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Part 9 of MiSS
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

MiSS -Conversations With Dead People - Three left 'Xander'


Title: Three left
Rating: FRT13
Author: Mera

Series: part of MiSS but is a Ficlet.

Warning: Not very happy. Character death.

Summary/ Author Note: See Three Left '1'

Thanks goes out to Janet like always for the valuable beta help! *smoochies*


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Three Left '3'
by Mera


He was sleeping. That was when he heard it. Someone was calling out his name.

Xander pushed up on his elbows and blinked sleepily. He strained his ears to hear... nothing. He yawned before falling heavily back on his pillow. Not a second later it was back, a chocked whisper, scratching at the edge of his hearing.

Sighing tiredly, Xander sat back up. "Leave it to Hellmouth creepy-ness to gang up on my beauty sleep."

"Always with the stupid jokes," the tone was louder now, disapproving.

The young man rubbed his face. "Great, I'm being haunted by a comic critique!"

"Hi there Buddy!" A grinning boy came into the soft light from the window.

Xander gasped, "Jesse." He frowned, squinted his eyes then pinched himself, hard. "Ow! Okay that hurt... and you're still here even though you're dead."

Jesse nodded. "Yeah, who knew you had the guts."

"Wha...?" Xander started confused.

"Xander you killed me!"

"No..." Xander shook his head. "It wasn't you. A- and I didn't... it was an accident..." He had had this conversion before, several times in fact, after that fateful night. In his dreams it would be like this. He would try and explain. Say that he had meant to help his friend, that he knew he was there somewhere, a part of him, in that body. The stake wasn't for him. He never had a chance. Always his friend would turn to ash right before his eyes and he would wake up screaming the scream of anguish he wanted to release that night. He never looked at a vampire the same way after that, always looking at them and seeing the chance his friend never got.

"Have you ever told yourself why you hate vampires and yet you hang out with one? You fought by his side and now by another in his place... even though it's all for nothing... they need him not you... you're worthless... weak... just a burden." Xander shied his eyes to the other side of his bed where two pictures came into view, a bitter sweet picture of him with his two best friends. And another, again, of him with his two best friends this time one replaced another.

"You're not him. That wasn't him," Xander said under his breath refusing to allow any indication show that he was affected by this aberration as he gazed at the photos.

Jesse's face blocked his vision. "You're a nothing and that's all you'll ever be. A kid hiding from his father... hiding from the world behind meaningless jokes... you are a joke. What do they need you for? Even a new kid will have more talent than you could ever have."

Xander's face twisted but he refused to relent, to give any response or indication that he was affected by the face and voice of his dead friend spewing hurtful to the core words.

He, however, turned his face to the other side where the curtains were still letting in some of the street light into the room. Xander wanted to get up. To close the only source of light so he wouldn't be forced to see that face. That same face that was creeping into his vision that very moment. He hated being weak. He never dreamed he would shut his friend off like that but he reminded himself that his friend, Jessie, died. His eyelids closed as he tried to lock the intruder out of his mind.

"All you could manage is staking your ex-friends. I was turned so that made me evil. You sentenced me to death. Doesn't matter if it was an accident... you carried the stake that meant you intended to use it. And here you are associating with vampires, falling in love with a demon ... wasn't poor Jesse up to your quota??" The boy's whispers breezed into Xander's ears and yet he refused to look. To open his eyes. He knew that wasn't his friend. That it was something taking his form, his voice, like before yet different. He didn't wish his memory of his friend to be tainted more than it already was.

"She won't protect you... sure as hell when the end comes they won't need you. She'll send you away so you won't get in the way... all for nothing." Xander's eyes opened in time to see the last words, words he never dreamed would be uttered from that mouth, be spoken on ashen dead skin and broken lips, "Just like you will always be... nothing."

Then Xander's vision was filled with gray.



This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Mera.
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