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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

The Cavalry


Face is shot


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The Cavalry
By Cassiopia

It will be dark soon, and I don't know if I can keep him going all night on my own. I wish I knew where the others are. I wish at least one of them was here, even Amy would be better than trying to do this alone.

He's shaking again. I wipe his brow off with the remains of my torn up T-Shirt. Most of it is already tied around the hole in his thigh. He moans, but he doesn't try to move this time. He is getting weaker.

It is getting so cold, the desert at night is not a good place to be for someone fit and healthy and dressed appropriately, much less for one person with a GSW in his thigh slowly bleeding to death, and another half clothed.

I sigh and sit back to watch the road. We were dumped a good two miles from here, right out in the wilderness. I had to carry him and it took us a while. He tried to walk for a bit, but he'd been pretty beaten up before they shot him. Took all day to trek two lousy miles.

Why did Hannibal have to send us in against the Mafia, and where was the back up when we needed it. No, I can worry about that later, at the moment he is my main concern.

I hope that they were not caught.

I stare down the road again, it is silent and empty for as far as the eye can see. They said it would be. A deserted back road to a deserted gold rush town.

He is whimpering now, the hallucinations have started. If they don't find us soon he will die.

I shuffle closer and lie down beside him so that I can see down the road as I hold him.

What I would pay for even Decker to drive down there right now.

He grabs my hand and clings tightly to me. I know he doesn't want to die here. It isn't that he is afraid, he lost that fear long ago, he just doesn't want to die yet, not like this.

He gives a soft moan and nuzzles against me, trying to get even closer than we already are. I stroke his hair and tell him it will be alright. He whispers something about warmth.

We lie together on the cold, hard ground for hours. I have done all I can, but I feel as though I should be doing something, I just don't want to leave him just in case... well, just in case.

He lost consciousness a few minutes ago, I know this is it and I hold him tighter with tears in my eyes. Then I hear it, an engine in the distance, drawing closer. I recognize it instantly, I have heard it so often for so long. Standing up I wave my arms desperately and pray that they got her soon enough.

"It'll be OK Face" I call, "The cavalry is here."



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Cassiopia.
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