charging in there and make it worse for Matt, or let me go and talk to the arresting officer, who was also my partner. But what do I know?" Gibbs had backed down without a murmur.

"You know it's already forgiven and forgotten. Oh, and boss, he'd need witness statements from you, Ducky, Cait and Abby too. Never mind, I'll call them and let them know."

Gibbs thought it was incredibly sweet that Tony thought of this, "I love you Tony."

"Yeah, me too." Tony said and hung the phone up gently. He turned and saw Byron's perceptive eyes on him, "So, what did the Lt. say?"

"After I take your statement, and since he received a phone call from the Director of NCIS, then I'll go down and release Mr. O'Donoghue." He tossed his report down on his desk, "Do you ever regret leaving?" He meant leaving him, and Tony knew it.

Tony shook his head, "It was better for me to go. You didn't trust me, and I couldn't live like that. The case was the last straw."

"I didn't know that she'd killed him. The evidence I had pointed to someone else. I really thought it was someone else Tony!"

This made Tony grimace, "Yeah, and your lack of trust in me and in my abilities almost got me killed By. Then you could've told me that I was right over my gravesite. Lucky for me I have pretty good reflexes still."

"I said I was sorry." Byron said quietly.

"It was a matter of trust." Tony replied, and for him that said it all.

"DiNozzo?" came Gibb's voice and Tony turned around with a smile, "Hey Boss. I was about to give my statement. How's Matt?"

Gibbs eyed the detective that Tony was talking with suspiciously, there was a history between these two, he'd bet on it. "He's fine. Relieved to know that he's getting out." He moved up to stand beside Tony, his stance screaming, "Mine!"

Byron eyed the two of them, he couldn't miss the protective hovering that the older man was doing. He held out his hand, "I'm Detective Byron Chandler."

Gibbs took the offered hand, "I'm Special Agent Gibbs, and Matt's father." He stepped back to stand beside Tony. Tony noticed and gently nudged him, "Boss, why don't you wait with Shannon while I make my statement?" He asked, but knew what Gibbs would say.

"I'm fine."

Tony rolled his eyes, his lover could sometimes be entirely predictable. "Ok."

Byron gestured to the chair beside his desk, and Gibbs snagged one from another, straddling it backwards while he listened to Tony give a clear and concise statement regarding his son. After the detective printed it out, he had Tony sign it, then attached it to the report. The men stood and Byron gave a slight smile, "Well Tony, we've missed you around here."

"Well, I guess I might miss the St. Pat's parade here, but the rest of you slobs? No way." Tony teased. He didn't miss the slight gleam of hurt in Byron's eyes, but no way was he gonna say anything personal in front of Gibbs. He turned to his lover, "Ready?"

"Born ready." Gibbs said, giving a polite nod to the detective, "Thanks for your help detective." There only mild sarcasm in his tone.

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding." The two men had locked eyes and Tony sighed, then took Gibb's arm, "Come on Boss, let's go see Matt." He jerked the arm not so gently and Gibbs looked at him, "Ok, no need to wrinkle the jacket."

"Uh huh." Tony said.


They met Matt and his mom as they came down the stairs, "Hey Matt, how did you like your time behind bars?" Tony asked cheerfully.

Matt grinned, "The bed wasn't so bad but the food sucked." He looked at the detective that had arrested him, "Do you know who killed Gina? And why wasn't she in Naples? That was the last place I had a letter from her."

Byron crossed his arms thoughtfully, "I have an idea. I have to follow up on a lead, then I'll call Tony and let him know."

"I'll hold you to that." Matt said quietly.


Outside Tony was talking to some of his old colleagues while Gibbs said his goodbyes to Matt and Shannon, "Are you sure you're ok Matt?"

Matt nodded, "I'll be better when he finds Gina's killer." He gave his dad a hug, "Sorry about this."

Gibbs squeezed his son tight, "Don't be stupid. Let me know if your command needs an official explanation."

"Ok Dad." The two men parted with a final pat on the back. Gibbs turned to Shannon, "Hey beautiful lady. Take care of the kid."

Shannon smiled, "He's old enough to take care of himself Jethro. By the way, I like Tony." They looked over to where Tony was speaking animatedly to some of his old friends. He looked their way and smiled, then looked at Gibbs, and Matt and Shannon could see the love that shone in his eyes.

"I'm pretty fond of him, myself." Gibbs admitted. "Come on DiNozzo!" He bellowed, enjoying the wince that he got in return.

"Coming Boss." Tony called, fond exasperation clear in his voice.


Gibbs was quiet as they drove back to Virginia. Tony kept throwing glances his way, then after awhile he sighed, "You wanna tell me what's going on in that handsome head of yours?"

"How long were you and Chandler lovers?"

"Six months." Tony said promptly, and saw Gibbs relax. "What, you thought I'd lie about it? Jethro, I told you I was experienced before we became lovers. I have nothing to lie about."

Gibbs rolled his shoulders uncomfortably, "I guess, I wondered what happened between you. And whether you'd want him back." He shot an apologetic look at his lover, "He's good looking."

Tony turned in his seat, "Yeah he is. We started out as partners, then became lovers. He didn't trust me and not because of something I did, then because he withheld vital information to a case we were working on, he almost got me killed. You trust me, and that's important. And no, I'd never want him back." He turned back and faced forward, a grin on his face, "Besides, you've got a bigger cock."

Gibb's shoulders quivered as he tried to suppress his laughter. After a moment he said, "Well, that's something I suppose."

"Yes, yes it is." Tony said with supreme satisfaction and Gibbs finally began to laugh.



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